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Dow sm canoness icon.png Dow2 dec anti infantry melee.png Faction Sisters of Battle Health 1500 Buy Reinf.
Tier 1 Morale 500 Dow req.png 200
Built by Adepta Sororitas Conv. Sight radius 30 Dow pow.png 40
Armor commander Detect radius 0 Dow squ.png
Mass 25 Speed 16 Dow veh.png
Model count 1/1 Build time 55
Primary commander. Effective against infantry at range and in melee. Has support abilities and boosts morale when attached to squads. Data version: 1.2

The Canoness is the primary commander unit for the Sisters of Battle in Dawn of War: Soulstorm.


  • Commander Unit (Primary).
  • Boosts morale and morale recovery when attached to squads.
  • Versatile hero that is effective at both ranged and melee attacks.
  • Has access to Acts of Faith: Purifying Light and Ascension.
  • Faithful. Generates a moderate amount of the Faith Resource while alive.
  • Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.


The overall leader of the Sisters of Battle, the Canoness commands the Ecclesiarchal forces of the Imperium. Her unwavering devotion to the cause boosts the morale of units she is attached to. She is a versatile combatant, skilled at both ranged and melee attacks. Finally, her boundless fanaticism marks her as a Faithful unit, providing the Faith resource while she remains in the battlefield.

Canoness Selena Agna was charged with purging the Kaurava system of the alien, mutant, and heretic with cleansing fire in Soulstorm.

The Canoness is a balanced hero, competent in melee and ranged combat with Acts of Faith to use as support. However, this balanced nature can make proper use of the Canoness difficult. Abilities alone do not justify the Canoness, but the Canoness lacks good melee accompaniment until Tier 3. In Tier 1 the Canoness' melee damage is necessary, and generally she can survive fine as a lone commander. Fielding Seraphim Squads or focusing Flamers to break the morale of enemies engaging her can help increase the survivability of the Canoness. The Inferno Pistol makes her one of the best shooting commanders in terms of damage in Tier 1, behind the Force Commander and Chaos Lord.

In Tier 2 survival becomes much more difficult. Options include using the Canoness as a ranged unit, holding the Canoness back until several enemy units' morale is broken, or attaching her to a Celestian Squad. The last option is generally the best; the Celestian Squad is moderately capable in melee combat, and can drop back into a ranged anti-vehicle role if the Canoness takes too much damage. In Tier 3 and beyond the Canoness should always be attached to a Sister Repentia Squad. The Canoness' Purifying Light ability is great for decreasing damage done by the enemy. Before Flamers are available, Purifying Light can be used to give the Sisters of Battle a much needed edge. Later in the game it can render detector units near impotent while Death-Cult Assassins dispatch their targets. The Canoness' best ability is Ascension, though it has an exorbitant Faith cost. Summoned Avenging Angels are immune to damage, are effective against infantry and vehicles, and can be used to tie up enemy squads in melee.

NOTE: The Canoness' Act of Faith: Ascension is her greatest ability. Although it has much better use than this, with her Avenging Angels, the Canoness certainly becomes the strongest commander when it comes to a commander duel, allowing her to mow down other enemy commander units with sheer ease when calling upon this ability and makes her the one of the best Commanders in the entire game, second only to the Chaos Lord and the Necron Lord for their Daemonic Ascension and Essence of the C'tan Gods respectively. Avenging Angels deal high damage to all armor types to use them as frequently as possible not only for offense but also for defense especially when facing the Imperial Guard's tough vehicles.


Canoness is initially equipped with a Bolt Pistol and a Power Sword. She can acquire an Inferno Pistol and the Brazier of Holy Fire through upgrades at the Pristine Sanctuary.

Bolt Pistol

Default ranged weapon. Effective against Infantry, Medium Heavy Infantry and Low Daemons... yet very weak.

Bolt Pistol
[1] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 23.1 19.3 13.9 7.7 4.6 11.6 11.6 6.2 3.1 23.1 11.6 2.1 4 65 80 2.5

Cost Default Weapon Range 25 Setup Time 0 s
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 85% Refire Rate 0.8 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing

Power Sword

Default melee weapon. Effective against Infantry (except Low), Heavy Infantry and more effective against Daemons. Hits can stop ennemy's movement on hit for a very short time.

