Soulstorm/Armor types

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All units have an armor type that protects more or less against different weapons. For example, Sisters of Battle's Melta guns deals heavy damages on Vehicles, but little damages on Infantry.

By armor types


  • Light / Low Infantry
    • Space Marines :
      • Servitor
      • Skull Probe
    • Chaos :
      • Heretic
    • Orks :
      • Gretchin
    • Eldar :
      • Bonesinger
    • Tau :
      • Earth Cast Builder
    • Necrons :
      • Builder Scarab
    • Dark Eldar :
      • Tortured Slave
    • Sisters of Battle :
      • Ecclesiarchal Servitor
  • Medium Infantry
    • Space Marines :
      • Scout
    • Chaos :
      • Cultist
    • Eldar :
      • Guardian
    • Imperial Guard :
      • Guardsmen
      • Heavy Weapon Team (normal)
    • Tau :
      • XV15 Stealth
      • Pathfinder
    • Dark Eldar :
      • Mandrake
    • Sisters of Battle :
      • Missionary
  • High Infantry :
    • Ork :
      • Slugga Boyz
      • Shoota Boyz
    • Eldar :
      • Ranger
      • Howling Banshee
      • Dark Reaper
    • Tau :
      • Kroot Carnivore
    • Dark Eldar :
      • Warrior
      • Hellion
    • Sisters of Battle :
      • Death-Cult Assassin

Heavy Infantry

  • Medium Heavy Infantry : the majority of the armoured infantry.
    • Space Marines :
      • "Tactical" Space Marine
      • Assault Marine
      • Grey Knight
    • Chaos :
      • Chaos Space Marine
      • Raptor
      • Khorne Berserker
      • Horror (confirmation needed)
    • Orks :
      • Stormboy
      • Tankbusta
      • Nobz Squad
      • Flash Gitz
    • Eldar :
      • Warp Spider
    • Imperial Guard :
      • Kasrkin
    • Tau :
      • Vespid Stingwing Strain
      • Fire Warrior
    • Necrons :
      • Necron Warrior
      • Wraith
      • Flayed One
      • Immortal
    • Dark Eldar :
      • Scourge
      • Whych
    • Sisters of Battle :
      • Battle Sister
      • Seraphim
  • High Heavy Infantry
    • Space Marines :
      • Terminator
      • Assault Terminator
      • Apothecary
    • Chaos :
      • Possessed
      • Obliterator
    • Eldar :
      • Fire Dragon
    • Imperial Guard :
      • Entrenched Heavy Weapon Team
      • Ogryns
    • Tau :
      • XV88 Broadside Battlesuit
      • XV8 Crisis Battlesuit
      • Kroot Hound Pack
      • Shas'Ui Bodyguard
    • Necrons :
      • Pariah
    • Dark Eldar :
      • Warp Beast Pack
    • Sisters of Battle :
      • Celestian
      • Sister Repentia


Commanders have their own armor type.

  • Space Marines :
    • Force Commander
    • Librarian
    • Chaplain
  • Chaos :
    • Chaos Lord
    • Chaos Sorcerer
  • Orks :
    • Big Mek
    • War Boss
    • Mad Dok
    • Mega Armored Nob
  • Eldar :
    • Farseer
    • Harlequin
    • Seer Council
  • Imperial Guard :
    • Techpriest Enginseer (builder)
    • Command Squad
    • Commissar
    • Psyker
    • Priest
    • Vindicare Assassin
  • Tau :
    • Tau Commander
    • Kroot Shaper
    • Ethereal
  • Necrons :
    • Necron Lord
    • Lord Destroyer
    • Essence of the Nightbringer (invulnerable)
  • Dark Eldar :
    • Archon
    • Haemonculus
  • Sisters of Battle :
    • Canoness
    • Confessor


