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'Ave A Taste   
Dow2 ork energy transfer.png Unit(s) Mekboy Restores 400 health (per model) and 70 energy to an allied infantry squad. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Battery Pack
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Aiming? Wotz Dat?   
Dow2 ork aiming wotz dat.png Unit(s) Shoota Boyz Suppresses a target infantry unit. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Big Shoota
Cost Dow2 global 16.png3
Dow2 ork assassinate.png Unit(s) Kommando Nob Stabs an infantry unit real good, inflicting 350 damage. Wot? Dey lived? Lowers the target's speed and damage by 50% for 5 seconds. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Assashun's Knife
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png55
Big Stomp   
Dow2 ork big stomp.png Unit(s) Warboss Performs a huge stomp, doing 50 explosive damage, weapon knockback, and stunning enemy infantry in radius 10 for 7 seconds. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Cybork Implants
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Dow2 ork suicide.png Unit(s) Stormboyz Sends one Stormboy on his final jump. He explodes on impact, doing 45 explosive damage and weapon knockback to everything in radius 15. Cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Improved Rokkit Packs
Cost Dow2 global 16.png20
Dow2 ork dont press dat.png Unit(s) Looted Tank Load up da bigga gun! After a 2.5 second delay, fires a huge shell that does 200 explosive damage and weapon knockback in radius 10. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 global 16.png35
Burna Bomb   
Dow2 ork burna bomb.png Unit(s) Kommando Squad Throws a grenade filled with burnin' stuff. Does 20 grenade damage in radius 10 every second for 15 seconds. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Deff Rolla Rampage   
Dow2 ork deff rolla.png Unit(s) Battlewagon Spins up the deff rolla for 15 seconds, increasing the Battlewagon's speed by 4 and doing weapon knockback in radius 6. Enemy infantry hit by the rolla have a 4% chance of being crushed. Heroes and super heavy infantry cannot be crushed. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 global 16.png30
Electric Shock   
Dow2 ork electric shock.png Unit(s) Mekboy Makes yer armour all sparky! Inflicts 10 damage every second to enemies within radius 10 of the Mekboy. Drains 6 energy per second. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Electric Armor
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png10 then Dow2 energy 16.png6 per second
Foot of Gork   
Dow2 ork foot of gork.png Unit(s) Weirdboy Brings down the mighty foot of Gork to stomp on enemies. After a 2.5 second delay, the huge foot crashes down, doing up to 225 plasma cannon damage and ability knockback in radius 10. Infantry units are stunned for 5 seconds. Cooldown 90 seconds.
Requires Warphead
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png750
Dow2 ork waaagh shout.png Unit(s) Waaagh! Banner Release the power of the Waaagh! – do weapon knockback to enemy infantry and stun enemys units for 6 seconds in radius 18. In the same area, allied Ork infantry receive the benefits of Waaagh!!!!. Cooldown 90 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 global 16.png20
Dow2 ork nob frenzy.png Unit(s) Nob Squad Sends the Nob squad into an unstoppable frenzy, granting them invulnerability, immunity to suppression, and 30% increased damage for 10 seconds. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Meaner an' Greener
Cost Dow2 global 16.png45
Hide Da Gunz   
Dow2 ork infiltrate loota.png Unit(s) Lootas The Lootas become infiltrated but immobile while Hide Da Gunz is active. Attacking will partially reveal the squad. Partially revealed units have received damage lowered by 20%. Can be fully revealed by detectors or enemy units that get too close.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
High Explosive Shells   
Dow2 ork explosive shells.png Unit(s) Kommando Nob Volatile shells that deal devastating damage, doing up to 130 rending damage and weapon knockback to enemies within radius 8 of the target. Cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Speshul Shoota
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Infiltrate (Kommando Nob)   
Dow2 ork infiltrate.png Unit(s) Kommando Nob Get sneaky! Attacking or using abilities will partially reveal the hero. Partially revealed units have received damage lowered by 20%. Can be fully revealed by detector units, capturing points, or getting too close to enemy units. Drains 1 energy per second.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png1 per second
Infiltrate (Kommandoz)   
Dow2 ork infiltrate.png Unit(s) Kommando Squad Get sneaky! Attacking or using abilities will partially reveal the squad. Partially revealed units have received damage lowered by 20%. Can be fully revealed by detector units, capturing points, or getting too close to enemy units. Drains 1 energy per second.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png10 then Dow2 energy 16.png1 per second
Jump (Stormboyz)   
Dow2 ork jump.png Unit(s) Stormboyz Soar through the air and land at the targeted location. Minimum range 15, maximum range 50. Improved Rokkit Packs increase range to 65. With the Nob Leader, boyz stun enemy infantry in radius 3 for 2 seconds after a jump. Cooldown 15 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Dow2 ork kaboom.png Unit(s) Kommando Nob Detonates a 'uge bomb right where yer standing. After a 2 second delay the bomb goes off, doing 100 explosive damage and ability knockback to everything in radius 10. The Kommando suffers an additional 300 piercing damage. Cooldown 20 seconds.
