Dawn of War/Cultist Squad

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"We are Chaos, Chaos is strong!"

— when a Cultist Squad is finished training

Cultist Squads are a basic infantry unit for Chaos in Dawn of War. They can be trained at the Desecrated Stronghold for 80 Requisition and requires 2 Squad population. Each squad always start out with 4 members by default but can be increased at a price of 20 Requisition.


  • Infantry
  • Scout/Meat shield. High numbers but weak combat ability.
  • Can be upgraded with weapons to become effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.
  • Can be upgraded with the Infiltration ability (stealth).
  • Effective against infantry.


Cultist Squads have:

  • 180 HP (155 before Dark Crusade)
  • 300 Morale
  • Deals 18-22 melee damage
  • Deals 12-14 ranged damage
  • Have a maximum squad size of 10.
  • Have a maximum weapon upgrade limit of 3.


Cultists are cheap and easy to mass-produce, a bit like Imperial Guardsmen except more effective in melee than ranged combat (unless equipped with heavy weapons). Cultist Squads can be equipped with grenade launchers or plasma guns just like Guardsmen. They can infiltrate (with research) and their squad leader (Aspiring Champion) can detect infiltrated units. The leader can also be used for the Bloodthirster transformation. It is best to mow them down with heavy bolter fire before they tie you up in melee. A single Land Speeder will also make short work of Cultists.


When selected

  1. We can serve you, we are eager to please.
  2. Yes, lord?
  3. How can I serve?
  4. You favor us with your attentions.
  5. Grant us the gifts of the Chaos Gods, great one.
  6. Enemies of the Dark Gods, beware!
  7. We will serve you, and in return...grant us the power of the Dark Gods.
  8. What is your wish, great one?

When moved

  1. Wherever you wish.
  2. We are eager to prove ourselves.
  3. Crush! Kill! Hah, hah, destroy!
  4. We are your favorites, are we not?
  5. You are the master.
  6. Yes, master. Right away, master.
  7. As you command.

When ordered to attack

  1. For the great Gods!
  2. Destroy them...
  3. Attack, attack, attack!
  4. Kill them all.

When moving to attack

  3. For the Dark Gods!

When attacking

  1. Kill! Maim! Destroy!
  2. All...shall fall...to Chaos! Ahahaha!
  3. Die! DIE!
  4. Kill! Heh heh, kill! Ha hah, KILL!
  5. How have we failed?!
  6. Ergh! Please send us support!

When capturing Strategic Points and Critical Locations

  1. Eheheheh, it is ours for the taking.
  2. We will control this entire world a point at a time.
  3. We shall capture it.

When Strategic Points and Critical Locations have been captured

  1. We captured it for Chaos!
  2. Our victory is assured!

When morale has been depleted

  1. Lord, we need help!
  2. The Gods have forsaken us!
  3. Master! We must FLEE!
  4. The enemy are too strong!

When morale has been restored

  1. Do not punish us! We will not run from the enemy again!
  2. We have returned to the battle. Surely we deserve the gifts of Chaos?
  3. We are ready to fight.

When embarking a transport

  1. Quickly! Go! GO!
  2. This mechanized beast will carry us to battle.

When leaving a transport

  1. Where is the enemy?
  2. That was unpleasant...