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Bilious Discharge   
Dow2cr csm bilious discharge.png Unit(s) Plague Champion Coats the targeted area with adhesive bile for 10 seconds, reducing the speed of infantry units caught within radius 8 by 80%. 20 second cooldown.
Requires Bile Spewer
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Blight Grenade   
Dow2 csm blight grenade.png Unit(s) Plague Champion Throws a gas grenade that does 45 grenade damage and 10 flame damage per second for 10 seconds in radius 7.5. Infantry struck by the gas are infected and receive 3 flame damage per second for 10 seconds and pass the infection on to allied infantry within radius 8. 40 second cooldown.
Requires Blight Grenades
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png35
Blood Rage   
Dow2 csm blood frenzy.png Unit(s) Chaos Dreadnought Sends the Chaos Dreadnought into an uncontrolled rage for 30 seconds, attacking any nearby unit whether friend or foe. Increases speed by 2.5, damage by 30%, special attack chance by 25%, and reduces received damage by 50%.
Requires Mark of Khorne
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Bloodletter Energy Drain   
Dow2 cor temp 2.png Unit(s) Temporary Bloodletters The unit loses Dow2 energy 16.png11 per second. When the unit runs out of energy, the temporary Bloodletters are destroyed.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Breath of Nurgle   
Dow2 csm breath of nurgle.png Unit(s) Plague Champion Releases a cloud of vile fumes that heals the Plague Champion for 145 health and all friendly infantry for 70 health in radius 10. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Mucus Discharge
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Dow2r csm cacophony.png Unit(s) Noise Marines The Noise Marines produce huge sonic blasts in their vicinity for 8 seconds, knocking down any infantry in radius 15. The squad remains disabled but immune to knockdown. 50 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Chains of Torment   
Dow2 csm chains of torment.png Unit(s) Chaos Sorcerer Summons a mass of sorcerous chains that snare enemy infantry in radius 15, immobilizing them so long as the central mass is not destroyed. 65 second cooldown.
Requires Robes of Torment
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Chaos Shrine Aura   
Dow2 wil battle lust.png Unit(s) All Chaos Shrines The energy regeneration of daemons within radius 30 is increased by Dow2 energy 16.png5 per second.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Chaos Shrine of Khorne   
Dow2 csm shrine khorne.png Unit(s) Chaos Heretics Spawns temporary Bloodletters that linger as long as they have energy. When worshiped by Heretics, the Bloodletters spawn twice as often. Also increases the energy regeneration of nearby daemons.
Requires Chaos Lord hero
Cost Dow2 req 16.png150 Dow2 pow 16.png20 Dow2 pop 16.png5 Time (seconds)15
Chaos Shrine of Nurgle   
Dow2 csm shrine nurgle.png Unit(s) Chaos Heretics Periodically suppresses enemies and heals allied infantry. When worshipped by Heretics, the shrine activates twice as often and enables reinforcement. Also increases the energy regeneration of nearby daemons.
Requires Plague Champion hero
Cost Dow2 req 16.png150 Dow2 pow 16.png20 Dow2 pop 16.png5 Time (seconds)15
Chaos Shrine of Tzeentch   
Dow2 csm shrine tzeentch.png Unit(s) Chaos Heretics Fires Doombolts that do plasma damage and burn the ground for a duration. When worshipped by Heretics, the Doombolts fire twice as fast. Also increases the energy regeneration of nearby daemons.
Requires Chaos Sorcerer hero
Cost Dow2 req 16.png150 Dow2 pow 16.png20 Dow2 pop 16.png5 Time (seconds)15
Consume (GUO)   
Dow2 csm devour.png Unit(s) Great Unclean One Consumes the life force of an allied non-hero infantry unit, killing it to regain 50 energy. 20 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost 1 allied model
Consume (Sorcerer)   
Dow2 csm consume.png Unit(s) Chaos Sorcerer Consumes the life force of an allied non-hero infantry unit, killing it to restore 50 energy to the Sorcerer. 20 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost 1 friendly model
Coruscating Flame   
Dow2 csm coruscating flame.png Unit(s) Chaos Sorcerer Drapes a unit in a shield of unholy fire for 10 seconds, burning all those around them in radius 10 for 6 flame damage per second. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Sword of Flame
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png30
Curse of Tzeentch   
Dow2 csm curse of tzeentch.png Unit(s) Chaos Sorcerer Places a curse on an enemy non-hero infantry squad that lasts 10 seconds. Any member of the squad that perishes while under the effect of the curse will explode, doing 35 piercing damage and weapon knockback in radius 7. 40 second cooldown.
