Retribution/Multi-laser Turret (building)

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Multi-laser Turret
Dow2r ig tarantula multilas.png Faction Imperial Guard Health 325 Buy Reinf. Upkeep
Tier 1 Courage Dow2 requisition.png 150 Dow2 req 16.png15.3
Armor building_ig_turret Sight radius 40 Dow2 power.png 5
Size huge Detect radius 15 Dow2 popcap.png 5
XP value 100 Speed 0 Dow2 time.png 60
Death +15 Model count 1
Melee skill
A stationary anti-infantry turret with limited firing arc. Does not suppress. Data version: 3.18

The Multi-laser Turret is a stationary gun turret armed with a multi-laser gun that is fairly effective against light infantry, but does not cause suppression like heavy bolter turrets. It acts as a cheap fire support structure that can be discarded to reclaim ½ of the resources used to build it.

  • Constructed on the field by Guardsman Squads (the only turret to be constructed by a non-hero unit)
  • Unique armor type that takes higher damage from grenades, grenade launchers and stikkbombs compared to other turrets
  • Turrets can be reclaimed to refund Dow2 req 16.png75 Dow2 pow 16.png2.5; the process takes Time (seconds)10 to finish