Chasing Beauty

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Gabriel Angelos takes a small force to track the Orks while they hunt the Eldar.

Mission Prep

Gabriel Angelos is your only forced Elite allowing you to choose two others. Given the nature of the mission, heavy ranged firepower is extremely recommended; the Venerable Dreadnought and Dawn of War III/Terminator Squad are highly recommended, with the latter's doctrine for removing teardown/setup times for Devastator squads being particularly handy. For Tactics, take your pick but picking tactics that enhance Heavy Bolter Devastator squads is recommended.

General Notes, Hard Difficulty

You start with all of your Elites and a small mixed group of troops, including one Scout squad. Right away set the Scout squad to Hold Fire, you don't want them breaking their stealth and getting killed early.

You will never get access to a base, so every squad loss is permanent; try to avoid this at all costs, you'll need everything you can get for the final battle. You need to move your forces through a rather labyrinthine map, engaging in combat with Orks and some Eldar periodically. You do have some shorter-ranged units like Assault Marines and Tactical Marines; don't let them get into combat to avoid losses. The Venerable Dreadnaught and Terminator squads at the start will give excellent ranged firepower that also slows enemies and Gabriel can deal with any melee units that rush close. There are healing pickups in several locations around the entire map. Don't waste these; whenever you find one, pick out your most wounded and most useful troop squad and have them pick it up for a large heal/reinforcement.

There are bridge control consoles that look like large barrels in certain places that will open up a bridge shortcut instead of having to go a long way around; Gabriel with his Godhammer jump or the Ternimators with their teleport should be able to access it.

You will eventually get notified of some distress beacons of troops that landed in scattered areas of the map. You definitely need to save as many of these squadrons as possible for the final battle. The units in question don't start taking damage until you reveal them on sensors, but they CAN be killed quite easily by the forces attacking them. Figure out your intended route to the beacon indicated on the map, and prepare to do a more aggressive rush towards the beacon to quickly attack the enemy forces to save your squads.

At one point you encounter a larger Eldar force with a Dawn of War III/Wraithlord which can do quite a number on your forces since you won't have any good anti vehicle troops, however Gabriel can handle his attacks quite well and the Venerable Dreadnaught's Maximal Charge attack can do a LOT of damage to it.

One of the eventual beacons for a troop squad at the very northwest corner of the map, which includes a critically useful Devastator Heavy Bolter squad, is completely isolated; there is no ground path to it by default and Gabriel's hammer jump does not have enough range to clear the gap. However, you should have saved multiple Assault Marine squads by this point; jump them and teleport the Terminator squad over the gap rapidly to aggressively engage the Eldar forces, ideally saving the Devastators, then you can activate the bridge console to bring them back across as well as potentially send units to use the two health pickups in the area.

Once you get close enough to the center-north edge of the map it will toggle a final battle where you need to destroy a large Tractor Kannon. Be aggressive on this one; rush your forces forward and kill it as fast as possible before you get overwhelmed. This is then followed by a waiting period where you need to wait for a dropship to come save your forces before a bombardment; make use of the healing items that have shown up in the area. You will win the mission if at least one squad is still alive when the timer expires.