Requires Kaboom!
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Kustom Force Field   
Dow2 ork force field overcharge.png Unit(s) Mekboy Power up a force field for 15 seconds, gaining immunity to knockback, suppression, and melee attacks, taking 50% less ranged damage and gaining +1 speed. The shield inflicts 10 damage and weapon knockback to all units in radius 4. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Kustom Force Field
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Luv da Dakka   
Dow2 ork kommando ambush.png Unit(s) Kommando Squad Hold down da trigga fer maximum carnage! Does weapon knockback and AoE suppression damage around the target. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 global 16.png5
Mega Boomshot   
Dow2 ork mega boomshot.png Unit(s) Battlewagon Fires a huge explosive shot from the zzap cannon, dealing up to 160 psychic damage and weapon knockback in radius 10. Cooldown 75 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 global 16.png60
Dow2 ork earthquake.png Unit(s) Mekboy Makes da earth shake around ya! After a 5 second delay, unleashes an expanding earthquake in radius 25 that lasts 15 seconds. Enemy units are stunned and enemy infantry units take ability knockback. Non-HQ buildings are completely destroyed. Cooldown 100 seconds.
Requires Mega-Rumblah
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png70
Melee Resistance Aura   
Dow2 sta hardened armor.png Unit(s) Heroes and most melee units This unit always takes 40% less damage from melee weapons. Does not affect damage from ranged weapons.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Now I'm Angry   
Dow2 ork now i am angry.png Unit(s) Warboss Charges at the targeted location, doing ability knockback to everything in radius 6 of the Warboss. Also increases damage by 35% and speed by 1.5 for 15 seconds. Cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Angry Bits
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Over Dere!   
Dow2 ork over dere.png Unit(s) Weirdboy Flings allies within radius 17 of the targeted position through the air using ability knockback, without causing them any damage. Cooldown 25 seconds.
Requires Bigga Brains
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png75
Plant Booby Trap   
Dow2 ork booby trap.png Unit(s) Kommando Nob Plants an explosive which can be triggered remotely. The trap does up to 175 detonation damage and ability knockback in radius 15, and inflicts an additional 1300 damage to ambient buildings. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Booby Traps
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png30 Time (seconds)5.1
Proximity Mines   
Dow2 ork mines.png Unit(s) Mekboy Scatters 4 infiltrated mines around the targeted position. When detonated, the mines do up to 20 explosive damage, weapon knockback, and suppress infantry in radius 7. Vehicles hit by the mines are slowed by 70% for 30 seconds. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Proximity Mines
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Rampage (Deff Dread)   
Dow2 ork deff dread rampage.png Unit(s) Deff Dread Increases the speed of the Deff Dread by 4 for 10 seconds. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 global 16.png35
Dow2 repair icon.png Unit(s) Various squads and heroes Repair an allied vehicle or building for 10 health per second. Does not work on biological units. Cooldown 5 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Right in Me Crosshairs   
Dow2 explosive shot.png Unit(s) Kommando Nob Take aim, firing a single powerful shot after a 2 second delay, doing 100 sniper av damage to the target. Does weapon knockback and inflicts 35 damage to everything within radius 5 of the impact. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Rokkit Launcha
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png35
Rokkit Barrage   
Dow2 ork mortar launcher.png Unit(s) Tankbustas Each Tankbusta points his rokkit launcha skyward and fires off three rokkits at the target. Each rokkit does up to 30 barrage damage and weapon knockback in radius 4. Cooldown 25 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 global 16.png10
Shoot 'em Good   
Dow2 ork shoot em good.png Unit(s) Warboss Unleashes a barrage of fire on the enemy, doing increased damage and weapon knockback in a small area around the target. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Enhanced Kustom Shoota
