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Adrenal Rush   
Dow2 tyr adrenal rush.png Unit(s) Genestealer Brood Releases adrenal stimulants that send the Genestealers into a frenzy for 10 seconds. Increases speed by 3, damage by 40%, and reduces received ranged damage by 45%. Melee attacks heal the Genestealers for 7% of their maximum health. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Assault Leap (Lictor)   
Dow2 tyr assault leap.png Unit(s) Lictor Soar through the air and land with a high impact, doing weapon knockback to any infantry in radius 10. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Assault Leap (Lictor Alpha)   
Dow2 tyr assault leap.png Unit(s) Lictor Alpha Soar through the air and land with a high impact, inflicting 35 damage and doing weapon knockback to everything in radius 10. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Deadly Jump
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png20
Basic Synapse   
Dow2 sta i shall not fall.png Unit(s) Greater Tyranid creatures Reduces the received ranged and melee damage and received suppression of non-Warrior, non-Commander, non-Swarmlord allied Tyranids by 20%. Ranged damage reduction is increased to 22%/25%/27% at level 2/3/4. Also increases Tyrant Guard speed by 1.5, makes Rippers immune to suppression, and allows Hormagaunts to vault obstacles. Radius 32.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Bio-Plasma (Carnifex)   
Dow2 tyr bioplasma.png Unit(s) Carnifex Hurls a blast of bio-plasma, doing up to 100 plasma cannon damage and weapon knockback in radius 5. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Venom Cannon
Cost None
Bio-Plasma (Hive Tyrant)   
Dow2 Tyr bioplasma.png Unit(s) Hive Tyrant Hurls a blast of bio-plasma, doing up to 80 plasma cannon damage and weapon knockback in radius 5. 45 second cooldown.
Requires Bio-Plasma
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Blade Flurry   
Dow2 tyr blade fury.png Unit(s) Swarmlord The Swarmlord unleashes his full power, dealing 200 melee damage and weapon knockback to enemies in a 220 degree cone of radius 10. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png150
Burrow (Ravener Alpha)   
Dow2 tyr burrow icon.png Unit(s) Ravener Alpha Burrows underground. Burrowed units move 25% slower but can bypass terrain obstacles, are immune to knockback, and count as being infiltrated. When the Ravener unburrows, it does ability knockback in radius 10. 10 second cooldown.
Requires Hardened Carapace
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Burrow (Ravener Brood)   
Dow2 tyr burrow icon.png Unit(s) Ravener Brood Burrows underground, moving 25% slower but bypass terrain obstacles, are immune to knockback, and count as infiltrated. When the Raveners unburrow, they do weapon knockback and stun enemy infantry for 4 seconds in radius 10. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Enhanced Muscle Coil
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Burrow Strike   
Dow2 tyr burrow strike icon.png Unit(s) Ravener Brood Raveners burrow deep into the ground and resurface at the target location, doing weapon knockback in radius 10. 45 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png75
Burrow Trap   
Dow2 tyr burrow trap.png Unit(s) Ravener Alpha Plants an infiltrated burrow trap at the target location. When triggered, burrow traps do up to 150 explosive damage and weapon knockback in radius 7, as well as stunning any enemy unit caught in the blast for 10 seconds. 20 second cooldown.
Requires Burrow Trap
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45 Time (seconds)5
Capillary Synapse   
Dow2 sm armor piercing.png Unit(s) Capillary Tower Increases ranged damage by 15% and reduces all received damage by 15% for non-Warrior, non-Commander, non-Swarmlord allied Tyranids in radius 45. Also enables the Basic Synapse effect.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Charge (Carnifex)   
Dow2 tyr charge icon.png Unit(s) Carnifex The Carnifex rampages at the targeted location, increasing its speed by 200%. Each second, all units in radius 8 take 60 piercing damage and ability knockback. Targets in radius 4 take an additional 60 piercing damage. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Thornback
Cost None
Charge (Hive Tyrant)   
Dow2 tyr charge icon.png Unit(s) Hive Tyrant Charge at the targeted location, increasing speed by 200%. Each second, all units in radius 6 take 7.5 piercing damage and ability knockback. Targets in radius 2 take an additional 7.5 piercing damage. 50 second cooldown.
