Dawn of War/Chaos Lord

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"Forces of Chaos, bow to me!"

— when a Chaos Lord is finished training

The Chaos Lord is the main leader of the Chaos army. Ruthless and cunning, he is blessed by the Dark Powers, giving him superior strength and stamina.

Lord Bale led forces from the Alpha Legion in the original Dawn of War. Lord Crull commanded the Blood Legion of Khorne in their perpetual war with the Orks on Lorn V in Winter Assault. The Word Bearers followed Eliphas the Inheritor's bid for redemption on Kronus in Dark Crusade. Firaeveus Carron led the Alpha Legion out of the Warp Storm in their assault on the Kaurava System in Soulstorm.


  • Commander Unit (Primary).
  • Boosts morale recovery when attached to squads.
  • Ability upgrades provide attack bonuses for himself and troops.
  • Can be possessed by the Bloodthirster
  • Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry. Excels at close combat.


Chaos Lords have:

  • 1305 Hit Points
  • 600 Morale
  • Deals 135-165 melee damage
  • Deals 54-56 ranged damage


In melee combat, the Chaos Lord can go blow for blow with almost every commander in the game. Initially, he will defeat any commander available at the game's start, even the Space Marine Force Commander, the Ork Big Mek, or the Necron Lord, in 1-on-1 combat. Because of this, the Chaos user should be unafraid of sending him into battle where he will certainly earn his value. His auspex can also be used to keep an eye on locations and choke points through which the enemy will most certainly pass. Against the Eldar, it works wonders in protecting areas that the Eldar might seek to build a hidden Webway Gate.

In small early engagements between forces, it is often advantageous to try and eliminate the accompanying enemy commander first. Targeting him with both the Chaos Lord and any accompanying troops will typically result in the quick death of the opposing commander. Normally the Chaos Lord and some of the accompanying troops will be left to face the remaining infantry. Commander armor is the toughest in the game and early on, even if the Chaos Lord has but a fraction of his health, he will still be able to decimate entire squads because his commander armor is so tough. Eliminating enemy commanders who can typically do the most damage to the Chaos Lord's commander armor will lengthen the lifespan of the Chaos Lord. In this way, the Chaos Lord's attack and presence, blow for blow, is incredibly powerful.

The Chaos Lord tends to fall away during the Tier 2 stage for the Chaos faction. Tier 2 typically brings with it large squads of upgraded, powerful ranged units for most races, units that will make it difficult for the Chaos Lord to approach them in melee combat, despite his powerful commander armor. Instead, the Chaos Sorcerer with his slew of spells and teleporting abilities seems to be the better fit in Tier 2. Most Chaos users seem to spend Tier 2 upgrading their Chaos Lord's health and damage instead of actively trying to use the Chaos Lord in skirmishes (unless necessary).

In Tier 3, the Chaos Lord will typically re-emerge since his health and strength will have been dramatically increased. He can better survive the powerful ranged units of the Tier 2 class, as most types gain no new major upgrades besides health bonuses with the advent of Tier 3. At this point, he may be fully upgraded in terms of health and damage and may even have the Daemon Prince transformation charged. The Chaos Lord fully upgraded does incredible melee damage to all units (especially vehicles with the vehicle high armor type). His Daemon Strength is useful to finish off enemy commanders and can turn the tide of battle as it increases his melee damage considerably. The Chaos Lord in Tier 3 also has the ability to transform into the powerful Daemon Prince, the second most powerful Chaos unit, after the Bloodthirster. Be aware that, while during his Daemon Prince transformation, the Chaos Lord is invincible, there is a slight delay after it is selected during which the Chaos Lord will still take damage and may die if he had too little health at the time, canceling the transformation. The player does not lose the charge however and the transformation is immediately available as soon as the Chaos Lord is rebuilt. However, the inability to use the Daemon Prince, especially at a critical point in a battle, may spell the end for the Chaos user. Finally, once the Daemon Prince is on the field, the Chaos Lord cannot be rebuilt until the Daemon Prince is destroyed.