Requires Icon of Tzeentch
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Daemonic Roar   
Dow2cr csm daemonic roar.png Unit(s) Bloodcrusher Emit a terrible howl, forcing enemy infantry in radius 15 to flee in abject terror for 5 seconds. 20 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Daemonic Shield   
Dow2 csm daemonic shield.png Unit(s) Chaos Sorcerer Raises a shield of Warp energy over radius 10 that lasts 30 seconds and reduces received ranged damage by 35%. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Daemon Armor
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Dark Halo   
Dow2cr csm dark halo.png Unit(s) Chaos Lord Raises a shield of unholy energy that causes damage to reduce energy instead of health. Shield strength is 5 damage taken per 1 energy drained.
Requires Dark Halo
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png0
Destructive Strike   
Dow2cr csm destructive strike.png Unit(s) Chaos Lord Lashes out in the specified direction with a destructive strike, dealing 30 piercing damage and weapon knockback in radius 5 along a line of length 12.5. 40 second cooldown.
Requires Lightning Claws
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png30
Doom Blast   
Dow2 csm doomblast icon.png Unit(s) Chaos Heretics Makes a Heretic explode with Chaos energy, dealing 25 plasma damage and suppressing enemies in radius 12. 8 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost 1 Heretic model
Dow2 csm doombolt.png Unit(s) Chaos Sorcerer Fires three bolts of dark psychic power at the targeted area, each doing 18 plasma damage. If the Sorcerer has at least 40 energy after the initial casting, he fires an additional three bolts. 10 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Drain Life   
Dow2cr csm consume lord.png Unit(s) Chaos Lord Grips an enemy infantry model with an invisible force for 6 seconds, draining the life from them and doing 60 piercing damage while healing the Chaos Lord for 120 health. The Chaos Lord is immobile while the target is held with weapon knockback for the duration. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Mantle of Hate
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Foul Snare   
Dow2 csm foul snare.png Unit(s) Great Unclean One Projects the writhing intestines of the Great Unclean One, snaring the targeted infantry unit, doing 180 sniper damage and pulling them to their doom with weapon knockback. The target and other infantry in radius 4 are stunned for 5 seconds. 40 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Frenzied Barrage   
Dow2 csm missile barrage.png Unit(s) Chaos Dreadnought Unleashes a barrage of 5 missiles at the target area, each doing 10 rocket damage and suppressing infantry in radius 7. The missiles explode in flames, doing 3 flame damage and suppressing infantry in radius 7 every second for 7 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Mark of Tzeentch
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Furious Charge   
Dow2cr csm charge juggernaut.png Unit(s) Bloodcrusher Charge at a targeted location, dealing piercing damage and ability knockback to everything in the Bloodcrucher's path. 20 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png80
Grenade Barrage   
Dow2 csm grenade barrage.png Unit(s) Chaos Heretics Launches a barrage of grenades at the designated location, each doing 25 grenade damage and weapon knockback in radius 6. 45 second cooldown.
Requires Grenade Launchers
Cost None
Heavy Bolter Turret (PC)   
Dow2 csm heavy bolter turret.png Unit(s) Plague Champion A turret emplacement armed with heavy bolters that can suppress enemy infantry. Limited firing arc.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 req 16.png200 Dow2 pow 16.png30 Dow2 pop 16.png5 Time (seconds)15
Immolate (Chaos Lord)   
Dow2cr csm immolate.png Unit(s) Chaos Lord Ignites an area in flames, dealing 12 ability flame damage in radius 10 every second. 45 second cooldown.
Requires Combi-Flamer
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png35
Kill the Weak!   
Dow2cr csm kill the weak.png Unit(s) Chaos Lord Strike out at all nearby enemies, doing 20 melee damage and weapon knockback in radius 5. The Chaos Lord drains the life force of his victims, healing himself for 75 health per target. 25 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Let the Galaxy Burn!   
Dow2 sm fireball.png Unit(s) Chaos Lord Looses 5 orbs of empyreal flame at the target area. These orbs detonate on impact, doing 45 flame damage and weapon knockback, leaving smoldering residue that deals 3 flame damage per second for 15 seconds in radius 10. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Armor of the Inferno
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png55
Melee Resistance Aura   
Dow2 sta hardened armor.png Unit(s) Heroes and most melee units This unit always takes 40% less damage from melee weapons. Does not affect damage from ranged weapons.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Pestilent Strike   
Dow2 csm pestilent strike.png Unit(s) Plague Champion Strikes the ground with great force, stunning nearby enemy infantry in radius 10 for 4 seconds and releasing a cloud of flies that reduces received ranged damage in area 10 by 90% for 18 seconds. 45 second cooldown.
