The Last Stand/The Anvil of Khorne

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The Anvil of Khorne is the second The Last Stand map, introduced with the release of the Dawn of War II: Retribution expansion and The Last Standalone. It is not available in the old/original version of The Last Stand.

Map description

Rt tls anvil.png

The Anvil of Khorne is similar in overall design to The Bloodied Colosseum. The map is markedly smaller, making it harder to lead enemies around the map for long stretches of time as they can often fire or jump across much of the map.

There is a partially blocked central area with cover and obstacles that allows teams to set up camps. There are two buildings just like on Colosseum, except on Anvil they are located side by side by the back (northeast) wall.

Waves on Anvil start out much tougher than on Colosseum. Having a low-level team wiped during the first waves is not unheard of. However, the waves do not ramp up in difficulty as fast as they do on Colosseum. There is less of a difference between wave 2 and wave 12 on Anvil compared to wave 2 and 12 on Colosseum.

The XP rewards are a bit lower per wave on Anvil, which (combined with the higher difficulty early on) makes it a poor map for low-level heroes who are still trying to level. However, higher level teams are able to reach the mid teens and even wave 20 with reliability, getting a higher XP per hour rate than on Colosseum.

Wave overview

  • There is no clone wave (wave 16 on Colosseum) on the Anvil. This means that builds and abilities that aren't normally used because of wave 16 on Colosseum can be brought to Anvil.
  • Many more tanks and heavy units spawn on Anvil. Not just the walker type units from waves 17-19 of BC, but also real heavy tanks like predators and fire prisms. This means that a means of anti-tank is very important on AoK.
  • Starting from wave 13, super units start appearing (SwarmLord - wave 13, Battlewagon - wave 16, Avatar - wave 17, Great Unclean One - wave 18, BaneBlade - wave 19, Land Raider - wave 20). There are also some special-type enemies more dangerous than the others (Lictors, Catachans, Seer Council, Zoanthropes, Predators, Gabriel Angelos with Terminators)
  • Wave 20 involves a force of Space Marines complete with Terminators and a Land Raider. While the wave is hard, it does not seem as difficult as wave 20 on Colosseum. Therefore the hardest wave on AoK is usually considered the 19th one.

XP rewards

Wave Reward Accumulation
1 100 100
2 100 200
3 100 300
4 100 400
5 100 500
6 200 700
7 200 900
8 200 1,100
9 200 1,300
10 200 1,500
11 300 1,800
12 300 2,100
13 300 2,400
14 300 2,700
15 300 3,000
16 400 3,400
17 400 3,800
18 400 4,200
19 400 4,600
20 400 5,000

Wave 1: Chaos

  • Spawn 1
    • 1 x Chaos Space Marines - capture (15)
  • Spawn 2
    • 1 x Chaos Space Marines - attack (15)
  • Spawn 3
    • 2 x Heretics - attack
    • 1 x Chaos Space Marine - attack (25)
  • Spawn 4
    • 2 x Heretics - attack
    • 2 x Heretics - attack (25)

The heritics carry grenade launchers that deal good damage. Low health/armor heros need to stay moving and avoid more than one unit of heritics gunning for them. The Khornate marines that spawn in the second half are more annoying than a real threat. Just kite them while avoiding getting ganged up by multiple marines and you should be fine.

Wave 2: Eldar

  • Spawn 1
    • 1 x Wraithguard - attack (5)
    • 2 x Howling Banshees - capture
    • 2 x Howling Banshees - attack (20)
  • Spawn 2
    • 1 x Wraithguard - attack (5)
    • 2 x Howling Banshees - attack
  • Spawn 3
    • 1 x Wraithguard - attack (5)
    • 2 x Howling Banshees - attack
  • Spawn 4
    • 2x Howling Banshees - attack (20)

Banshees are light, but deal high damage, so try to avoid getting mobbed. A team member with AOE attacks should handle them fairly easily. The Wraithguards are more of a problem. Their range attack does extreme damage to anybody, but they are weak in melee. Either melee them or focus fire to avoid spending too much time in their sights.

Wave 3: Space Marines

  • Spawn 1
    • 1 x Assault Marine - capture
    • 1 x Devastator Marine - attack
  • Spawn 2
    • Empty
  • Spawn 3
    • 1 x Assault Marine - attack
  • Spawn 4
    • 1 x Assault Marine - attack
    • 1 x Devastator Marine - capture

Another 2 pronged, melee and artillery wave. Assault marines like to jump on lone heros and kill them. Once again, low health members need to stay moving. Devastators have suppresion fire and anyone who isn't fearless needs to avoid getting caught in the open. Wave 3 isn't that hard, as long as the team doesn't take too long to clear out each group.

