Soulstorm/Seraphim Squad

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Dow sm seraphim icon.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged.png Faction Sisters of Battle Health Buy Reinf.
Tier 1 Morale Dow req.png
Built by Adepta Sororitas Conv. Sight radius Dow pow.png
Armor Detect radius Dow squ.png
Mass Speed Dow veh.png
Model count / Build time
Squad that can fly around and across the battlefield. Wield powerful Dual Bolt Pistols at range. Data version: 1.2.0


"Grant us flight, grant us safe landing."

Soaring over the grim battlefields like angels of vengeance, the Seraphim Squad rains down fire and damnation on those sinners foolish enough to raise arms against the Ecclesiarchy. This fast attack combat unit operates close to the front lines, delivering lightning strikes against infantry units and dropping Krak Grenades against vehicles and fortifications. The sight of the Seraphim soaring overhead provides confidence to their allies and they generate Faith attribute necessary to power the Acts of Faith abilities.


Unlike other jump infantry, the Seraphim Squad (named after winged angels) actually does more damage with ranged attacks, thus ranged is their default stance. In an other hand, Seraphims are only equiped with Dual Bolt Pistols at range and Knife at melee, making them somewhat similar to unupgraded Battle Sisters Squad in terms of raw damages ; balanced at range, weak at melee. Powerful ranged infantry should still be engaged in melee with their Jump to deny them use of their heavy weaponry.

In Tier 2 Seraphim Squads become extremely useful with their :

  • Krak Grenades that allow them to launch hit and run attacks on enemy bases and vehicles.

With Krak Grenades and Veteran Superior Inferno Pistols, Listening Posts can easily be taken down, allowing for quick harassment and decap of strategic points, depriving the enemy of a successful economy and keeping them on their toes. Although their mobility is later surpassed by Lightning Fighters, they remain excellent base raiders with Krak Grenades and Angelic Visage is the only means Sisters of Battle have to restore morale in an emergency.

The best use for Seraphim Squads are anti-melee dancers. Losing very little accuracy on the move and having the ability to turn around and fire on attackers, Seraphim Squads still have a very high FotM accuracy of 70% which, with their speed and some good micro skills, enables a melee squad to be effectively countered by being able to do little more than simply pursue a Seraphim Squad, being shot until they die.

Although Seraphim Squads require the Pristine Sanctuary to be built first, this is usually not a problem as the Battle Sister Squads in particular need this building for access to Flamers. Thus a rapid Seraphim Squad build can easily be employed to field them as early as possible. In campaigns, sending two or three Seraphim Squads directly to the opponent's base will result in a total mind-bomb attack. Most races can't be quick enough to built their higher tier units and early-game units have Infantry armor which the Seraphims excel in destroying. Finish off what few units they have along with their builders for a quick and easy victory. This tactic works well with all races but would require a Missionary or Death-Cult Assassin to spot infiltrated units of the Tau and Dark Eldar, a Canoness or a Battle Sister Squad with Flamers to soak damage and demoralize enemies respectively when facing Orks or Necrons.


Dual Bolt Pistols

Seraphim's unique ranged weapon.
Dual Bolt Pistols
RangedStance icon bw.jpg
Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 5.6 4.6 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.8 5.8 2.8 2.7 5.6 2.8 2.1 4 15 20 2.5
With Leadership: 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 7.3 6.0 3.6 2.7 2.7 3.6 7.5 3.6 2.7 7.3 3.6 2.1 4 19.5 26 2.5
With Wargear: Psyocculum: 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 8.4 6.9 4.2 2.7 2.7 4.2 8.7 4.2 2.7 8.4 4.2 2.1 4 22.5 30 2.5
With Leadership + Wargear: Psyocculum: 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 11.0 9.0 5.4 2.7 2.7 5.4 11.3 5.4 2.7 11.0 5.4 2.1 4 29.3 39 2.5

Cost Default Weapon Range 19 Setup Time 0
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 85% Refire Rate 0.8 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing
Notes This weapon has 70% accuracy when firing on the move.


Seraphim's unique melee weapon. Pretty weak.
MeleeStance icon bw.jpg
Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 5.1 6.8 5.7 6.3 5.7 2.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.3 1.6 1.6 5.7 1.6 0.8 2.5 15 20 2.5
With Leadership: 6.6 8.8 7.4 8.2 7.4 3.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 3.0 1.6 1.6 7.4 1.6 0.8 2.5 19.5 26 2.5

Cost Default Weapon Range Melee Setup Time 0
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 65% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing

Bolt Pistol

Seraphim Superior Veteran's base ranged weapon.
Bolt Pistol
DOw2 ranged stance.png
Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS (includes Leadership): 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 12.2 10.2 6.1 3.5 3.5 6.1 11.4 5.7 3.5 12.2 6.1 2.1 4 19.5 26 2.5

Cost Default Weapon Range 19 Setup Time 0 s
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 85% Refire Rate 0.8 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing
Notes This weapon has 70% accuracy when firing on the move.


