Mount Siccaris

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Mount Siccaris
Retribution (Optionnal) campaign mission
Location Typhon Primaris
Briefing Tyranids: ... unsuspecting... prey... consume...

All: Brothers and sisters... the human ships have carved large fissures into the world... some deep enough to cleave the buried craftworld. We... we located the Infinity Circuit. The flames reached deep, and... every biodome, every... every soul stone... ... ther was no flicker of spirit. Not... not a single one. Nothing remains for us here. All are to report to the Webway Assembly. Once we return to the Webway, we will collapse the channel to the craftworld, sealing this tomb for eternity.

Objectives Destroy the Webway Gates

II: Destroy the Webway assembly

Intelligence Target Webway Gates: Destroying Webway Gates will slow the Eldar's escape

Garrisons and ArmoredThe Eldat warhost is well fortified. Deploy with anti-vehicle and anti-building weaponry.
