Category:Elite multiplayer exclusive units

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Chaos Space Marines

Elite csm raptors.png Chaos Raptors Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec anti infantry melee.png Jump pack unit that causes suppression to nearby enemies when landing.
Elite csm terminators.png Chaos Terminators Dow2 tier3.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged 2.png Chaos Terminators are immune to suppression but cannot fall back. When Chaos Terminators kill enemy units they lower their morale reducing their damage done and increasing damage taken.
Elite csm landraider.png Land Raider Phobos Dow2 tier3.png Heavy long-range firebase with transport capabilities. Slow and fragile but dealing very high damage to vehicles.

Space Marines

Elite sm whirlwind.png Whirlwind Dow2 tier2.png Mobile artillery unit that fires disruptive missile barrages.
Elite sm sternguard veteran squad.png Sternguard Veteran Squad Dow2 tier2.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged 2.png First Company veteran infantry. Tough and capable ranged infantry with specialised ammunition to deal with any target.
Elite sm vanguard veteran squad.png Vanguard Veteran Squad Dow2 tier3.png Dow2 dec anti infantry melee 2.png Elite heavy jump infantry. Durable and effective at disruption and melee.

Grey Knights

Elite gk interceptor squad.png Interceptor Squad Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec anti infantry melee.png Heavily armored melee unit that teleports into close combat. Values for Justicar in parentheses.
  1. REDIRECT Elite/Inquisitorial Stormtroopers
Elite gk purgation squad.png Purgation Squad Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged aoe.png Heavily armed ranged squad. Armed with incinerator cannons effective against light infantry, units in cover or garrison, and buildings.
Elite gk strike squad.png Strike Squad Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged 2.png A backbone infantry unit, the Strike Squad is much more effective in close combat than a generic Tactical Squad, but has less ranged firepower. Armed with Nemesis halberds (23.03 melee DPS) and storm bolters (13.68 piercing DPS). Stats for Justicar death given in parentheses.
Elite gk rhino.png Rhino Dow2 tier1.png An early-access vehicle with super heavy infantry armor. Transports infantry units across the battlefield, but cannot reinforce them. Can be upgraded with vehicle armor type and weapons.
Elite gk dreadnought.png Grey Knight Dreadnought Dow2 tier2.png Heavy walker vehicle with psychic powers in addition to its mundane physical might. Armed with a close combat blade (73.33 heavy melee DPS) and a multi-melta cannon (54.29 melta DPS). The ranged weapon may be replaced with a close combat fist, an inferno cannon, or a plasma cannon.
Elite gk librarian.png Terminator Librarian Dow2 tier2.png Dow2 dec anti infantry melee 2.png Psyker sub-commander capable of powerful damage and support abilities. Armed with a Nemesis sword (55.33 power melee DPS) and a storm bolter (17.89 piercing DPS).
Elite gk terminators.png Grey Knight Terminators Dow2 tier3.png Dow2 dec anti infantry melee.png Terminators are elite infantry immune to suppression and able to teleport. Grey Knight Terminators passively sap Dow2 energy 16.png1.7 per second from nearby enemies. Armed with Nemesis force halberds (53.33 power melee DPS with splash damage) and storm bolters (26.15 piercing DPS) they have the option to upgrade their ranged weaponry with an Incinerator or Psycannon. Grey Knight Terminators do not gain experience.
Elite gk paladins.png Grey Knight Paladins Dow2 tier3.png Dow2 dec anti everything melee 2.png Paladins are special Terminators that passively inspire nearby allies, increasing their damage by 5% and decreasing received damage by 10%. Armed with Nemesis force hammers (66.67 heavy melee DPS) and storm bolters (26.15 piercing DPS). Paladins do not gain experience.
Elite gk landraider.png Land Raider Crusader Dow2 tier3.png Heavy transport tank, equipped with hurricane bolters, a multi-melta, and a twin-linked assault cannon. Acts as a reinforce point with a healing aura. Air-dropped to the map by a Thunderhawk. Super unit, cannot level.


Dow2 eld shuriken cannon team.gif Guardian Weapon Team Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec suppression.png
Elite eld dark reaper.png Dark Reaper Squad Dow2 tier2.png Heavily armoured long-range fire support squad with rapid-fire missile launchers. Stats in parentheses for the Exarch.

Elite/Fire Dragon Squad


Elite/Flash Gitz Elite/Painboy


Elite/Doom of Malantai

Imperial Guard

Elite/Kasrkin Elite/Artillery Spotters

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