Big Trakk

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Big Trakk.png

This variation on the Trukk holds massive weaponry rather than troops. Considerably slower than their transporting cousins, these hulking vehicles instead lay down artillery fire on distant foes. While their trakks make them durable, the huge Supa Kannon requires time to set up before firing on its enemies. The Big Trakk’s Loot ability makes them even more deadly, giving it the option to lay mines with its ranged attack, blowing up the unsuspecting victims who happen to trigger them.


Squad Health: 1800

Armour Type: Heavy

Models: 1

Cost: Dow2 req 16.png100 Dow2 pow 16.png325 Dow2 pop 16.png19

Dps Ranged: 52 Armour Piercing

Dps Melee: None

Build Time: 40 seconds

General Notes

Compared to the artillery units of the other races (the marine Whirlwind and the Eldar Fire Prism), the Big Trakk is the only artillery unit able to handle closer-range frontal combat. It can switch combat modes by toggling Kill Em Close or Kill Em Far, switching between artillery and tank mode respectively. In Kill Em Close mode its range and firing rates are lower, but it has no setup/teardown delay, no minimum range and no delay between the landing of a shell and its explosion effectively turning it into a (somewhat more fragile) frontline tank. Kill Em Far mode is the traditional artillery mode with a delayed explosion from when a shell lands, and it appears to have the longest range of the artillery units in this mode.