Spire Golgotha

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Spire Golgotha
Retribution (Optionnal) campaign mission
Location Méridian
Briefing Tyranids: ...unnecessary... yet also... opportunity... grow stronger...

All: We found dem powah stations, boss. Should give us da juice wez need to finish'er up. And why's you 'here tellin' me about it? I tolds ya ta find'em and ta guard'em! Even if da humies don't come ta take'em back, someone else might come nick'em! We're supposed to just sit on dem powah nodes an'hope a scrap comes ta us? Where's da fun in dat? We only needs dem nodes long enough ta finish buildin' "Daisy." DAT is when da fun begins.

Objectives Capture and defend the Power Nodes

II: Kill the Ork Weirdboy

Intelligence Diversity: The Ork force includes suppression teams, melee jump troops, and armored vehicles. Counter them with a diverse squad and wargear loadout.

Payback: Expect strong counter-attacks after capturing a Power Node. Enemy orks will target foreign Power Generators.
