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Brood Nest   
Dow2 Tyr brood nest.png Unit(s) Hive Tyrant Constructs a Brood Nest that allows allied infantry in radius 50 to reinforce.
Requires Tier 1
Cost Dow2 global 16.png75 Dow2 pop 16.png4 Time (seconds)15
Dow2 tyr catalyst.png Unit(s) Ravener Alpha Spurs a Tyranid unit into a suicidal frenzy, increasing its damage by 100% for 10 seconds but inflicting 50% of the unit's maximum health in damage over the duration of the ability. 45 second cooldown.
Requires Tier 1
Cost Dow2 global 16.png50
Mycetic Spores   
Dow2 tyr mycetic spores.png Unit(s) Ravener Alpha Calls down mycetic spores that do 50 explosive damage and ability knockback in radius 9, then spawn a Ravener Brood and allow allied infantry in radius 30 to reinforce. 300 second cooldown.
Requires Tier 2
Cost Dow2 req 16.png400 Dow2 global 16.png175
Spore Mines   
Dow2 tyr spore cysts global.png Unit(s) Lictor Alpha Calls down a squad of Spore Mines. 180 second cooldown.
Requires Tier 2
Cost Dow2 global 16.png125
Dow2 tyr stalk.png Unit(s) Lictor Alpha Reveals the fog of war in radius 35 around enemy heroes for 20 seconds. 50 second cooldown.
Requires Tier 1
Cost Dow2 global 16.png35
Dow2 Tyr tyranoform.png Unit(s) All Tyranid heroes After a 4 second delay, 7 Capillary Towers begin to erupt from the ground. The center tower emerges first, doing 300 explosive damage in radius 7. The three towers in the right and lower quadrants do 300 explosive damage in radius 10, while the three towers in the left and upper quadrants do 50 explosive damage in radius 7. All towers do ability knockback on emerging and emit a synapse in radius 45, affecting non-Warrior and non-hero allied Tyranids (increasing ranged damage by 15% and reducing received damage by 15%). 120 second cooldown.
Requires Tier 3
Cost Dow2 global 16.png500
Warrior Vanguard   
Dow2 tyr warrior vanguard.png Unit(s) Hive Tyrant Calls down mycetic spores which do 50 explosive damage and ability knockback in radius 9, then spawn a Warrior Brood and allow allied infantry in radius 30 to reinforce. 300 second cooldown.
Requires Tier 2
Cost Dow2 req 16.png300 Dow2 global 16.png150
Without Number   
Dow2 Tyr without number.png Unit(s) All Tyranid heroes Spawns a Ripper Swarm at your base. Rippers are a weak melee unit very resistant to small arms fire and direct melee attacks, excellent at tying up ranged units. 240 second cooldown.
Requires Tier 2
Cost Dow2 req 16.png50 Dow2 global 16.png100