Requires Plague Fist
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Plague Marine Aura   
Dow2 sm cor temp 6.png Unit(s) Plague Marines Enemy infantry and Spore Mines within 6 radius of a Plague Marine unit move 30% slower.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Dow2 repair icon.png Unit(s) Various squads and heroes Repair an allied vehicle or building for 10 health per second. Does not work on biological units. Cooldown 5 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Dow2 csm subjugate.png Unit(s) Chaos Sorcerer Gains control of an enemy non-hero infantry unit for 15 seconds. The Sorcerer is immobile and immune to knockback during the subjugation. 80 second cooldown.
Requires Tome of Subjugation
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Swarm of Flies   
Dow2 csm swarm of flies.png Unit(s) Great Unclean One Stomps the ground, doing 20 explosive damage and ability knockback to all enemies in radius 10. The blast stirs up a caustic cloud of flies that does 6 explosive damage per second over 10 seconds to enemies within radius 15. Enemy infantry are also infected, receiving 3 flame damage per second for 10 seconds. This infection will spread to any allies within radius 8. 45 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png80
Sweeping Doom   
Dow2cr csm sweeping doom.png Unit(s) Chaos Lord Performs a sweeping strike, doing 20 melee damage and weapon knockback to all enemy infantry surrounding the Chaos Lord in radius 10. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Blood Maul
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Unholy Stench   
Dow2 csm unholy stench.png Unit(s) Plague Champion Discharges a foul gas in radius 15, doing 4 piercing damage and 300 courage damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds to all enemies within. 40 second cooldown.
Requires Fetid Armor
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Dow2 csm vomit.png Unit(s) Great Unclean One Spews forth the foul contents of the Great Unclean One's stomach, doing up to 250 plasma cannon damage and ability knockback to all enemies caught in radius 8. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png70
Dow2cr csm bloodletter warp.png Unit(s) Bloodletters Teleport through the Warp to the target location. 65 range, 20 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png70
Warp (Sorcerer)   
Dow2 csm sorcerer warp.png Unit(s) Chaos Sorcerer Teleports to target location. 50 range, 11 second cooldown.
Requires Vestments of the Warp
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png30
Warp Rift   
Dow2 csm warp rift.png Unit(s) Chaos Sorcerer Tears an entrance to and exit from the Warp, teleporting nearby infantry from one to the other. The rift remains active so long as the Sorcerer channels energy to it. 100 second cooldown.
Requires Sigil of the Rift
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png65
Warp Shift   
Dow2cr csm bloodletter warp shift.png Unit(s) Bloodletters Shifts the Bloodletters partway into the Warp, making them invulnerable and immune to knockback, but unable to attack for 10 seconds. 25 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Dow2 csm warpfire.png Unit(s) Chaos Sorcerer Triggers a line of fiery detonations within radius 5 and length 20, doing 80 plasma cannon damage and weapon knockback to enemies caught in the wake. 40 range, 60 second cooldown.
Requires Rod of Warpfire
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png65
Worship (Khorne)   
Dow2 csm worship khorne.png Unit(s) Chaos Heretics Sends the Heretics into an unholy veneration of the Dark Gods. Chaos allies in radius 35 have their speed increased by 2, while daemons also have their health regeneration increased by 12 hp/s and energy regeneration increased by 1.5 e/s. Heretics are disabled while worshipping.
Requires Chaos Lord hero
Cost None
Worship (Nurgle)   
Dow2 csm worship nurgle.png Unit(s) Chaos Heretics Sends the Heretics into an unholy veneration of the Dark Gods. Chaos allies in radius 35 have their health regeneration increased by 5 hp/s, while daemons have their health regeneration increased by 12 hp/s and energy regeneration increased by 1.5 e/s. Heretics are disabled while worshipping.
Requires Plague Champion hero
Cost None
Worship (Tzeentch)   
Dow2 csm worship tzeentch.png Unit(s) Chaos Heretics Sends the Heretics into an unholy veneration of the Dark Gods. Chaos allies in radius 35 become infiltrated, while daemons also have their health regeneration increased by 12 hp/s and energy regeneration increased by 1.5 e/s. Heretics are disabled while worshipping.
Requires Chaos Sorcerer hero
Cost None