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Anti-Grav Grenade   
Dow2 eld anti grav grenade.png Unit(s) Warp Spider Exarch Throws a grenade which counters gravity in radius 7 for 8 seconds, levitating and disabling infantry units with weapon knockback. Levitated units take 25% less damage. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Anti-Grav Grenade
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Avatar Aura   
Dow2 sm combat expert.png Unit(s) Avatar Allied infantry units within 20 radius do 30% more damage, receive 30% less ranged damage, and are immune to suppression.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Banshee Exarch Aura   
Dow2 ran battle lust.png Unit(s) Howling Banshees Howling Banshee squads led by an Exarch gain 0.5 more speed.
Requires Banshee Exarch
Cost Always active
Dow2 eld channel.png Unit(s) Warlock Forms a psychic bond with the targeted allied infantry unit, healing them for 10 health every second and increasing energy regeneration by 200% for 15 seconds. The Warlock must remain stationary or the bond is broken. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Channeling Runes
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Cloaking Shroud   
Dow2 eld cloaking shroud.png Unit(s) Warlock Infiltrates allies in radius 15 around the Warlock and lowers their received ranged damage by 15% and received suppression by 30%. The Warlock gains 50% lowered received ranged damage and 25% lowered received suppression.
Requires Cloak of Shadows
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png3 per second
Dow2 eld psychic blast.png Unit(s) Warlock Fires a roiling blast of psychic energy that does 54 grenade damage in radius 5. Cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Nothing
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Dow2 eld doom.png Unit(s) Farseer Increases the received damage of an enemy unit by 40% for 10 seconds. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Doombringer
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Dow2 eld embolden icon.png Unit(s) Guardian Squad Break suppression and boost the squad's damage by 25% while taking 50% less suppression damage. Duration 12 seconds, cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Warlock
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png25
Energy Field   
Rt eld energy field.png Unit(s) Falcon Activates an energy shield that causes damage to reduce energy rather than health. Shield strength is 5 damage taken per 1 energy drained.
Requires Energy Field
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png1 per 5 damage
Energy Shield   
Dow2 eld energy shield icon.png Unit(s) Guardian Squad Deploy a directional wraithbone shield that offers "energy shield" type cover (perfect protection) to infantry behind it. The shield can absorb 1000 damage before disappearing.
Requires Battle Equipment
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45 Time (seconds)5
Dow2 eld entangle.png Unit(s) Warp Spider Exarch Immobilizes the targeted enemy infantry unit for 7 seconds. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Entangling Web
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Ethereal Slash   
Dow2 eld ethereal slash.png Unit(s) Warlock Slashes enemies with a myriad of ethereal blades. The Warlock attacks in each direction, doing 25 melee damage and weapon knockback in radius 5 along a line of length 12.5. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Witchblade of Kurnous
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png80
Fleet of Foot   
Rt eld fleet of foot.png Unit(s) Various Eldar infantry Gain +3 speed for 10 seconds, but deliver 80% less ranged damage and 40% less melee damage for the duration. Howling Banshees with the Exarch also take 50% less ranged damage. Cooldown 35 seconds.
Requires Varies
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Rt eld energy field.png Unit(s) Autarch Activates a force shield that causes damage to reduce energy rather than health. Shield strength is 4 damage taken per 1 energy drained.
Requires Forceshield
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png1 per 4 damage
Dow2 eld fortune.png Unit(s) Farseer Reduces the received damage of an allied unit by 30% for 15 seconds. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Armor of Fortune
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Group Teleport   
Dow2 eld group teleport.png Unit(s) Warp Spider Exarch Teleports the Warp Spider Exarch and all allied infantry in radius 15 to the targeted location after an 8 second delay. Units preparing to jump are immune to knockback. Cooldown 90 seconds.
Requires Improved Warp Generator
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png65
Dow2 eld guide.png Unit(s) Farseer Increases the range and damage of an allied infantry unit by 30% for 10 seconds. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Haywire Grenade   
Dow2 eld haywire grenade icon.png Unit(s) Warp Spider Squad Throws an anti-vehicle grenade at an enemy vehicle or monstrous creature. Haywire grenades do 160 melta damage, reduce speed by 60%, and disable weapons for 15 seconds. Cooldown 48 seconds.
Requires Aspect of Warp Spider
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Heart of Darkness   
Dow2 eld heart of darkness.png Unit(s) Warlock Instantly restores 150 health and 80 energy to the Warlock. Ability charged by taking 250 damage. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Heart of Darkness
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png0 (must be charged)
Heavy Gauge Filament   
Dow2 eld heavy gauge filament.png Unit(s) Warp Spider Exarch Switches the death spinner to a heavier gauge filament that does weapon knockback on hit. Drains 3.5 energy per second and disables energy regeneration when active.
