Dawn of War/Chaos Space Marines (unit)

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"For the Dark Gods!"

— when a Chaos Space Marine is finished training

The Chaos Space Marines are a basic Heavy Infantry unit, having higher stats than the Cultist Squad. They can be equipped with every wargear piece the original tactical marines can, but this is only in the original dawn of war, winter assault and above expansions remove the missile launcher and chaos flamer, only leaving the chaos marines with the havoc bolter and chaos plasma gun. They can be trained at the Chaos Temple for 190 Requisition and requires 2 Squad population. Each squad always start out with 4 members by default but can be increased at a price of 50 Requisition.  


  • Heavy Infantry.
  • Resilient general combat unit strong at ranged and close combat.
  • Broad range of weapon upgrades. Can be upgraded to be effective against most infantry.
  • Can be upgraded with Infiltration (stealth).
  • Effective against infantry.


Chaos Space Marines have:

  • 300 Morale
  • Deals 26-31 melee damage
  • Deals 22-27 ranged damage
  • Have a maximum squad size of 10.
  • Have a maximum weapon upgrade limit of 2.


With the exception of the Aspiring Champion upgrade, any upgrade can be researched up to 4 times under any combination.

AspiringChampionIcon DoW.jpg
  • Aspiring Champion: Costs 75 Requisition and 20 Power. Provides a Heavy Infantry Leader Unit effective against infantry at close combat and boosting squad morale. Can be upgraded with powerful close combat weapons from the Chaos Armory. Can use Berserk Fury ability to restore lost morale.
FlamerIcon DoW.jpg
  • Flamer: Costs 40 Requisition and 10 Power and deals 7-8 ranged damage. Upgrades one squad member to the Hand-held flamethrower heavy weapon. It is short ranged but is effective at breaking enemy morale.
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  • Heavy Bolter: Costs 40 Requisition and 10 Power and deals 96-128 ranged damage. Upgrades one squad member to the Heavy Bolter heavy weapon. Fires large caliber bolt rounds effective at punching through most Infantry armor. It is long ranged and is effective against other infantry. However, it cannot be fired while moving and requires a short setup time of 2 seconds before firing.
PlasmaGunIcon DoW.jpg
  • Plasma Gun: Costs 40 Requisition and 10 Power and deals 95-116 ranged damage. Upgrades one squad member to the Plasma Gun heavy weapon. All plasma weapons use magnetic fields to project super-heated streams of molten plasma. It is medium ranged and is effective against heavy infantry and commander units. It can be fired while moving but is less accurate than if it is stationary.
MissileLauncherIcon DoW.jpg
  • Missile Launcher: Costs 60 Requisition and 15 Power and deals 110-134 ranged damage. Upgrades one squad member to the Missile Launcher heavy weapon. Fires a high-impact, armor-piercing explosive missiles. It is long ranged and is effective against Vehicles and Buildings. Unit must be stationary to fire this weapon. However, it cannot be fired while moving and requires a short setup time of 2 seconds before firing. Although they do little damage against enemy infantry, it can disrupt and demoralize them.


Chaos Space Marines functions very similar to the standard Space Marine fighting force. They have roughly the same abilities and can be upgraded with the same heavy weapons (flamer, heavy bolter, plasma gun, missile launcher). Additionally they can be infiltrated and their squad leader (Aspiring Champion) can detect infiltrated units. You should check which heavy weapons (if any) a squad has before deciding who to take out first - especially watch out for missile launchers targeting your vehicles. Your infantry is most effective with plasma guns; also consider using Raptors or Deep Strike if a squad is hurting you from distance.


When selected

  1. At your command.
  2. Your will?
  3. Yes, master.
  4. My lord.
  5. Yes...?

When moved

  1. On our way.
  2. Death to the False Emperor.
  3. The path to ruin.
  4. As you command.
  5. We are legion.
  6. Grr... When do we attack?

When ordered to attack

  1. They will know pain.
  2. Skulls for the Skull Throne.
  3. Feel our wrath!
  4. Die, scum!
  5. Engaging the enemy!
  6. As you wish.
  7. Feel the wrath of Chaos.

When moving to attack

  1. Rejoice in the coming oblivion!
  2. Maim, kill, burn! Maim, kill, burn!
  3. Death to the enemy!
  4. You will be killed by traitor's hands!
  5. Destroy the weak!
  6. Annihilate them!
  7. Attack! ATTAAAACK!
  8. Kill! KILL!

When attacking

  1. Chaos consume you!
  2. You are marked for death!
  3. Despair, for your end is near!
  5. Kill, kill!

When capturing Strategic Points and Critical Locations

  1. For the Dark Gods!
  2. To glory.
  3. For the glory of Chaos.
  4. This honor will be ours.

When Strategic Points and Critical Locations have been captured

  1. It is done!
  2. We will rejoice later. To battle!

When morale has been depleted

  1. Squad broken!
  2. They are too strong!
  3. The battle is lost!
  4. Support us!
  5. Damnation! Where is our support?!

When morale has been restored

  1. The Gods favor us!
  2. The power of Chaos gives us strength!
  3. We will have our revenge!
  4. Revenge!

When embarking a transport

  1. We are embarking.
  2. We ride to battle.

When leaving a transport

  1. Exit quickly.
  2. To battle.
  3. Deploying now.

When any friendly unit takes damage

  1. We are taking fire!
  2. We are under attack!
  3. The weak fight back!
  4. Meeting resistance!

When encountering enemy

  1. Fresh victims!
  2. Enemy spotted!
  3. (Referring to other Chaos army) A Chaos foe is near.
  4. (Referring to Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Sisters of Battle) Lapdogs of the False Emperor!
  5. (Referring to Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Sisters of Battle) Defile the fools!
  6. (Referring to Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Sisters of Battle) Die, loyalist scum!
  7. (Referring to Eldar) Ah! Our old foe!
  8. (Referring to Eldar) The Eldar are near.
  9. (Referring to Orks) We see the Orks!
  10. (Referring to Orks) The Green Horde approaches!
  11. (Referring to Orks) Orks are in the area!