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Data version: 2.0.10
Dow2 eld immolator icon.pngDow2 dec upgrade flame.pngDow2 dec hero anti infantry melee.png Unit(s) Warlock Equips an improved witchblade that causes targets to burst into flames, doing 5 piercing damage every second for 5 seconds. Also grants the Immolate ability, which allows you to engulf an area in flames.
Tier 1
Cost Dow2 req 16.png100 Dow2 pow 16.png30 Time (seconds)20

Changes from retail DowII:Retribution

  • Immolator cost increased from Dow2 req 16.png100Dow2 pow 16.png25 to Dow2 req 16.png100Dow2 pow 16.png30