Beware False Profits

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A tutorial mission with the Eldar, you will take command of Farseer Macha and lead her through an area collecting up forces as you go.

General Notes

After handling Gabriel and Gorgutz you may find yourself a bit disappointed with Macha. She is nowhere near as tough or as disruptive as either of them, intended more for burst damage at range. Be very careful not to die too early with her.

The frustration with this mission won't end here. The initial income sources you have for your base are puny, yet you have to build up a force strong enough to fight multiple enemy encampments. You will need to be very patient while building up your initial forces and don't attack recklessly. The only combat units you will have available to build are Dire Avengers, Dark Reapers, Banshees and Vypers.

Mission Walkthrough

  • Start moving Macha along the pathway, fighting minor Ork squads as you go and pick up two Dire Avenger squads and a Webway Gate. You will need to use this webway gate for shield regeneration on your forces frequently; above all, do not let Macha die.
  • Eventually you will get to a base site and will gain control of two Banshee squads, two Vypers and the ability to build, but with only a single POC containing a single Requisition and Power node each. This will be your entire income source until you start destroying enemy bases.
  • The main mission is simple; destroy WAAGH towers until the final boss shows up. However, given your drastic lack of income choosing a proper force for this will be tricky. A fleet of Vypers is not recommended; there are multiple Tank Busta sqauds scattered around the map and they can destroy a Vyper in a single salvo, including ones protected by shield bubbles which Vypers cannot break quickly at all. Purely focusing on Banshees and/or Dire Avengers will make you sorely lacking against buildings and vehicles. So your best bet is to build up a large force of Dark Reapers and use forward scouts to give them sighting range; their AOE True damage is your most effective weapon. Build up a decent force of them with the two Banshee squads you received earlier as a defense against rushing melee units, and when you build a Soul Shrine focus your Energy into infantry upgrades instead of building Vypers. Work through the map patiently once you have built up multiple squads.
  • Once you have destroyed at least 4 towers you will gain access to Gitstompa's main base. Head in and see the results of Gorgutz's treachery, then kill Gitstompa and you win.