  • Light Vehicle
    • Space Marines :
      • Land Speeder
    • Eldar :
      • Shuriken Grav Platform
      • Brightlance Grav Platform
    • Imperial Guard :
      • Sentinel
    • Tau :
      • Devilfish Troop Carrier
      • Drone Squad
    • Dark Eldar :
      • Reaver Jetbike
  • Medium Vehicle : the majority of the vehicles.
    • Space Marines :
      • Rhino
      • Dreadnought
      • Hellfire Dreadnought
      • Predator
      • Whirlwind
    • Chaos :
      • Chaos Rhino
      • Defiler
      • Chaos Predator
    • Orks :
      • Wartrukk
      • Wartrak
      • Looted Tank
    • Eldar :
      • Falcon Grav Tank
      • Vyper
      • Wraithlord
      • Fire Prism
    • Imperial Guard :
      • Chimera
      • Hellhound
      • Basilisk
      • Leman Russ
    • Tau :
      • Skyray Missile Gunship
      • Drone Harbinger
      • Hammerhead Gunship
    • Necrons :
      • Tomb Spyder
      • Destroyer
      • Heavy Destroyer
    • Dark Eldar :
      • Raider
      • Talos
      • Ravager
    • Sisters of Battle :
      • Rhino Transport
      • Immolator
      • Exorcist
      • Penitent Engine
  • High Vehicle
    • Space Marines :
      • Land Raider
    • Orks :
      • Killa Kan
    • Imperial Guard :
      • Baneblade
    • Necrons :
      • Restored Monolith
    • Dark Eldar :
      • Dais of Destruction
  • Air : As the name says, the aerial units.
    • Space Marines :
      • Land Speeder Tempest
    • Chaos :
      • Hell Talon
    • Orks :
      • Fighta-Bomma
    • Eldar :
      • Nightwing
    • Imperial Guard :
      • Marauder Bomber
    • Tau :
      • Barracuda
    • Necrons :
      • Attack Scarab
    • Dark Eldar :
      • Raven
    • Sisters of Battle :
      • Lightning Fighter


  • Medium Daemons
    • Necrons :
      • Essence of the Deceiver (invulnerable)
    • Tau :
      • Krootox
  • High Daemons : the ultimate (relic) daemons.
    • Chaos :
      • Daemon Prince
      • Bloodthirster
    • Orks :
      • Squiggoth
    • Eldar :
      • Avatar of Khaine
    • Tau :
      • Greater Knarloc
    • Sisters of Battle :
      • Avenging Angel (invulnerable)
      • Living Saint


  • Light / Low Building
    • Same for all races
      • Listening Posts
      • Plasma Generators (normals)
      • Turrets
      • Mine fields
    • Dark Eldar (additional)
      • Slave Chamber
  • Medium Building
    • Same for all races
      • Barracks, armouries, factories... All but Light and Heavy
      • Thermo Plasma Generators
  • Heavy Building
    • Same for all races
      • HQ
    • Tau (additional)
      • Mont'Ka Command Post
      • Kauyon Command Post
      • Coalition Center

By races

Space Marines

  • Infantry
    • Light Infantry
      • Servitor
      • Skull Probe
    • Medium Infantry
      • Scout
  • Heavy Infantry
    • Medium Heavy Infantry
      • "Tactical" Space Marine
      • Assault Marine
      • Grey Knight
    • High Heavy Infantry
      • Terminator
      • Assault Terminator
      • Apothecary
  • Commander
    • Force Commander
    • Librarian
    • Chaplain
  • Vehicle
    • Light
      • Land Speeder
    • Medium
      • Rhino
      • Dreadnought
      • Hellfire Dreadnought
      • Predator
      • Whirlwind
    • Heavy
      • Land Raider
    • Air
      • Land Speeder Tempest
  • Buildings
    • Light
      • Listening Posts
      • Plasma Generators (normals)
      • Turrets
      • Mine fields
    • Medium
      • Barracks, armouries, factories... All but Light and Heavy
      • Thermo Plasma Generators
    • Heavy Building
      • HQ


  • Infantry
    • Light / Low Infantry
      • Heretic
    • Medium Infantry
      • Cultist
  • Heavy Infantry
    • Medium Heavy Infantry : the majority of the armoured infantry.
      • Chaos Space Marine
      • Raptor
      • Khorne Berserker
      • Horror (confirmation needed)
    • High Heavy Infantry
      • Possessed
      • Obliterator
  • Commander
    • Chaos Lord
    • Chaos Sorcerer
  • Vehicle
    • Medium Vehicle : the majority of the vehicles.
      • Chaos Rhino
      • Defiler
      • Chaos Predator
    • Air
      • Hell Talon
  • Daemons
    • High Daemons : the ultimate (relic) daemons.
      • Daemon Prince
      • Bloodthirster
  • Buildings
    • Light / Low Building
      • Listening Posts
      • Plasma Generators (normals)
      • Turrets
      • Mine fields
    • Medium Building
      • Barracks, armouries, factories... All but Light and Heavy
      • Thermo Plasma Generators
    • Heavy Building
      • HQ