Seraphim Superior Veteran's base melee weapon.
Dow2 melee stance.png
Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS (includes Leadership): 22.1 29.4 24.5 27.0 24.5 12.3 2.5 2.5 0.7 0.7 19.6 4.9 0.7 12.2 6.1 3.9 12 66.3 84.5 1

Cost Default Weapon Range Melee Setup Time 0 s
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 65% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing

Inferno Pistol

Seraphim Superior Veteran's upgraded ranged weapon.
Inferno Pistol
Sisters research inferno pistol icon.jpg
Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS (includes Leadership): 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 18.6 13.3 11.7 6.9 3.2 10.6 12.2 5.8 2.1 21.2 10.6 3.0 7 57.2 67.6 2.5

Cost 50 / 30 Range 20 Setup Time 0 s
Build Time 30 s Accuracy 85% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect None Requires Wargear: Inferno Pistol
Notes Permanently replaces the Bolt Pistol when researched. This weapon has 70% accuracy when firing on the move. When hit, the target takes 3 damage every second for 3 s.

Power Sword

Seraphim Superior Veteran's upgraded melee weapon.
Power Sword
Sisters research leader melee 1 icon.jpg
Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS (includes Leadership): 33.3 44.4 37.0 40.7 37.0 18.5 25.9 18.5 9.8 9.8 22.2 9.8 9.8 25.9 9.8 8.1 25 100.1 127.4 15
With Master-Crafted Weapons: 66.6 88.8 74.0 81.4 74.0 37.0 51.8 37.0 9.8 9.8 44.4 9.8 9.8 51.8 9.8 8.1 25 200.2 254.8 15

Cost 50 / 20 each Range Melee Setup Time 0 s
Build Time 30 s each Accuracy 65% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect None Requires Wargear: Power Weapons
Notes Permanently replaces the Chainsword when researched.



Jump Hotkey: J
Requires Nothing
Target Types Terrain
Range 70
Area of effect None Cooldown time 45 s
Effects The Seraphim Squad quickly jumps over any intervening terrain to another location. At full charge the Seraphim Squad will have 2 jumps available, requiring 90 s total to recharge from empty.

Angelic Visage

Angelic Visage Hotkey: G
Ability angelic visage.jpg
Requires Ecclesiarchal Cathedral
Target Types All friendly Infantry, Heavy Infantry, and Commanders
Range 25
Area of effect 15 Cooldown time 120 s
Effects The soaring angelic form of the the Seraphim inspires nearby troops, giving a variety of bonuses to the squad and any friendly units within the area of effect for 24 s.

  • Instantly restores squads' morale.
  • Gives immunity to morale damage.
  • Increases the max damage of all weapons by 25%.

Krak Grenades

Krak Grenades Hotkey: K
Ability krak grenades.jpg
Requires Wargear: Krak Grenades
Target Types Any enemy Vehicle or Building
Range 18
Area of effect None Cooldown time 120 s
Effects Deals massive damage to a single vehicle or building.
Damage Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High Morale Min Max Min.D
- - - - - - 450-562.5 600-750 600-750 - 450-562.5 600-750 300-375 - - 0 600 750 0

Zealot Charge

Zealot Charge
PassiveAbility icon.jpg
Requires Zealot Charge Research
Target Types All enemy Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Commanders, and Daemons
Range 12
Area of effect None Cooldown time Passive ability
Effects Once researched, when on Assault Stance Seraphim will automatically charge the enemy once in range and cause 25 damage, knocking the target down (10 force).



This upgrade can be purchased from squad's menu and remains until the beneficiary unit dies ; if so, the unit and/or the upgrade has to be purchased again.

Seraphim Veteran Superior

Adds a fervous leader to the squad, which is a good melee fighter, increases Morale and damages dealt by all Seraphims of the squad (through Leadership invisible passive).
Seraphim Veteran Superior Hotkey: L
Squad leader seraphim.jpg
Cost 70 / 15 Build Time 15 s
Requirements Ecclesiarchal Cathedral, Pristine Sanctuary
  • +100 maximum Morale, +1 Morale Regeneration
  • Increases squad's weapon damage by 30%.
  • Generates 0.35 Faith points.