Requires Heavy Gauge Death Spinner
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png3.5 per second
Dow2 eld holo field.png Unit(s) Rangers Deploys a holo-field at the target area that lasts for 30 seconds. Any units within radius 15.5 of the field become infiltrated. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Pathfinder Gear
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
HQ Aura   
Dow2 sm healing aura.png Unit(s) HQ buildings Allied infantry units within a radius of 25 of the HQ can reinforce and get healed for 1% of their maximum health every second. Heroes are healed for 2.5% of their maximum health.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Immolate (Warlock)   
Dow2 eld immolate.png Unit(s) Warlock Engulfs an area of 7 radius within 40 range in wreathing flames, doing 15 ability flame damage every second for 7 seconds. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Immolator
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Infiltrate (Eldar)   
Dow2 eld infiltrate icon.png Unit(s) Rangers Become invisible. Attacking or using abilities will partially reveal the squad. Partially revealed units have received damage lowered by 20%. Can be fully revealed by detector units, capturing points, or getting too close to enemy units. Drains 1.5 energy per second.
Requires Pathfinder Gear
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png10 then Dow2 energy 16.png1.5 per second
Khaine's Wrath   
Dow2 eld khaines wrath icon.png Unit(s) Avatar Build up Khaine's murderous rage, decimating enemies near the Avatar in radius 30 after a 3.8 second delay. Enemies caught in the blast receive 100 melta damage, 1000 courage damage, and ability knockback. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Kinetic Pulse   
Dow2 eld kinetic pulse icon.png Unit(s) Rangers Fires a high-impact, low-damage blast of kinetic energy that does weapon knockback in radius 5 of the target. Cooldown 75 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Rt eld leap.png Unit(s) Autarch Break suppression and leap to targeted location, doing weapon knockback to enemy infantry in radius 5. The Autarch and allied infantry in radius 12 are healed for 30 health, and their speed is increased by 1.5 and damage by 20% for 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png30
Levitation Field   
Dow2 eld levitation field.png Unit(s) Farseer Lifts enemies in radius 10 around the Farseer into the air, disabling them for 6.5 seconds with weapon knockback. At the end of the ability, targets are thrown and take 50 piercing damage. Levitated enemies take 25% less damage. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Gravity Blade
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Melee Resistance Aura   
Dow2 sta hardened armor.png Unit(s) Heroes and most melee units This unit always takes 40% less damage from melee weapons. Does not affect damage from ranged weapons.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Mind War   
Dow2 eld mind war.png Unit(s) Farseer Engages in a duel of minds with a single enemy infantry unit. The target takes 50 heavy melee damage and 100 courage damage every second for 5 seconds. Cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Ghosthelm
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Phase Shift   
Dow2 eld phase shift.png Unit(s) Warp Spider Exarch Shifts the Warp Spider Exarch and all units within radius 15 out of phase with the physical realm. Phase shifted units are disabled, invulnerable, and immune to knockback. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Phase Armor
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Plasma Grenade   
Dow2 eld plasma grenade icon.png Unit(s) Guardian Squad Throw a grenade with 22 range, causing up to 260 grenade damage and weapon knockback in a 4.5 radius. 75 second cooldown.
Requires Battle Equipment
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Dow2 eld providence.png Unit(s) Warlock Become invulnerable, immune to weapon knockback, and have energy regeneration increased by 25 e/s for 25 seconds. The Warlock's other ability cooldowns are reduced to 10% of normal if used while Providence is active. Ability charged by taking 450 damage. 150 second cooldown.
Requires Providence
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png0 (must be charged)
Psychic Shield   
Dow2 eld psychic shield.png Unit(s) Warlock Creates a psychic shield that causes damage to reduce energy rather than health. Shield strength is 5 damage taken per 1 energy drained.
Requires Champion's Robe
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png1 per 5 damage
Rejuvination Field   
Dow2 eld holo field.png Unit(s) Webway Gate The Webway projects a field in radius 20 that increases the health regeneration of allied units by 8 hp/s for 10 seconds. 55 second cooldown.
Requires Warlock hero
Cost None
Dow2 repair icon.png Unit(s) Various squads and heroes Repair an allied vehicle or building for 10 health per second. Does not work on biological units. Cooldown 5 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Restoration Field   
Dow2 eld holo field.png Unit(s) Webway Gate The Webway projects a field in radius 20 that increases the energy regeneration of allied units by Dow2 energy 16.png1 per second per squad member for 10 seconds. 55 second cooldown.
