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Stormboyz are the ork jump infantry but unlike the assault space marines stormboyz lacks the ability to knockback infantry when landing in addition to a small Healthpool and no armor.  As most ork units they are rather fragile so they cannot beat other melee focused units such as bloodletters, ogryns and Nob Squads neither in terms of ressources nor supply. They are good anti-ranged\suppressor units, though. Since an early orcarmy cannot compete with strong ranged dpsunits, stormboyz can diminish this effect by taking on the ranged suppressor units such as Devastatorsquads while the main host attacks the enemy. In this respect Stormboys are a counterunit since they are too expensive  for scouting and roaming.

I don't recommend a fast techopening if you suspect heavy suppression units. The costs for Stormboyz are high and they need  backup units to fill their role. If your Opponent focuses early on many heavy units (Rines f.e.) you cannot backup your Stormboys with Shoota's, but Slugga's. This is a decision you have to bring up before you bring up any Stormboyz.


Ork Choppa (Stormboyz):

high dps vs all Infantry, even super heavy walkers, but NOT Tanks as they count as vehicles.


weak vs all:

this ranged weapons can barely scratch imperial Guardsmen so if you use this weapon you have come into a seriously desperate situation

edited by Philkingz