Retribution/Multi-laser Turret (building)/Strategy

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The Multi-laser turret is an effective early engagement tool, that is absolutely unsuitable for late or even mid game defense compared to other lucrative options like special weapons teams. Deploy it early at a Victory point, however be mindful of its arc, it can't anything beyond the arc or outside of it, so find good choke hold points where it won't be easily flanked or avoided. Multi-laser turrets are good at killing weak infantry quickly, (orks, space marine scouts, eldar guardians, etc.) heavier infantry are a problem unless kept at bay with supporting units. Like all static defense turrets, it suffer the same penalties of being easily destroyed by enemy armor, jump troops, or infiltrated units. It's important to keep in mind, if you're going to hold down an area, make a decent use of these turrets, they have good synergy with Imperial Guard bunkers or the deploy-able cover abilities from Guardsmen themselves. Remember, use them early on in an engagement around a Victory point or key location, if you need the resources, you can salvage the turret. Do not leave the turret alone for long, it doesn't take much damage for it to be destroyed fast. Very important thing to say, IT CANNOT SUPPRESS UNITS LIKE THE HEAVY BOLTER TURRETS. It will fall quick to a swift advance by enemy melee troops so always keep a heavy bolter squad or something around to watch it.