  • Infantry
    • Light
      • Bonesinger
    • Medium Infantry
      • Guardian
    • High Infantry
      • Ranger
      • Howling Banshee
      • Dark Reaper
  • Heavy Infantry
    • Medium Heavy Infantry : the majority of the armoured infantry.
      • Warp Spider
    • High Heavy Infantry
      • Fire Dragon
  • Commander
    • Farseer
    • Harlequin
    • Seer Council
  • Vehicle
    • Light Vehicle
      • Shuriken Grav Platform
      • Brightlance Grav Platform
    • Medium Vehicle : the majority of the vehicles.
      • Falcon Grav Tank
      • Vyper
      • Wraithlord
      • Fire Prism
    • Air : As the name says, the aerial units.
      • Nightwing
  • Daemons
    • High Daemons : the ultimate (relic) daemons.
      • Avatar of Khaine
  • Buildings
    • Light / Low Building
      • Listening Posts
      • Plasma Generators (normals)
      • Turrets
      • Mine fields
    • Medium Building
      • Barracks, armouries, factories... All but Light and Heavy
      • Thermo Plasma Generators
    • Heavy Building
      • HQ


  • Infantry
    • Light / Low Infantry
      • Gretchin
    • High Infantry
      • Slugga Boyz
      • Shoota Boyz
  • Heavy Infantry
    • Medium Heavy Infantry : the majority of the armoured infantry.
      • Stormboy
      • Tankbusta
      • Nobz Squad
      • Flash Gitz
    • Commander
      • Big Mek
      • War Boss
      • Mad Dok
      • Mega Armored Nob
  • Vehicle
    • Medium Vehicle : the majority of the vehicles.
      • Wartrukk
      • Wartrak
      • Looted Tank
    • High
      • Killa Kan
    • Air : As the name says, the aerial units.
      • Fighta-Bomma
  • Daemons
    • High Daemons : the ultimate (relic) daemons.
      • Squiggoth
  • Buildings
    • Light / Low Building
      • Listening Posts
      • Plasma Generators (normals)
      • Turrets
      • Mine fields
    • Medium Building
      • Barracks, armouries, factories... All but Light and Heavy
      • Thermo Plasma Generators
    • Heavy Building
      • HQ

Imperial Guard

  • Infantry
    • Medium
      • Guardsmen
      • Heavy Weapon Team (normal)
  • Heavy Infantry
    • Medium Heavy Infantry : the majority of the armoured infantry.
      • Kasrkin
    • High Heavy Infantry
      • Entrenched Heavy Weapon Team
      • Ogryns
  • Commander
    • Techpriest Enginseer (builder)
    • Command Squad
    • Commissar
    • Psyker
    • Priest
    • Vindicare Assassin
  • Vehicle
    • Light Vehicle
      • Sentinel
    • Medium Vehicle : the majority of the vehicles.
      • Chimera
      • Hellhound
      • Basilisk
      • Leman Russ
    • High Vehicle
      • Baneblade
    • Air : As the name says, the aerial units.
      • Marauder Bomber
  • Buildings
    • Light / Low Building
      • Listening Posts
      • Plasma Generators (normals)
      • Turrets
      • Mine fields
    • Medium Building
      • Barracks, armouries, factories... All but Light and Heavy
      • Thermo Plasma Generators
    • Heavy Building
      • HQ