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Smoke Bomb   
Dow2 ork smoke grenade.png Unit(s) Kommando Squad Throws a smoke grenade, reducing both ranged damage and received ranged damage by 80% and lowering received suppression by 90% in radius 15 for 8.5 seconds. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png20
Dow2 ork stikkbomb.png Unit(s) Kommando Nob Tosses 5 grenades, each doing up to 58 grenade damage and weapon knockback in radius 4.5. Effective at dealing with units in cover or garrisoned infantry. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Stikkbombz
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Dow2 ork stikkbomb.png Unit(s) Stikkbommaz Each Stikkbomma throws two stikkbombz, grenades that do up to 67 stikkbomb damage and weapon knockback in radius 4.5. Effective at dealing with units in cover or garrisoned infantry. Cooldown 15 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 global 16.png2.5
Dow2 ork stomp.png Unit(s) Warboss Stomps the ground, doing 30 melee damage and weapon knockback to enemies in radius 10. Cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Dow2 ork stun grenade.png Unit(s) Kommando Nob Throws a grenade that stuns any infantry units in radius 7 for 7 seconds. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Dow2 ork stun grenade.png Unit(s) Stikkbommaz Each Stikkbomma throws a grenade that stuns infantry for 7 seconds and vehicles or monstrous creatures for 2.5 seconds in radius 7. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 global 16.png5
Supa Tuff Beam   
Dow2 ork supa tuff beam.png Unit(s) Mekboy Covers a friendly infantry squad with one of da Mek's forcefields, reducing received damage by 50% and making them immune to suppression and knockback for 10 seconds. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Supa Tuff Beam
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Swamp 'Em   
Dow2 ork recklessness.png Unit(s) Slugga Boyz Breaks any current suppression effects while becoming immune to further suppression and taking 40% less ranged damage for 8 seconds. Cooldown 120 seconds.
Requires Nob Leader
Cost Dow2 global 16.png18
Dow2 ork teleport.png Unit(s) Mekboy Instantly teleport to the target location within a radius of 50 units. Cooldown 12 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png35
Waaagh! Banner Aura   
Dow2 cor temp 7.png Unit(s) Waaagh! Banner Allied infantry and heroes within a radius of 25 have their damage increased by 6%, speed by 0.25, and received damage and suppression lowered by 6%.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Dow2 ork waaagh shout.png Unit(s) Ork infantry Boosts the combat effectiveness of all allied non-hero Ork infantry in radius 25. Damage increased by 4.5%, speed increased by 0.21, received damage lowered by 4.5% and received suppression lowered by 1.2%. Weirdboys in radius 30 also receive 100 energy. Effects last 30 seconds and stack with other uses of the same ability. Cooldown 90 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 global 16.png20
Warp Vomit   
Dow2 ork warp vomit.png Unit(s) Weirdboy Vomit up psychic stuff, doing up to 20 sniper damage and weapon knockback to enemy infantry caught in the spew. Exposed infantry are stunned for 10 seconds, their sight radius is decreased by 80%, and they take 20% more damage. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png125
Dow2 ork warpath.png Unit(s) Weirdboy Channels the power of da Waaagh!, making all allied infantry in radius 20 take 20% less damage and increasing their speed by 2. The Weirdboy regenerates courage 5 times faster while on the Warpath. Drains 15 energy per second.
Requires Warpath
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40 then Dow2 energy 16.png15 per second
Weirdboy Recharge Aura   
Dow2 wil holy vigor.png Unit(s) Various Ork infantry Any allied Weirdboys within a 20 radius of this unit regenerate their energy 30% faster.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Dow2 ork zzap.png Unit(s) Weirdboy Fries an enemy with psychic power, dealing 100 sniper damage. The psychic charge will periodically jump to other nearby units, friends or foes, and deal 60 sniper damage to them as well. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png150