Wave 4: Tyranids

  • Spawn 1
    • 1x Ravener - Attack
    • 2x Hormagant - Attack
  • Spawn 2
    • 1x Lictor - Stalker (10)
    • 1x Ravener - Attack
    • 2x Hormagant - Attack (10)
  • Spawn 3
    • 1x Lictor - Stalker
    • 1x Ravener - Attack
    • 2x Hormagant - Attack (20)
  • Spawn 4
    • 2x Hormagant - Capture (30)

Lictors and raveners are the main threats in this wave. There are only 9 raveners in total, and they all spawn in seperate areas, so getting focus fired from all of them is unlikely. The Lictors are more dangerous ; cloaking and jumping on low health team members is a favorite strategy of theirs. Stick together and you should be able to cut through this wave without too much difficulty.

Wave 5: Orks

  • Spawn 1
    • 1x Strong Shoota - Attack
    • 1x Strong Shoota - Capture
  • Spawn 2
    • 2x Stikk Bombas - Attack (15)
    • 2x Strong Shoota - Attack
  • Spawn 3
    • 1x Wartrukk - Attack (15)
    • 4x Nob with Huge Choppa - Capture
    • 2x Stikk Bombas - Attack (25)
    • 2x Strong Shoota - Attack
  • Spawn 4
    • 2x Stikk Bombas - Attack (35)
    • 2x Strong Shoota - Attack
    • 1x Strong Shoota - Capture (25)

A standard mix of orks. The Wartrukk is the only piece of interest. The Trukk is very light armored and can be taken out without any real anti-tank abilities. Unless you team really drags their feet and gets completely mobbed by the entire wave, you should be fine. Watch out for lots of knockdown - anyone without unshakeable needs to watch for grenades underfoot.

Wave 6: Imperial Guard

  • Spawn 1
    • 4x Guardsmen - Attack
    • 2x Ogryn - Capture (30)
  • Spawn 2
    • 4x Guardsmen - Attack
    • 2x Ogryn - Attack (30)
  • Spawn 3
    • 4x Guardsmen - Attack (25)
    • 2x Ogryn - Capture
  • Spawn 4
    • 4x Guardsmen - Attack (25)
    • 2x Ogryn - Attack

Ogryns are dangerous with their high health, decent range damage, and strong melee attacks. The several huge mobs of cannon fodder guards should be mopped up with AOE attacks. Watch for the ogryns surrounding team members and preventing them from running easly. Mass fire from multiple guard units could also kill your hero if its armor isn't that high.

Wave 7: Tyranids

  • Spawn 1
    • 2x Warrior Venom Cannon - Attack (45)
    • 1x Tyrant Guard - Attack
    • 1x Termagant - Capture (5)
  • Spawn 2
    • 2x Warrior Venom Cannon - Attack (25)
    • 1x Tyrant Guard - Attack
    • 2x Termagant - Capture (5)
  • Spawn 3
    • 1x Tyrant Guard - Attack
    • 1x Termagant - Capture (25)
  • Spawn 4
    • 2x Warrior Venom Cannon - Attack
    • 1x Tyrant Guard - Attack
    • 2x Termagant - Capture (25)

Tyrant guards are for all intents and purpose tanks and should be dealt with by anti-armor. Broods of venom cannons can also deal good damage if you're not in cover. The hordes of termagants are only a threat to anyone who is low health from the venom cannons and the tyrant guards.

Wave 8: Space Marines

  • Spawn 1
    • 1x Apothecary - Attack (20)
    • 1x Space Marine - Attack (15)
    • 1x Dreadnought - Capture
  • Spawn 2
    • 1x Apothecary - Attack (20)
    • 1x Space Marine - Capture (15)
  • Spawn 3
    • 1x Apothecary - Attack (20)
    • 2x Space Marine - Attack (15)
    • 1x Dreadnought - Attack
  • Spawn 4
    • 1x Apothecary - Attack (20)
    • 2x Space Marine - Attack (15)

Dreads are dangerous and spawn early. Try to knock them out fast since they tend to do an AoE ground slam attack that does immense damage and could kill you fairly quickly - especially with the plasma space marines follow-up. Plasma weapons are dangerous, but cover helps immensely, so use it. The apothecaries can be a nuisance, as they like to heal low health members and require some focus fire to kill.