  • Infantry
    • Light / Low Infantry
      • Earth Cast Builder
    • Medium Infantry
      • XV15 Stealth
      • Pathfinder
    • High Infantry
      • Kroot Carnivore
  • Heavy Infantry
    • Medium Heavy Infantry : the majority of the armoured infantry.
      • Vespid Stingwing Strain
      • Fire Warrior
    • High Heavy Infantry
      • XV88 Broadside Battlesuit
      • XV8 Crisis Battlesuit
      • Kroot Hound Pack
      • Shas'Ui Bodyguard
  • Commander
    • Tau Commander
    • Kroot Shaper
    • Ethereal
  • Vehicle
    • Light Vehicle
      • Devilfish Troop Carrier
      • Drone Squad
    • Medium Vehicle : the majority of the vehicles.
      • Skyray Missile Gunship
      • Drone Harbinger
      • Hammerhead Gunship
    • Air : As the name says, the aerial units.
      • Barracuda
  • Daemons
    • Medium Daemons
      • Krootox
    • High Daemons : the ultimate (relic) daemons.
      • Greater Knarloc
  • Buildings
    • Light / Low Building
      • Listening Posts
      • Plasma Generators (normals)
      • Turrets
    • Medium Building
      • Barracks, armouries, factories... All but Light and Heavy
      • Thermo Plasma Generators
    • Heavy Building
      • HQ
      • Mont'Ka Command Post
      • Kauyon Command Post
      • Coalition Center


  • Infantry
    • Light / Low Infantry
      • Builder Scarab
  • Heavy Infantry
    • Medium Heavy Infantry : the majority of the armoured infantry.
      • Necron Warrior
      • Wraith
      • Flayed One
      • Immortal
    • High Heavy Infantry
      • Pariah
  • Commander
    • Necron Lord
    • Lord Destroyer
    • Essence of the Nightbringer (invulnerable)
  • Vehicle
    • Medium Vehicle : the majority of the vehicles.
      • Tomb Spyder
      • Destroyer
      • Heavy Destroyer
    • High Vehicle
      • Restored Monolith
    • Air : As the name says, the aerial units.
      • Attack Scarab
  • Daemons
    • Medium Daemons
      • Essence of the Deceiver (invulnerable)
  • Buildings
    • Light / Low Building
      • Obelisk
      • Plasma Generators (normals)
      • Turrets
    • Medium Building
      • Barracks, armouries, factories... All but Light and Heavy
      • Thermo Plasma Generators
    • Heavy Building
      • HQ

Dark Eldar

  • Infantry
    • Light / Low Infantry
      • Tortured Slave
    • Medium Infantry
      • Mandrake
    • High Infantry
      • Warrior
      • Hellion
  • Heavy Infantry
    • Medium Heavy Infantry : the majority of the armoured infantry.
      • Scourge
      • Whych
    • High Heavy Infantry
      • Warp Beast Pack
  • Commander
    • Archon
    • Haemonculus
  • Vehicle
    • Light Vehicle
      • Reaver Jetbike
    • Medium Vehicle : the majority of the vehicles.
      • Raider
      • Talos
      • Ravager
    • High Vehicle
      • Dais of Destruction
    • Air : As the name says, the aerial units.
      • Raven
  • Buildings
    • Light / Low Building
      • Listening Posts
      • Plasma Generators (normals)
      • Turrets
      • Slave Chamber
    • Medium Building
      • Barracks, armouries, factories... All but Light and Heavy
      • Thermo Plasma Generators
    • Heavy Building
      • HQ

Sisters of Battle

  • Infantry
    • Light / Low Infantry
      • Ecclesiarchal Servitor
    • Medium Infantry
      • Missionary
    • High Infantry
      • Death-Cult Assassin
  • Heavy Infantry
    • Medium Heavy Infantry : the majority of the armoured infantry.
      • Battle Sister
      • Seraphim
    • High Heavy Infantry
      • Celestian
      • Sister Repentia
  • Commander
    • Canoness
    • Confessor
  • Vehicle
    • Medium Vehicle : the majority of the vehicles.
      • Rhino Transport
      • Immolator
      • Exorcist
      • Penitent Engine
    • Air : As the name says, the aerial units.
      • Lightning Fighter
  • Daemons
    • High Daemons : the ultimate (relic) daemons.
      • Avenging Angel (invulnerable)
      • Living Saint
  • Buildings
    • Light / Low Building
      • Listening Posts
      • Plasma Generators (normals)
      • Turrets
      • Purgatus Mine Fields
    • Medium Building
      • Barracks, armouries, factories... All but Light and Heavy
      • Thermo Plasma Generators
    • Heavy Building
      • HQ