Requires Warp Spider Exarch hero
Cost None
Scorpion Shield   
Dow2 sta righteous fury.png Unit(s) Autarch Friendly Eldar infantry within 22 radius take 10% less ranged damage. Does not affect heroes or the Autarch.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Seer Council Aura   
Dow2 ran improved focus.png Unit(s) Seer Council Allied infantry within a 12 radius have their energy regeneration increased by 0.3 (3 energy per second) and receive 50% less courage (suppression) damage.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Shimmer Orb   
Dow2 eld ability shimmer orb.png Unit(s) Warp Spider Exarch Throws a grenade that deploys a Shimmer Orb. The Shimmer Orb persists for 30 seconds and blocks all incoming ranged attacks in radius 10. Units within the Shimmer Orb are immune to knockback and cannot fire ranged weapons. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Shimmer Orb
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png25
Dow2 eld singularity.png Unit(s) D-Cannon Weapon Team After a 7 second charge, the cannon fires a controlled singularity that sucks in infantry with ability knockback and does 160 explosive damage to everything in radius 20. Cooldown 90 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png75
Rt eld skyleap.png Unit(s) Autarch Escapes high into the atmosphere, removing the Autarch from play but allowing her to be recalled for Dow2 global 16.png100.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png80
Spiritual Rites   
Dow2 eld spiritual rites.png Unit(s) Farseer Restores 60 energy and 200 health to the Farseer and allied infantry in radius 15. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Spirit Stones
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png80
Dow2 eld teleport icon.png Unit(s) WS Squad, WS Exarch Teleport to target location within 50 radius. Cooldown 7 seconds. The Warp Spider Exarch's Enhanced Warp Jump Generator decreases his teleport cooldown to 3 seconds and increases his range to 70.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png35
The Wailing Doom   
Dow2 eld the wailing doom icon.png Unit(s) Avatar The Wailing Doom is a psychic weapon of immense power. After a 4 second delay, the Avatar unleashes his burning energy in a path of fiery explosions, doing ability knockback and 200 legacy explosive damage in radius 5 along a line of length 35. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Time Field   
Dow2 eld time field.png Unit(s) Farseer Slows time around the targeted area in radius 20 for 10 seconds. All units but the Farseer herself have their speed reduced by 50% and cannot attack. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Armor of Asuryan
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
War Shout   
Dow2 eld war shout icon.png Unit(s) Howling Banshees The Banshees scream, suppressing enemy infantry within 4 radius by causing 500 courage damage each second for 3 seconds.
Requires Aspect of Banshee
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png10
Warlock Defense Aura   
Dow2 ran battle lust.png Unit(s) Guardian Squad The squad led by the Warlock takes 17.5% less ranged damage.
Requires Warlock
Cost Always active
Warlock Energy Aura   
Dow2 wil battle lust.png Unit(s) Warlock (hero) Allied infantry and heroes within a radius of 15 from the Warlock regenerate energy 30% faster.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Warp Spider Exarch Energy Aura   
Dow2 wil battle lust.png Unit(s) Warp Spider Squad When the squad is led by a Warp Spider Exarch, it regenerates energy 50% faster.
Requires Warp Spider Exarch
Cost Always active
Warp Throw   
Dow2 eld warp throw.png Unit(s) Warlock Throws enemy infantry in radius 12 of the target location into the targeted direction using weapon knockback. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Warp Throw
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Wind Walk   
Dow2 eld holo field.png Unit(s) Webway Gate The breezes of the Warp flow out of the Webway, and allied infantry in radius 20 become infiltrated and have their speed increased by 2 for 10 seconds. 55 second cooldown.
Requires Farseer hero
Cost None
Wraithbone (Wraithguard)   
Dow2 eldar wraithguard wraithbone.png Unit(s) Wraithguard Increases health regeneration by 40 hp/second for 7 seconds, but disables the Wraithguard while regenerating. Cooldown 100 seconds.
Requires Wraithbone
Cost Time (seconds)7
Dow2 eld wraithbone wl ability.png Unit(s) Wraithlord Increases health regeneration by 70 hp/s for 7 seconds (repairing 490 health total), but disables the Wraithlord while it is regenerating. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Wraithbone
Cost Time (seconds)7
Dow2 wil focus mastery.png Unit(s) Farseer, all Warlocks Allied Wraithguard within a radius of 30 of the Farseer or Warlock have their speed increased by 1.5. However, Wraithguard within a radius of 25 when a squad leader Warlock dies are stunned for a short duration (2.5 to 5 seconds).
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active