Requires Extended Carapace
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Corrosive Shots   
Dow2 tyr corrosive devourer.png Unit(s) Ravener Alpha Increases damage against vehicles by 150% for 15 seconds. 50 second cooldown.
Requires Corrosive Devourer
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Crippling Poison   
Dow2 tyr crippling poison.png Unit(s) Termagant Brood The targeted enemy infantry unit has its speed reduced by 90% for 5 seconds. 40 second cooldown.
Requires Toxin Sacs
Cost None
Damage Synapse   
[full details]
Dow2 sm reactive strike.png Unit(s) Ravener Alpha The Ravener Alpha emits a synapse in radius 15 that increases the damage of allied Tyranid infantry by 30%.
Requires Damage Synapse
Cost Always active
Fleet of Claw   
Dow2 tyr synapse aura speed.png Unit(s) Ravener Alpha Increases speed by 3 for 10 seconds but reduces ranged damage by 80% and melee damage by 40%. 35 second cooldown.
Requires Strengthened Sinew
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png20
Flesh Hooks (Lictor)   
Dow2 tyr flesh hook.png Unit(s) Lictor Fires terrible barbed hooks at enemy infantry that do 180 sniper damage and pull the target towards you with weapon knockback. 40 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Flesh Hooks (Lictor Alpha)   
Dow2 tyr flesh hook.png Unit(s) Lictor Alpha Fires terrible barbed hooks at enemy infantry that do 140 sniper damage and pull the target towards you with weapon knockback. 70 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Focused Warp Blast   
Dow2 tyr focused warp blast icon.png Unit(s) Zoanthrope Fires a focused blast of psychic energy, doing 100 explosive damage and weapon knockback. Vehicles hit by the blast have their speed reduced by 75% for 10 seconds. 15 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png30
Hive Node (Ravener Alpha)   
Dow2 Tyr hive node.png Unit(s) Ravener Alpha A defensive Hive Node capable of expelling Spore Clouds. Clouds protect allies and slow enemies within them.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 req 16.png200 Dow2 pow 16.png20 Dow2 pop 16.png5
Improved Synapse   
Dow2 sm healing aura.png Unit(s) Hive Tyrant Allied non-synapse, non-Commander Tyranid infantry in radius 25 have their health increased by 25%.
Requires Improved Synapse
Cost None (always active)
Infiltrate (Tyranids)   
Dow2 tyr infiltrate.png Unit(s) Lictor Alpha, Lictor Become invisible. Attacking or using abilities will partially reveal the squad. Partially revealed units have received damage lowered by 20%. Can be fully revealed by detector units or when capturing points. Drains Dow2 energy 16.png1 per second.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png1 per second
Dow2 Tyr invulnerability.png Unit(s) Hive Tyrant Renders the Hive Tyrant invulnerable for 9 seconds. 80 second cooldown.
Requires Bonded Exoskeleton
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png80
Leech Essence   
Dow2 tyr leech essence.png Unit(s) Swarmlord The Swarmlord harvests the enemies life force to restore his own health. For 10 seconds, enemy infantry in radius 32 are inflicted with 6 damage every second without killing them. Every time a target takes damage, the Swarmlord regains 3 health. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png120
Melee Resistance Aura   
Dow2 sta hardened armor.png Unit(s) Heroes and most melee units This unit always takes 40% less damage from melee weapons. Does not affect damage from ranged weapons.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Melee Synapse   
Dow2 sm combat expert.png Unit(s) Warrior Brood Allied Hormagaunts, Genestealers, and non-Devourer Raveners in radius 32 have their health increased by 75% and melee skill increased by 10.
Requires Adrenal Glands
Cost Always active
Pheromone Cloud   
Dow2 tyr pheromone cloud.png Unit(s) Lictor Alpha Emits a cloud of pheromones at the target location that lasts 18 seconds and allows allied infantry to reinforce. Enemy infantry within radius 15 of the cloud have their damage reduced by 30%. 50 second cooldown.
