Dawn of War/Guardian Squad

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Guardian Squads are trained at the Webway Assembly for 130 Requisition and 2 Squad Population. Each squad starts out with 4 members which can be increased up to 9 with each reinforcement costing 30 Requisition.


  • Infantry.
  • General combat unit, effective at range.
  • Effective against Infantry.


  • Have 300 Morale.
  • Deal 7-12 melee damage.
  • Deal 12-16 ranged damage.
  • Classified as Infantry and counters other Infantry units.


Guardian Squads are the basic Eldar infantry unit. They are reservists - Eldar who currently pursue non-military Aspects. They are perhaps most like Guardsmen; rather numerous, moderately effective at range and very weak at melee. Any squad with heavy weapons or melee ability will beat them, really. Their squad leader unit, Warlock, provides bonuses, has special abilities, and can detect infiltrated units.


When training has finished

  1. We will fulfill our duty.

When selected

  1. All Eldar must answer the call.
  2. We are here to fulfill our duty.
  3. Guardian Squad ready.
  4. How can we help?
  5. Yes.
  6. What is your wish?
  7. What would you have us do?

When moved

  1. As you wish.
  2. It will be done.
  3. Together.
  4. We move.
  5. We will go swiftly.
  6. Phoenix pattern initiated.
  7. As needs must.
  8. The enemy will heed our warnings, or they will perish.

When ordered to attack

  1. We must hold the enemy back.
  2. Unleash the Swordwind.
  3. Strike swiftly, and true.
  4. Engage with care.
  5. Strike.
  6. They have no hope of survival.

When moving to attack

  1. To the fight.
  2. Take the battle to the enemy.
  3. Rush the enemy position.

When attacking

  1. Attack!
  2. Die!
  3. You will die by Eldar hands!
  4. Why won't you die?!
  5. Prepare to meet your end!
  6. We must prevail!
  7. Exterminate them!

When capturing Strategic Points and Critical Locations

  1. We cannot fail.
  2. Closing in on the objective.
  3. With haste.
  4. With speed.

When Strategic Points and Critical Locations have been captured

  1. Success.
  2. Our mission is successful.

When morale has been depleted

  1. Flee. Their attacks are too powerful.
  2. It cannot end this way.
  3. We cannot win.
  4. We must not waste our lives.
  5. No. We will not survive this.
  6. Our numbers are too few. We must retreat.

When morale has been restored

  1. Regroup.
  2. By the stars... We have survived.
  3. We shall not abandon our duty.
  4. Our warrior heart shines once more.
  5. Assuming combat formation again.
  6. Fate has decided this is not our time...yet.

When embarking a transport

  1. Embarking.
  2. Agreed.

When leaving a transport

  1. Disembarking.
  2. We are here.

When Encountering Enemy

  1. (Referring to Chaos) Vile servants of Chaos approach.
  2. (Referring to Chaos) Chaos Sighted.
  3. (Referring to Orks) The Horde has arrived.
  4. (Referring to Orks) The Orks are on the move.
  5. (Referring to Space Marine) Space Marines are here.
  6. (Referring to Space Marines, Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Battle) The upstart Humans!
  7. (Referring to Space Marines, Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Battle) The Humans have ignored our warnings and for that, they must be exterminated.
  8. (Referring to Space Marines, Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Battle) Mon-Keigh!

When any friendly unit takes damage

  1. Incoming enemy fire.
  2. We are under enemy fire.
  3. We are taking damage.
  4. Danger has found us.