Tainted Auspex

Tainted Auspex Hotkey: N
[1] Requires Nothing
Target Types Terrain
Range 15
Area of effect 17 Cooldown time 45 s
Cost [2] 15 
Effects The Chaos Lord deploys an Auspex Device that acts as a spotter and detector within its Area of Effect. The Auspex can be shot at and destroyed like normal (it has 50 hitpoints and Building Low armor) but infiltrates after 5 seconds.

Symbol of Chaos

Symbol of Chaos
[3] Requires Symbol of Chaos Research
Target Types all friendly Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Daemons, and Commanders
Range 0
Area of effect 15 Cooldown time Passive ability
Effects All friendly infantry, heavy infantry, Daemons, and commanders within the area of effect have their damage increased by 10%.

Daemon Strength

Daemon Strength Hotkey: D
[4] Requires Daemon Strength Research
Target Types Self
Range 0
Area of effect 0 Cooldown time 200 s
Effects The Chaos Lord's weapon damage is increased by 50% for 30 seconds.

Summon Daemon Prince

Summon Daemon Prince Hotkey: S
[5] Requires Daemon Prince Research
Target Types Self
Range 0
Area of effect 0 Cooldown time Single use ability
Effects When activated the Chaos Lord ascends to a Daemon Prince.


Bolt Pistol

Bolt Pistol
[6] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 30.9 43.0 30.1 46.4 30.3 22.3 17.3 8.9 4.3 17.3 34.8 6.2 4.3 45.1 11.1 2.1 4 50 62 4

Cost Default Weapon Range 25 Setup Time 0 s
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 85% Refire Rate 0.8 s
Area of Effect 0 Requires Nothing

Accursed Crozius

Accursed Crozius
[7] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 68.1 144.0 132.8 155.2 132.8 65.5 55.7 44.5 170.2 5.0 58.3 23.4 26.0 170.1 170.1 30 60 168 206 5
Commander Veteran Upgrade: 78.3 165.6 152.7 178.5 152.7 75.3 64.1 51.2 195.7 5.0 67.1 26.9 29.9 195.7 195.7 30 60 193.2 236.9 5
Commander Hero Upgrade: 93.9 198.7 183.2 214.2 183.2 90.3 76.9 61.4 234.8 5.0 80.5 32.3 35.9 234.8 234.8 30 60 231.8 284.3 5

Cost Default Weapon Range Melee Setup Time 0 s
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 100% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect 0 Requires Nothing
Notes With each blow, the Accursed Crozius inflicts a slow poison that deals 5 DPS for 8 s and cuts the target's movement speed in half for 4 seconds.

Weapon Upgrades

Plasma Pistol

Plasma Pistol
[8] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 65.0 62.8 63.3 62.5 63.8 46.9 25.1 18.6 16.3 25.1 37.5 16.3 16.3 44.8 23.3 3.3 10 183.194 201. 681 25

Cost See Wargear: Plasma Pistols Range 25 Setup Time 0 s
Build Time See Wargear: Plasma Pistols Accuracy 65% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect 0 Requires Wargear: Plasma Pistols
Notes Once researched, the Plasma Pistol permanently replaces the Bolt Pistol.

Researchable Upgrades

Wargear: Plasma Pistols

Wargear: Plasma Pistols Hotkey: L
[9] Cost [10] 50 [11] 30  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Chaos Armoury
Requires Nothing
Effects Upgrades all Aspiring Champions, Raptor Aspiring Champions, the Chaos Lord, and the Chaos Sorcerer to Plasma Pistols.

Commander Veteran Upgrade

Commander Veteran Upgrade Hotkey: R
[12] Cost [13] 100 [14] 25  Research Time 45 s
Researched From Sacrificial Circle
Requires Desecrated Fortress
  • Hitpoints of Chaos Lord increased by 400 to 2030.
  • Hitpoints of Chaos Sorcerer increased by 300 to 1300.
  • The recharge time of the Chaos Lord and the Sorcerer's abilities reduced by 10%.
  • Damage of the Chaos Lord's Accursed Crozius and the Sorcerer's Bedlam Staff increased by 15%.
  • Health regeneration rate of the Chaos Lord and the Sorcerer is increased by 0.5 to 2.5.