Wave 9: Imperial Guard

  • Spawn 1
    • 3x Stormtroopers - Attack
  • Spawn 2
    • 3x Stormtroopers - Attack
  • Spawn 3
    • 2x Heavy Weapons - Attack (10)
    • 3x Catachan - Attack (25)
    • 1x Chimera - Attack (10)
  • Spawn 4
    • 1x Heavy Weapons - Attack (10)
    • 3x Catachan - Attack (25)
    • 1x Chimera - Attack (25)

The storm troopers are only slightly more dangerous then regular guards and should be handeld with AOE like their lesser cousins. The heavy weapons are dangerous to heores without fearless, but they have very low health so it shouldn't take much to knock them out. The catachan guards are the real threat. Anyone without unshakeable should be EXTREMELY careful around them, as they throw grenades and cause knockback with their default attack. This means it's very easy to get caught in a knockdown lock until killed, unless other team members intervene. The Chimeras are low health tanks and anti-armor should take them out swiftly.

Wave 10: Orks

  • Spawn 1
    • 1x Nob with Huge Choppa - Attack (10)
    • 1x Deff Dread - Attack (1)
    • 1x Stronga Shoota - Attack (5)
    • 2x Stronga Shoota - Capture (5)
    • 1x Stronga Shoota - Attack
    • 2x Stronga Shoota - Capture
  • Spawn 2
    • 1x Rokkit Launcha - Attack (25)
  • Spawn 3
    • 1x Nob with Huge Choppa - Attack (15)
    • 1x Nob with Huge Choppa - Capture (10)
    • 1x Deff Dread - Attack (25)
  • Spawn 4
    • 1x Rokkit Launcha - Attack (10)
    • 2x Stronga Shoota - Attack
    • 2x Stronga Shoota - Capture (25)

Another standard ork mob. Deff dreads are dangerous, but if you got this far you should have a team member with anti-tank aimed and ready to go. Between rokkits, stikk bombs and nob special attacks, knock down is the threat. Unshakeable heros should take the brunt of the incoming fire and try to keep the aggro off shakeable teammates.

Wave 11: Eldar

  • Spawn 1
    • 2x Warp Spider - Attack (10)
    • 1x Fire Prism - Attack (25)
    • 3x Banshee - Capture (15)
  • Spawn 2
    • 2x Warp Spider - Attack (10)
    • 2x Banshee - Capture (15)
  • Spawn 3
    • 1x Seer Council - Attack (20)
    • 1x Fire Prism - Attack (25)
    • 2x Warp Spider - Attack (15)
  • Spawn 4
    • 2x Banshee - Attack
    • 2x Warp Spider - Attack (15)

Banshes and warp spiders are high damage light health enemies that shouldn't be ignored. The fire prisms are the first tanks that are a real threat to the team, as their main blast can take a huge chunk out of your health. The Seer Council is a large threat, as it is an extreme high damage melee unit - albeit with low health. Watch out for the seer council's lounge attacks that will knock your heroes back, even with the unshakable ability, and could otherwise leave you constantly stunned if they individually lounge at you. This wave is best characterized as high damage and low health. Move fast and you should be safe, but lose focus for a moment and your health will evaporate.

Wave 12: Chaos

  • Spawn 1
    • 2x Cultists - Capture
    • 1x Bloodcrusher - Attack (45)
    • 1x Chaos Dreadnought - Attack (35)
  • Spawn 2
    • 2x Cultists - Attack
    • 1x Chaos Dreadnought - Attack (15)
  • Spawn 3
    • 3x Cultists - Capture (15)
    • 1x Bloodcrusher - Attack (15)
    • 1x Bloodcrusher - Attack (45)
  • Spawn 4
    • 3x Cultists - Attack (15)
    • 1x Bloodcrusher - Attack (25)
    • 1x Chaos Predator - Attack (50)

With the exception of a few cultist mobs, this wave is almost exclusively armor. The bloodcrushers are the lightest armor unit and should be dealt with first as they have a high DPS melee attack. The Chaos dreads have higher armor and are ranged only, so watch out for squishy heroes as they can focus fire on them. The Predator at the end has very tough frontal armor. In order to dispatch it quickly, you should attack it on its rear for higher damage.

