Dawn of War II/Avatar/Strategy

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This is written for patch 2.6.0 balance, which will probably stay final.


The Avatar is the Eldar super unit, a massive melee monster able to beat almost anything 1 on 1. Even though you can use it as a line breaker, however, in the end it is more of a support unit. The passive buffs are often overlooked by inexperienced players and the Avatar is used just to charge in against a full army, which will get it killed quickly.

Despite moving like a walker vehicle, the Avatar's armor type is super heavy infantry, which makes it vulnerable to plasma/inferno weapons and power melee weapons. Because of the large size, anti-vehicle weapons will hit it as well, making it easier to focus fire with any weapons available.


The Avatar's passive aura grants nearby allies 30% improved damage, 30% damage protection and suppression immunity. These buffs are huge. The damage buff alone is better than some Dow2 global 16.png50 globals that last for mere seconds, but it affects multiple units and stays on indefinitely. Because of this the Avatar works best with an actual army (instead of a desperate super unit rush after you've lost everything else).

The Wailing Doom

A very powerful offensive ability, the line shape and long delay make this ability kind of hard to target, but it causes massive damage to all targets. Does ability knockback, which makes it even more deadly on retreating units. Can be used for area denial as well (the lava line will make most units turn back instead of charging your ranged squads).

Khaine's Wrath

A more defensive ability, this damages and knocks back units around the Avatar. The delay is fairly long, so it's not an automatic GTFO card. The ability doesn't affect friendly units, so you can use it freely when fighting with your Banshees or such, and it does retreat knockback, which can be very useful should you find the Avatar on your opponent's retreat path.