Retribution/Catachan Devils

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Catachan Devils
Rt ig devils squad.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged aoe.png Dow2 dec upgrade detector.png Faction Imperial Guard Health 840 Buy Reinf. Upkeep
Tier 1 Courage 100 Dow2 requisition.png 400 50 5.1
Armor infantry Sight radius 40 Dow2 power.png 40 5
Size small Detect radius 30 Dow2 popcap.png 10 2
XP value 110 Speed 5 Dow2 time.png 28 5.25
Death +7 Model count 4+1
Melee skill 70
Seasoned jungle fighters effective in close combat, who also carry versatile ranged weapons. Squad leaders are always the last to die. Can detect infiltrated units. Data version: 3.19.1

The Catachan Devils are an Imperial Guard commando unit, a squad of veteran jungle fighters from the Death World of Catachan. They are the only Imperial Guard detector unit in addition to functioning as anti-melee, utility and soft anti-vehicle.

  • The squad detects infiltrated units
  • High ranged damage and extremely high melee damage
  • Has two knockback abilities to counter both melee and set-up squads
  • Has smoke grenades to defend against ranged fire
  • Can be upgraded to plant remote-detonated bombs
  • Can be upgraded to infiltrate when standing still
  • Can be upgraded with a melta gun for some anti-vehicle damage

The squad has an unusual model roster, starting with 4 regular models and a special grenade launcher man who has 0 health and dies last, his damage distributed to the other models. Upgrades can add a special Demo Man model with an improved shotgun, and a Sarge model with a melta gun. These squad leaders will also distribute damage to other models and die last.

Army Level upgrades

  • Army Level 6: Enhanced Shotguns (epic shotgun model)