Wave 13: Tyranids

  • Spawn 1
    • 2x Warrior - Attack (5)
    • 1x Warrior - Attack (25)
    • 2x Zoanthrope - Attack (15)
  • Spawn 2
    • 1x Warrior - Capture (5)
    • 1x Warrior - Capture (25)
    • 2x Zoanthrope - Attack (15)
  • Spawn 3
    • 3x Hormagant - Attack (5)
    • 3x Hormagant - Attack (25)
  • Spawn 4
    • 3x Hormagant - Attack (5)
    • 1x Swarmlord - Attack
    • 3x Hormagant - Attack (25)

At the begining of this wave, a Swarmlord spawns and should immediately be prioritized. The Swarmlord is a super-heavy unit (doesn't mean necessarily with high health) and cannot be cloned by the sorcerer. He has a fast and very high damage melee attack, but his health isn't too high and should be treated with roughly the same level of anti-armor as a predator tank. As long as the Swarmlord stays on the map, all other Tyranids move much faster. This means that even with teleport/jump, the team can be mobed with frightening speed before they can fire off many attacks. If your team fails to kill the Swarmlord in the opening moments of this wave, than it becomes vastly more difficult. A good strategy is to kill it with ranged attacks at the start of the wave, as it takes a few seconds for the gates to lower. Afterwards, the only threats left are the zoanthropes.

Wave 14: Space Marines

  • Spawn 1
    • 2x Scout - Capture
    • 3x Scout - Capture (25)
    • 1x Assault Marine - Attack (20)
    • 2x Assault Marine - Capture (30)
    • 1x Dreadnought with Assault Cannon - Attack (15)
  • Spawn 2
    • 2x Assault Marine - Capture (30)
    • 1x Dreadnought with Assault Cannon - Attack (15)
  • Spawn 3
    • 1x Dreadnought with Assault Cannon - Attack (15)
    • 1x Predator - Attack (30)
  • Spawn 4
    • 2x Scout - Capture
    • 2x Scout - Capture (25)

The scouts spawning first should be dealt with quick, as their bolters are very high damaging if they attack in groups. The assault marines likewise deal considerate damage with their melee attacks after they jump on your position (they tend to assault lone heroes). Heroes without unshakable could be knocked out by their charge attack and it could leave you vulnerable for a brief period. The assault marines should be dealt with behind cover (such as the destroyed tank wrecks), since the three dreadnoughts that will spawn will only attack you from range.

The Predator tank has a damaging small AOE shot (compared to Chaos Predator tanks that attack individual targets) that could easily dispatch minions and dealing considerate amount of damage to heroes. Likewise, it should be damaged from its rear in order to dispatch it quicker.

Wave 15: Imperial Guard

  • Spawn 1
    • 2x Ogryn - Attack (20)
    • 3x Ogryn - Attack (20)
    • 2x Ogryn - Attack
    • 2x Heavy Weapons - Attack (10)
  • Spawn 2
    • 2x Ogryn - Attack
    • 2x Heavy Weapons - Attack (10)
  • Spawn 3
    • 2x Heavy Weapons - Attack
    • 2x Sentinel - Capture
    • 1x Leman Russ - Attack (30)
  • Spawn 4
    • 2x Heavy Weapons - Attack
    • 2x Sentinel - Capture
    • 1x Leman Russ - Attack (30)

This wave will spawn a considerate amount of ogryns (a foreshadowing to a certain later wave) and an AOE attack should be very effective in dealing with them, as they will gang up on your heroes. If given the chance, the heavy weapons should be dealt with first since they can suppress heroes without the fearless perk, and they are one of the lowest health units. Heroes with light armor should be wary of Sentinels, as they can deal a fast amount of damage to them (similar to the chimera). However, they have low health and should be dealt with easily.

If the wave is dealt rather quickly, 2 leman russ tanks will spawn afterwards. They have a very damaging cannon shot and are very dangerous if left alive for longer periods. But their health is lower than a predator tank, and likewise they can be destroyed quicker by damaging their rear armor (and they can be stunned).