Power Sword
[2] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 40.8 89.8 81.7 98.0 81.7 57.2 32.7 24.5 8.2 0.7 32.7 16.3 16.3 106.2 106.2 8.3 25 230 260 1

Cost Default Weapon Range Melee Setup Time 0 s
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 100% Refire Rate 1.5 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing
Notes When struck, there is a 50% chance to disable the target's movement for 2 s.

Inferno Pistol

Acquired for 50 Requisition and 30 Power with the Inferno Pistol upgrade (which also benefits to the Confessor, Veteran Superior, Seraphim Veteran Superior, and Celestian Veteran Superior). Approximatively DOUBLES the ranged damages (but they remain lower than default melee damages). Effective against the same targets than the Bolt Pistol (Infantry, Medium Heavy Infantry and Low Daemons).

Inferno Pistol
[3] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 53.9 53.9 53.9 53.9 47.2 33.7 31.0 17.5 9.4 26.9 26.9 13.5 6.7 53.9 26.9 6.4 15 150 167 5

Cost See Wargear: Inferno Pistol Range 25 Setup Time 0 s
Build Time See Wargear: Inferno Pistol Accuracy 85% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect None Requires Wargear: Inferno Pistol
Notes Permanently replaces the Bolt Pistol when researched. This weapons has 40% accuracy when firing on the move. When hit, the target takes 3 damage every second for 3 s.

Brazier of Holy Fire

Acquired for 50 Requisition and 20 Power by the Power Weapons upgrade. Adds chances to block enemy's abilities for a very short time on hits and effectiveness on Light and Medium Vehicles, making the Canoness effective at melee against all targets except Low Infantry (builders), Air, Heavy Vehicles (Land Raider, Baneblade, Restored Monolith and Dais of Destruction) and buildings. On Tiers 2, this weapon's damages can be increased by 20% by buying the Master-crafted Weapons upgrade.

Brazier of Holy Fire
[4] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 55.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 73.3 137.5 110.0 64.2 16.7 45.8 27.5 18.3 128.3 128.3 13.3 40 250 300 25
With Master-Crafted Weapons: 66.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 88.0 165.0 132.0 77.0 16.7 55.0 33.0 22.0 154.0 154.0 13.3 40 300 360 25

Cost See Wargear: Power Weapons Range Melee Setup Time 0 s
Build Time See Wargear: Power Weapons Accuracy 100% Refire Rate 1.5 s
Area of Effect None Requires Wargear: Power Weapons
Notes Permanently replaces the Power Sword when researched. When struck, the following effects may be triggered on the target:
  • 25% chance to disable abilities for 3 s.
  • 50% chance to disable movement for 2 s.
  • 50% chance to disable combat abilities for 4 s.


The two abilities of the Canoness require Faith, and are support abilities.

Act of Faith: Purifying Light

Requires 2 Holy Icons, as it costs 30% Faith (1.5 Faith bar parts) to use. Severely blinds enemies around the Canoness.

Act of Faith: Purifying Light Hotkey: D
[5] Requires Nothing
Target Types Enemy infantry, heavy infantry, and commanders
Range 0
Area of effect 25 Cooldown time 180 s
Cost [6] 30
Effects For 20 s, all enemy infantry in the area of effect around the Canoness are blinded by the holy light of the Emperor, suffering the following effects:

  • Decreases accuracy by 60%.
  • Decreases sight and detection range by 90%.

Act of Faith: Ascension

Requires Tiers 3 and the Act of Faith : Ascension upgrade (costs 100 Requisition and Power) at the Holy Reliquary. Then, requires 5 Holy Icons, as it takes 85% Faith (4.25 Faith bar parts) to use. Summons temporary, invincible, melee and powerful Avenging Angels.

Act of Faith: Ascension Hotkey: C
[7] Requires Act of Faith: Ascension Research
Target Types Self
Range 0
Area of effect None Cooldown time 180 s
Cost [8] 85
Effects Summons 5 Avenging Angels. The Angels last for 30 s and are immune to damage.

