In the Company of Friends

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Gabriel has to fight through enemy Eldar forces to get to reinforcements, then destroy multiple Eldar bases.

Mission Prep

You are forced to have Gabriel Angelos and Solaria as two of your Elites (not that this is a bad thing) allowing you to choose 1 more; the Dawn of War III/Terminator Squad is, as always, a good choice given their extensive ranged firepower.

For your three Doctrines, the below strategy involves hefty use of Landspeeders so the following are good choices:

  • Ablative Armor-Land Speeder, for the improved toughness through a regenerating shield
  • Blessing of the Omnissiah, to allow healing auras to your Listening Posts and production buildings for vehicles
  • The third Doctrine is less important, however Improved Listening Post is a good choice so that any forward listening posts you build for repairs will last longer in combat

General Notes, Hard Mode

Initially you start with Gabriel by himself, and need to move along a path fighting light enemy forces. You will need to use Godsplitter a couple of times both for disruption and crossing gaps. Eventually a very large force will ambush you, but Solaria will drop down to assist. Quickly use her Gatling Barrage on the enemy forces and she will mow through them quickly before Gabriel is killed.

Once this force is defeated you move into a standard combat phase, of building up your base and attacking enemy positions. INITIAL KEY NOTE, there is a significant Eldar force plus webway gate immediately southeast of your base. Bring Gabriel and Solaria as well as some ranged forces over there immediately and destroy them as fast as possible, to prevent an initial surprise attack.

The initial main goals are to destroy two large warp gates that are reinforcing the Eldar, one to the far northwest (referenced by in-game dialogue as the West gate), and an Eastern gate that initially is still stuck in ice but the Eldar will eventually free up, and will start sending attack squadrons to you soon. There is a Heavy Cover dome on the eastern side which is a good defensive position for a couple of Devastator Heavy Bolter squads along with a hidden Scout squad in the stealth cover there for spotting (put the scouts on Hold Fire mode). The other main attack point is the entrance northwest of your base; Solaria and the Terminator squad with a Scout squad spotter should be able to handle the attacks from there.

You do also start with an Annihilator Predator, but given this unit's near uselessness against infantry you're honestly better off sending it on a suicide run out of the northwest entrance of your base to destroy nearby structures, pushing it until it dies so you can free up Support Cap for more speeders.

For your attack forces, as before with the Marines the Dawn of War III/Landspeeder in groups is still utter death to everything the Eldar can throw at you. After building up initial defenses and an Arsenal for upgrades, build up an initial squad of maybe 5 Landspeeders with their Meltas and all Vehicle upgrades, then head out, starting to the immediate west of your base. As before, use hit and run attacks to mow through the enemy forces and buildings, concentrating on the few units that can actually do some damage to Speeders like Dark Reapers, Shadow Spectres and Wraithguards. There are a LOT of resource pickups scattered around the map including places that only Speeders can get to; grab them and keep churning out Landspeeders through Drop Pods as you collect them, and give them Multi Meltas. Back off the squad to your base by a Listening Post with a couple of Servitors to do quick repairs when needed, then head out again. There are also multiple PoCs scattered around the map that your Landspeeders should be able to capture, and once nearby forces are destroyed you can safely build generators on them.

The Eastern large gate is closer to your base and deploys more dangerous attack squads than the western one, so after the initial push due west for destroying nearby forces and getting resource pickups, push towards the Eastern gate to destroy it.

You should easily be able to build up a sizeable Landspeeder squad over time, at least 15 units. Even on the Hard difficulty, the Eldar will simply not be able to handle such a force as it builds up in size, and you should have little to no difficulty destroying everything on the map with only a handful of retreats back to base for repairs (made all the faster by the Healing auras given by the Doctrine). Save the northwest large gate for last, which starts the final stage.

In the final stage, there is a sizeable Eldar force in the northernmost corner of the map along with a Wraithknight. Be warned, the Focused Beam attack of the Wraithknight can instantly destroy a whole cluster of your Landspeeders, but it will only fire this if a group of your Landspeeders stay still while attacking a target. So never stop moving them, and you win this mission once the Wraithknight is killed.