Wave 16: Orks

  • Spawn 1
    • 1x Deff Dread - Attack
    • 2x Storm Boyz - Capture (15)
    • 2x Storm Boyz - Capture (25)
    • 2x Nob with Huge Choppa - Attack (10)
  • Spawn 2
    • 1x Deff Dread - Attack
  • Spawn 3
    • 2x Storm Boyz - Attack (15)
    • 2x Storm Boyz - Attack (25)
    • 1x Nob with Huge Choppa - Attack (15)
    • 2x Nob with Huge Choppa - Capture (10)
  • Spawn 4
    • 2x Storm Boyz - Capture
    • 2x Storm Boyz - Capture (20)
    • 1x Deff Dread - Attack (15)
    • 1x Battlewagon - Attack (30)

A very dangerous wave. Heroes with light armor should make use of the buildings on the map (assuming they haven't been destroyed at this point), as this wave will spawn a very large amount of of stormboyz - and even one of these squads can deal high amounts of damage. An AOE attack (grenades, toxic blast, etc.) and/or suppression is very advisable to use as they are melee jump units and will instantly jump on your position, thus rendering ranged heroes less useful if they are attacked.

If given the opportunity, dealing with some of the deff dreads or huge choppa nobs is also recommended. Tanky minions are also good to distract the stormboyz, since squishy minions will be dealt very quick and will consume your energy. After dispatching all of the stormboyz, the remaining deff dreads and huge choppa nobz should be dealt with.

This wave features another super heavy unit (likewise it cannot be cloned by the sorcerer), which is an ork battlewagon. The wagon itself is not much of a threat. It's a large unit that is not very mobile, since it has difficulty to go around objects due to its size. It should be finished last, as it doesn't do much damage for a high wave unit and could be easily avoidable by staying behind destroyed wrecks.

Wave 17: Eldar

  • Spawn 1
    • 2x Wraithguard - Attack
    • 1x Fire Prism - Attack (30)
  • Spawn 2
    • 2x Wraithguard - Attack
    • 1x Fire Prism - Attack (30)
  • Spawn 3
    • 2x Wraithguard - Attack
    • 4x Banshee - Capture (25)
    • 2x Banshee - Capture
  • Spawn 4
    • 4x Banshee - Capture (25)
    • 2x Banshee - Capture
    • 1x Avatar of Khaine - Attack (45)

The high amounts of banshees spawns are the top priority on this wave, as they can very easily dispatch any hero if they attack in groups. Like any large blobs, an AOE attack is very useful - especially since banshees don't have a high health pool. If your hero has high health and armor, you can make use of the groups of wraithguards, since their ranged attacks can also kill the banshees that are close to you.

The Fire Prisms should be avoided if your hero doesn't have the unshakable perk, since they can knock out your hero and can leave you vulnerable to banshees and wraithguards (and unlike the wraithguards, while Prism Cannon shots are also AoE, they do not damage the banshees that are next to you).

After a brief period of time, the eldar's superheavy unit, the Avatar, will soon spawn. The Avatar has very high health and deals very high amounts of damage. Its sword can instantly kill heroes with light armor and can down tanky heroes with 3-4 swings. The necron Overlord is the best counter for the avatar, since he also has high amount of armor and melee damage. Otherwise, the pursued hero can kite the Avatar while the others engages him.

Wave 18: Chaos

  • Spawn 1
    • 1x Bloodletters - Attack
    • 1x Dreadnought - Attack (25)
    • 1x Great Unclean One - Attack (45)
  • Spawn 2
    • 1x Bloodletters - Attack
    • 1x Bloodletters - Attack (20)
    • 1x Dreadnought - Attack (25)
  • Spawn 3
    • 1x Bloodletters - Attack
    • 1x Bloodletters - Attack (20)
    • 2x Bloodcrushers - Attack (20)
    • 1x Dreadnought - Attack (25)
  • Spawn 4
    • 1x Bloodletters - Attack (20)
    • 1x Predator - Attack (25)
    • 1x Predator - Attack (45)

The bloodletters are mandatory to deal with first. There are high amounts of them on this wave which could easily wipe your characters if left alive. Area of effect attacks, while good, are not as useful since the bloodletters have quite the amount of health. It is actually very advisable to use high damaging weapons (sniper rifles or anti-tank/anti-armor weaponry such as plasma, rockets etc.) on them as quickly as possible.

The Chaos Dreadnought with the bloodcrushers should be handled similarly as the previous Chaos wave containing them.

Two Chaos Predator tanks will also spawn with a squad of Bloodletters to conclude this wave. They should either be destroyed first, or if not possible avoided to deal with the bloodcrushers first.