Commander Hero Upgrade

Commander Hero Upgrade Hotkey: R
[15] Cost [16] 125 [17] 50  Research Time 60 s
Researched From Sacrificial Circle
Requires Commander Veteran Upgrade, Unholy Monastery
  • Hitpoints of Chaos Lord increased by a further 400 to a 2430 in total.
  • Hitpoints of Chaos Sorcerer increased by a further 300 to a 1600 in total.
  • The recharge time of the Chaos Lord and the Sorcerer's abilities reduced by a further 10% (19% total).
  • Damage of the Chaos Lord's Accursed Crozius and the Sorcerer's Bedlam Staff increased by another 20% (38% total).
  • Health regeneration rate of the Chaos Lord and the Sorcerer is increased by a further 0.5 to 3 in total.

Symbol of Chaos Research

Symbol of Chaos Research Hotkey: W
[18] Cost [19] 60 [20] 20  Research Time 70 s
Researched From Sacrificial Circle
Requires Desecrated Fortress
Effects Activates the Chaos Lord's and Daemon Prince's Symbol of Chaos ability.

Daemon Strength Research

Daemon Strength Research Hotkey: C
[21] Cost [22] 100 [23] 25  Research Time 80 s
Researched From Sacrificial Circle
Requires Symbol of Chaos Research, Unholy Monastery
Effects Enables the Chaos Lord's and the Daemon Prince's Daemon Strength ability.

Daemon Prince Research

Daemon Prince Research Hotkey: D
[24] Cost [25] 250 [26] 250  Research Time 60 s
Researched From Daemon Pit
Requires Desecrated Fortress and that the Daemon Prince is not already on the battlefield.
Effects Enables a single global use of the Chaos Lord to use the Daemon Prince ability and ascend to Daemon Prince status. NOTE: Unless you acquire the Daemonic Ascension wargear you cannot transform Eliphas the Inheritor into a Daemon Prince in the campaign.


When selected

  1. Show me the enemy.
  2. What do you want?
  3. I seethe with purpose.
  4. Do not trifle with me, worm.
  5. I am here to lead you.
  6. Cross me, and die!
  7. Back off!

When ordered to move

  1. They hear their doom approaching.
  2. The ground trembles with every step.
  3. Take me to them, that I may render judgment.
  4. I go.
  5. We play it your way, for now.
  6. Don't think you can order me around!

When ordered to attack

  1. I will shatter their souls!
  2. Feast on their flesh!
  3. Slaughter them all!

When moving to attack

  1. The forces of Chaos call for your destruction!
  2. For Chaos!
  3. Fear the taint!

When attacking

  1. Pathetic creatures!
  2. Can no one offer me a challenge?!
  3. You weaklings!
  4. Meet your death!
  5. Your soul is mine!
  6. Destroy them all!
  7. Can you weaklings not fight any better?!
  8. Kill! KILL!

When attaching to a squad

  1. Come, my minions, let us steal their souls.
  2. You rabble are undeserving of my presence.

When leaving a squad

  1. Go now, and spread the taint as I have shown you.
  2. Weaklings! I will fight alongside you no longer.

When morale has been depleted

  1. We are defeated! Accept your weakness and fall back!
  2. Back into the shadows, to fight another day!
  3. Fall back and regroup!
  4. We will be back!

When morale has been restored

  1. You didn't truly expect to stop the forces of Chaos?
  2. We have returned!
  3. Our vengeance shall be swift and brutal.

When using Daemon Strength

  1. Forces of Chaos! FILL ME WITH POWER!
  2. Now, I have the power to destroy everything!

When embarking a transport

  1. Do not make me wait.
  2. Get me to battle.

When leaving a transport

  1. Find me more souls to corrupt.