Wraithseer Kayduin

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"Versatile walker with powerful damage and support abilities. The Wraithseer can push and pull targets in a direction of its choosing with its Warp Strike ability"

Multiplayer matches only.


  • Warp Strike (active): Kayduin manifests a psychic image that projects an expanding midrange line of force in the specified direction. Causes Knockback and reflects projectiles. If cast inside of Immolate it causes Damage and Stun. Enables a secondary activated ability to teleport Kayduin to the position of his psychic image.
  • Immolate (active): Kayduin summons psychic flames at the target position, burning enemies and emboldening allies. Deals ramping Damage to enemies and Healing to allies over time in a circle. When Warp Strike is targeted inside of Immolate it causes Damage and Stun in a Line
  • Wraith Shot (active channeled): Kayduin channels his D-cannon in the target direction, firing an enhanced shot that collides with enemies. While channeling, up to 6 Wraithguard spirits are summoned to his aid to also fire. He can cancel the channeling at any time with a move or stop command triggering the Wraithguard to fire. Early cancellation reduces cooldown time.
  • Fleet of Foot: Increased speed and shield regeneration while in the area of effect of a Webway Gate
  • Kayduin's Presence - Enliven (Initial Doctrine): While Kayduin is deployed he grants Fleet of Foot to nearby allied Wraithguard, Wraithblades and the Wraithlord.
  • Kayduin's Command - Webway Shield (Unlockable Doctrine): Webway gates gain the ability to deploy a shield around themselves that Absorb shots. At level 8 it unlocks as a full Doctrine.

General Notes

Kayduin is a bit of a mixed bag. His general combat abilities are not great; like Wraithguard his cannon has a VERY slow firing rate, and is only about twice as strong as a single Wraithguard making his overall ranged DPS quite miserable. He is definitely better at melee combat, but not as good as the Wraithlord, so overall his standard damage output is rather lacking for an Elite of such cost. His abilities are key to his usefulness; if carefully aimed and timed he can do effective burst damage and healing, and his permanent Fleet of Foot aura can be quite handy when using Wraithblades and especially the very slow Wraithguard. The Wraith Shot, however, is both painfully slow to fire a full salvo and is extremely noticable, so you're pretty much only guaranteed to hit buildings with it and its damage isn't that great anyways.