Requires Pheromone
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png65
Pheromone Cysts   
Dow2 Tyr spawn rippers.png Unit(s) Carnifex Spawns a Ripper Swarm, a weak melee unit very resistant to small arms fire and direct melee attacks, excellent at tying up ranged units. Rippers cling to their target, slowing it down; every bite reduces speed by 3% for 3 seconds. 120 second cooldown.
Requires Thornback
Cost None
Psychic Scream   
Dow2 tyr psychic scream ability.png Unit(s) Hive Tyrant Reduces the damage of enemy infantry in radius 25 of the Hive Tyrant by 30% for 15 seconds. 50 second cooldown.
Requires Psychic Scream
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Rampage (Tyrant Guard)   
Dow2 tyr rampage.png Unit(s) Tyrant Guard The Tyrant Guard stampedes to the targeted location, increasing its speed by 100%. Each second all units in radius 4.5 take 20 piercing damage and ability knockback. Targets in radius 3 take an additional 20 damage. 80 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Ranged Synapse   
Dow2 ran improved focus.png Unit(s) Venom Brood The squad emits a synapse aura in radius 32, increasing the health and damage of Termagants and Devourer Raveners by 35%.
Requires Ranged Synapse
Cost Always active
Regeneration Synapse   
Dow2 sm healing aura.png Unit(s) Zoanthrope The health regeneration of Tyranid units in radius 12 is multiplied by 4.5 / 11.25 / 28.125 / 70.3125 at veterancy level 1 / 2 / 3 / 4.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Seismic Roar   
Dow2 Tyr seismic roar.png Unit(s) Hive Tyrant Deals 35 piercing damage and weapon knockback to enemies in radius 10 of the Hive Tyrant. The ground in radius 15 becomes poisoned for the next 10 seconds, doing 6 piercing damage every second to enemy infantry. 45 second cooldown.
Requires Rending Talons
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Dow2 tyr shieldwall.png Unit(s) Tyrant Guard The Tyrant Guard withdraws into its protective carapace, disabling it while changing armor type from super heavy infantry to vehicle and increasing health regeneration by 20 hp/s.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Speed Synapse   
Dow2 sta zealous.png Unit(s) Swarmlord Increases the speed of all allied Tyranid units in radius 27 by 50%.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Spore Cloud   
Dow2 tyr spore cloud.png Unit(s) Hive Node Emit a protective cloud in radius 20 that lasts 25 seconds. Reduces ranged damage and received ranged damage by 80% and grants immunity to suppression. Enemy units trapped in the cloud have their speed reduced by 50% and take 6 damage every second. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Spore Cysts   
Dow2 tyr spore cysts.png Unit(s) Carnifex Spawns a unit of Spore Mines to cover the area around the Carnifex. 120 second cooldown.
Requires Barbed Strangler
Cost None
Spore Detonation   
Dow2 tyr spore detonation.png Unit(s) Spore Mines A Spore Mine will instantly explode into a cloud of toxic gas that does 45 spore damage and 100 courage damage to all units in radius 12. 5 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost 1 Spore Mine
Swarmlord Melee Resistance Aura   
Dow2 sta hardened armor.png Unit(s) Swarmlord The Swarmlord takes 40% less damage from melee weapons. Does not affect damage from ranged weapons.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Dow2 tyr terrify.png Unit(s) Lictor Alpha Force a non-hero infantry unit to retreat back to their HQ. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Menacing Visage
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Toxic Burst   
Dow2 tyr toxic burst.png Unit(s) Lictor Alpha The Lictor Alpha releases a cloud of poisonous spores that deal 10 piercing damage every second for 10 seconds to enemies within radius 10 of the Lictor Alpha. 40 second cooldown.
Requires Toxic Cysts
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png30
Warp Field (Hive Tyrant)   
Dow2 tyr warp field icon.png Unit(s) Hive Tyrant Activates a psychic field that causes damage to reduce energy rather than health while active. Field strength is 5 damage taken per 1 energy drained.
Requires Warp Field
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png1 to activate
Warp Field (Zoanthrope)   
Dow2 tyr warp field icon.png Unit(s) Zoanthrope Activates a psychic field that causes damage to reduce energy rather than health and grants immunity to weapon knockback while active. Field strength is 3 damage taken per 1 energy drained.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png0