Alongside the second predator tank, Ulkair, the Chaos super heavy unit will spawn. While not as damaging as the avatar, the Great Unclean One will similarly pursue a hero and either attack with its sword or some times vomit on it. Ulkair is slow, can be stunned and not a huge threat, and as such should be dealt with last. Be careful will explode doing damage just before the end of the wave.

Wave 19: Imperial Guard

  • Spawn 1
    • 3x Ogryn - Attack
    • 2x Ogryn - Attack (20)
    • 2x Ogryn - Attack (40)
    • 1x Baneblade - Attack
  • Spawn 2
    • 2x Ogryn - Capture
    • 2x Ogryn - Capture (20)
    • 2x Ogryn - Capture (40)
  • Spawn 3
    • 2x Storm Trooper - Attack
    • 2x Storm Trooper - Attack (10)
    • 2x Storm Trooper - Attack (30)
    • 2x Storm Trooper - Attack (40)
    • 1x Leman Russ - Attack (30)
  • Spawn 4
    • 2x Storm Trooper - Attack
    • 2x Storm Trooper - Attack (10)
    • 2x Storm Trooper - Attack (30)
    • 2x Storm Trooper - Attack (40)
    • 1x Leman Russ - Attack (50)

Arguably regarded as the hardest wave on Anvil of Khorne, the nightmare of Wave 19 starts with 2 spawns containing storm troopers, 1 spawn composed entirely of ogryns and one more also containing ogryns and the Baneblade. The most common party wipe of this wave is due to the units overwhelming the heroes due to their sheer number.

The Baneblade does moderate damage to your heroes and if given the chance it should be dealt with first. Next, while the ogryns are a real threat, the storm troopers are more of a priority due to their high numbers and their constant damage, which combined with the ogryns will very often overwhelm the heroes, as there is very little mobility on this map. Plus, if the ogryns gang up on you, if you don't have jetpacks or teleport, you could get stuck on them. Area of effect attacks are the most advisable to use (airstrikes, toxic blast, grenades, orbital strike, etc.), and even the heavy jetpack stun will provide useful.

The two Leman Russ tanks are also high priority targets as soon as they spawn, since they will join the storm troopers and bombard your heroes into submission even more.

Hiding behind tank wreks to avoid ranged attacks could also prove useful to deal with some of the ogryns first.

Wave 20:Gabriel's Marines

  • Center
    • 1x Gabriel Angelos - Attack (11)
    • 1x Terminator - Attack (17)
    • 1x Terminator - Attack (17.5)
    • 1x Terminator - Attack (18)
  • Spawn 1
    • 2x Space Marine - Attack
    • 1x Space Marine - Attack (20)
    • 1x Assault Marine - Capture (30)
    • 1x Dreadnought with Assault Cannon - Attack (45)
    • 1x Predator - Attack (30)
  • Spawn 2
    • 2x Space Marine - Attack
    • 1x Assault Marine - Capture (30)
    • 1x Dreadnought with Assault Cannon - Attack (45)
    • 1x Land Raider Redeemer - Attack (30)
  • Spawn 3
    • 1x Space Marine - Attack (20)
    • 1x Assault Marine - Capture (30)
    • 1x Dreadnought - Attack (45)
    • 1x Predator - Attack (30)
  • Spawn 4
    • 1x Assault Marine - Capture (30)
    • 1x Dreadnought - Attack (45)

Without surprise, this is one of the hardest waves of the game - even harder than Wave 19 depending on the setups! The wave starts with a cutscene showing a drop pod landing containing Garbriel Angelos, with three squads of terminators teleporting next to him. A nuke attack right off the bat on Gabriel and his terminators will help massively (If you had time at the end of wave 19 to snare mine the area, then all the better!) as they are all grouped nicely and open fire on you without moving much. Otherwise, hit them with serious AA since their melee attacks deal serious amounts of damage. If you can knock a lot of them out early on, you have a great chance at succeeding - provided the team stays on the move and dosen't screw up.

Avoid or deal with the Land Raider at all costs, its multi-melta is one of the most damaging attacks of the game, and could kill your heroes very quick. Send your biggest anti-armor character after the dreads and the predators. After that, just keep moving while picking off space marines before you get cornered, and then move on.

Be careful of focus fire from the plasma marines as they seem less important compared to the bigger threats - yet they can still melt your health very quickly.