Fortress Militant

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Fortress Militant
Retribution campaign mission
Location Cyrene
Briefing Tyranids: ... not target... but vulnerable... worthwhile... devour...

All: This armor is a sacred relic of the Adeptus Astartes. WE shall deliver it to our Chapter Master. Lord Kyras now serves the dark powers. You now serve the dark powers. This corpse god's base we stand in is not a sactified shrine of your chapter, it is a vault to be plundered! And this Land Raider we have unearthed is not a relic, it is a spoil of war, to be defiled and bent to our will! My lords, come in. Do you read? What is it, whelp? Why do you interrupt? Beg your forgiveness, my lord, but... we've found another one.

Objectives Smash Kyras'forces with your Super Heavy units
Intelligence Support with Troups: Superheavy units are powerfull but not invulnerable. Support them with your troops.