A Dangerous Proposal

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Ordered to kill Gabriel Angelos, Farseer Macha has to locate him in order to complete her task.

Mission Prep

For the two possible Elites you can select, the Warp Spider Squadron is useful given their easy teleporting, this will be handy to ambush key positions. Beyond that the Wraithlord is always a good choice.

For the Doctrines, given the types of resource income you will have available this will be more infantry-focused, and Dark Reapers will be a mainstay so Doctrines that enhance them in particular will be useful.

General Notes

You initially start with Macha and a pair of Dire Avenger squads. Just move down the pathway and attack the enemy troops, making sure to prevent any of them from triggering the Alarm console. Once you've defeated them and are joined by the Ranger squad, move forward to the indicated position and you will gain a small base.

The initial main phase of the mission requires you to capture a pair of communication towers. However, between them and your base are multiple enemy positions with additional alarm consoles, and if they get triggered a heavy force will attack you. The consoles do not take much damage to destroy; if fully upgraded a single Fire Prism shot will do the job.

You will find that resource income is a problem on this map, especially Power. You will initially work with infantry squads, but eventually you should try to build up at least two Fire Prisms.

Do not capture the Communication Towers until you have cleared the rest of the map, including both Surveillance Centers at the far western and eastern sections of the map. Once one of them is revealed they will start sending scouting squadrons to find your base. Also be warned, there is a Whirlwind at the far northeastern corner of the map in this stage.

Once you have captured both Communication Towers you will reveal Angelos's base. You need to start by destroying buildings; Fire Prisms will help in this, with a Dark Reaper line to deal with the rushing infantry. Once enough buildings have been destroyed Jonah Orion shows up; you need to reduce him to about 20% health before Gabriel shows up and the mission ends.