Once bought on the respective buildings, these upgrades are permanent.

Wargear: Power Weapons

Greatly increases the Seraphim Veteran Superior's melee damages.
Wargear: Power Weapons Hotkey: P
Sisters research leader melee 1 icon.jpg
Cost 50 / 20 Research Time 30 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Nothing

Wargear: Inferno Pistol

Greatly increases the Seraphim Veteran Superior's ranged damages.
Wargear: Inferno Pistol Hotkey: I
Sisters research inferno pistol icon.jpg
Cost 50 / 30 Research Time 30 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Nothing
Effects Replaces the Bolt Pistol of the Canoness, Confessor, Veteran Superior, Seraphim Veteran Superior, and Celestian Veteran Superior with an Inferno Pistol.

Wargear: Blessed Ammunition

Increases damages against ennemies in cover. Do not apply to Seraphim Veteran Superior's Inferno Pistol.
Wargear: Blessed Ammunition Hotkey: B
Research blessed ammo.jpg
Cost 100 / 75 Research Time 45 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Nothing
Effects Reduces the damage reduction from cover enemy units receive by 50% when attacking with the Bolt Pistols, Bolters, and Heavy Bolters used by the Missionary, Battle Sister Squad, Veteran Superior, Seraphim Squad, Seraphim Veteran Superior, Celestian Squad, Celestian Veteran Superior, Canoness, Confessor, and Rhino Transport.

Wargear: Krak Grenades

Allow to use Krak Grenades ability (damages against a single vehicle or building).
Wargear: Krak Grenades Hotkey: K
Research krak grenades.jpg
Cost 75 / 75 Research Time 40 s
Researched From Adepta Sororitas Convent
Requires Ecclesiarchal Cathedral
Effects Allows Seraphim Squads and Celestian Squads to use Krak Grenades.

Wargear: Master-Crafted Weapons

Evolution of Wargear : Power Weapons. Doubles the Seraphim Superior Veteran's melee damages.
Wargear: Master-Crafted Weapons Hotkey: P
Sisters research leader melee 2 icon.jpg
Cost 50 / 20 Research Time 30 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary,
Requires Ecclesiarchal Cathedral, Wargear: Power Weapons

Wargear: Blessed Armor

Increases each squad member's health by 25%.
Wargear: Blessed Armor Hotkey: C
Sisters Research infantry health icon.jpg
Cost 100 / 50 Research Time 45 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Ecclesiarchal Cathedral

Wargear: Chaplet Ecclesiasticus

Increases squad's maximum Morale by 100 points.
Wargear: Chaplet Ecclesiasticus Hotkey: H
SB faith1 icon.jpg
Cost 125 / 50 Research Time 35 s
Researched From Holy Reliquary
Requires Nothing

Martyr's Gift Research

Gives Faith at each death of any squad member (1 Faith point for Seraphims, unknown for Seraphim Superior Veteran).
Martyr's Gift Research Hotkey: G
Research martyrs gift.jpg
Cost 75 / 75 Research Time 25 s
Researched From Holy Reliquary
Requires Ecclesiarchal Chapel
Effects Enables the gift of Faith on death for the Canoness, Veteran Superior, Seraphim Squad, Celestian Squad, and Living Saint.

Zealot Charge Research

Enables the Zealot charge passive.
Zealot Charge Research Hotkey: Z
Research zealot charge.jpg
Cost 75 / 50 Research Time 20 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Ecclesiarchal Citadel
Effects Allows Seraphim Squads, Sister Repentia Squads and Mistresses to use the Zealot Charge ability.

Wargear: Psyocculum

Increases Seraphims ranged damages by 50%. Doesn't seem to apply to Seraphim Superior Veteran.
Wargear: Psyocculum Hotkey: Y
Research infantry range.jpg
Cost 150 / 50 Research Time 45 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Ecclesiarchal Citadel

Heart of Worship Research

Evolution of Wargear : Chaplet Ecclesiasticus. Increases squad's maximum Morale by (another) 100 points.
Heart of Worship Research Hotkey: H
SM faith2 icon.jpg
Cost 165 / 75 Research Time 35 s
Researched From Holy Reliquary
Requires Shrine of the Living Saint, Wargear: Chaplet Ecclesiasticus

Additional informations

Sources : and . "Knoweldge is power, guard it well".

Abilities and upgrades are listed by their chronological availability, with these priorities : Tiers > Requirements > Costs.