Researchable Upgrades

Commander Veteran Upgrade

Commander Veteran Upgrade Hotkey: P
[9] Cost [10] 100 [11] 25  Research Time 45 s
Researched From Holy Reliquary
Requires Ecclesiarchal Cathedral
  • Increases the hitpoints of the Canoness by 300.
  • Increases the hitpoints of the Confessor by 400.
  • Increases the health regeneration of the Canoness and Confessor by 1 hp/sec.

Commander Hero Upgrade

Commander Hero Upgrade Hotkey: P
[12] Cost [13] 100 [14] 100  Research Time 45 s
Researched From Holy Reliquary
Requires Commander Veteran Upgrade, Ecclesiarchal Citadel
  • Increases the hitpoints of the Canoness by another 350.
  • Increases the hitpoints of the Confessor by another 450.
  • Increases the health regeneration of the Canoness and Confessor by another 1 hp/sec.

Martyr's Gift Research

Martyr's Gift Research Hotkey: G
[15] Cost [16] 75 [17] 75  Research Time 25 s
Researched From Holy Reliquary
Requires Ecclesiarchal Chapel
Effects Enables the gift of Faith on death for the Canoness, Veteran Superior, Seraphim Squad, Celestian Squad, and Living Saint.

Act of Faith: Ascension Research

Act of Faith: Ascension Research Hotkey: C
[18] Cost [19] 100 [20] 100  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Holy Reliquary
Requires Ecclesiarchal Citadel
Effects Enables the use of Act of Faith: Ascension by the Canoness.

Wargear: Blessed Ammunition

Wargear: Blessed Ammunition Hotkey: B
[21] Cost [22] 100 [23] 75  Research Time 45 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Nothing
Effects Reduces the damage reduction from cover enemy units receive by 50% when attacking with the Bolt Pistols, Bolters, and Heavy Bolters used by the Missionary, Battle Sister Squad, Veteran Superior, Seraphim Squad, Seraphim Veteran Superior, Celestian Squad, Celestian Veteran Superior, Canoness, Confessor, and Rhino Transport.

Wargear: Inferno Pistol

Wargear: Inferno Pistol Hotkey: I
[24] Cost [25] 50 [26] 30  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Nothing
Effects Replaces the Bolt Pistol of the Canoness, Confessor, Veteran Superior, Seraphim Veteran Superior, and Celestian Veteran Superior with an Inferno Pistol.

Wargear: Power Weapons

Wargear: Power Weapons Hotkey: P
[27] Cost [28] 50 [29] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Nothing

Wargear: Master-Crafted Weapons

Wargear: Master-Crafted Weapons Hotkey: P
[30] Cost [31] 50 [32] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary,
Requires Ecclesiarchal Cathedral, Wargear: Power Weapons


When unit is complete

By the Emperor's light, i lead.

When selected

  1. Witchcraft, Heresy and Mutation!
  2. We command dread and awe!

When Encountering Enemy

  1. (Referring to Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Chaos Space Marines and other Sisters of Battle) Abominable Traitors!
  2. (Referring to Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Chaos Space Marines and other Sisters of Battle) Wretched Heretics!
  3. (Referring to Chaos) Chaos! I should have suspected.
  4. (Referring to Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Chaos Space Marines and other Sisters of Battle) The blasphemers shall meet only with unflinching justice.
  5. (Referring to Imperial Guard) The Imperial Guard. Tainted heretics, most likely.
  6. (Referring to Imperial Guard) Imperial Guard? Surely they are guilty of thought in their hearts.

Additional links

Sisters of Battle (Soulstorm) Ecclesiarchal servitor (Soulstorm) Missionary (Soulstorm) Battle Sister Squad (Soulstorm) Seraphim Squad (Soulstorm) Celestian Squad (Soulstorm) Death-Cult_Assassin (Soulstorm) Repentia Squad (Soulstorm) Avenging angel (Soulstorm) Rhino transport (Soulstorm) Immolator (Soulstorm) Lightning fighter (Soulstorm) Exorcist (Soulstorm) Penitent engine (Soulstorm) Canoness (Soulstorm) Confessor (Soulstorm) Living Saint (Soulstorm)

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