Soulstorm/Chaos Space Marines

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This page is about a Dawn of War: Soulstorm multiplayer and single-player units. For previous versions, see Dawn of War. For background information, see Chaos Space Marines.


SSChaos lord icon.jpg Chaos Lord Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec anti infantry melee.png Primary commander. Effective against infantry in melee.
Sorcerer icon.jpg Chaos Sorcerer Dow2 tier2.png Dow2 dec anti everything melee.png Powerful support commander with excellent ranged attacks.

Ah, the Khorne Bloodthirster. This three story tall axe-wielding winged demon is the relic unit of the Chaos faction. He's available in Dawn of War and Winter Assault mainly in the multiplayer maps when playing as Chaos, and in the campaigns of Dark Crusade and Soulstorm.

He is a heavy melee fighter with surprisingly good mobility. He is in fact able to fly with the wings, in Soulstorm he can store two flights at full charge of the ability and they have a moderately good range, plus his walking speed is decent as well. This can make him dangerously effective at flying past the forward defenses of a base to get at the more vulnerable and valuable buildings inside. In fact, this particular aspect can make him a bit of an "I win" button in the Soulstorm campaign against several of the Strongholds, provided you are able to capture the relic point on the respective map. Since most of the Strongholds require you to destroy one single building at the center of the main base to win, after moving the squad with champion you intend to sacrifice for the summoning as close as possible to that main base and calling out the Bloodthirster, he has the mobility, toughness and speed to walk/fly clean past all of the defenses and army forces and hammer on that one critical building, and he has enough damage output to usually destroy it before he falls. The Strongholds that are resistant to this:

-The Eldar stronghold, as the Bloodthirster won't be able to see past the infiltration of the buildings

-The Necron stronghold, as not only is getting the relic a severe pain but the mission doesn't rely on the destruction of just one building

-The Sisters of Battle stronghold due to the Living Saint's ability to make everything around her invincible before you are able to destroy the four statues

-The Space Marine stronghold by a limited amount; there is a Terminator squad next to the main building that can keep the Bloodthirster permanently stunned, but not before he does at least some damage to the base. Once the Bloodthirster is dropped the Terminator squad will likely move forward to try and attack the rest of your forces, moving away from the main building, so if you can quickly summon a second Bloodthirster and fly him over you should be able to take out the building.


To do:
DoWSSChaosSpaceMarinesBuilderHeretic.png Heretic Dow2 tier1.png Builder unit. Constructs all Chaos buildings. Forced Labor ability allows faster construction time, but damages the Heretic. Costs no Squad Cap but has limited availabilty.

Soulstorm/Cultist Squad Soulstorm/Chaos Space Marine Squad Soulstorm/Raptor Squad Soulstorm/Khorne Berzerker Squad Soulstorm/Horror Squad Soulstorm/Possessed Squad Soulstorm/Obliterators


To do:

Soulstorm/Chaos Rhino Soulstorm/Defiler Soulstorm/Chaos Predator Soulstorm/Hell Talon


To do:

Soulstorm/Desecrated Stronghold Soulstorm/Listening Post (Chaos) Soulstorm/Plasma Generator (Chaos) Soulstorm/Thermo Plasma Generator (Chaos) Soulstorm/Chaos Temple Soulstorm/Chaos Armoury Soulstorm/Sacrificial Circle Soulstorm/Machine Pit Soulstorm/Daemon Pit Soulstorm/Heavy Bolter Turret Soulstorm/Mine Field (Chaos)


In the single player campaign, Chaos has one distinct difference to several other factions: most of their Honorguard are single hero-like units instead of a squadron. These single-unit Honorguard are roughly equivalent to a lower level Commander in toughness and damage output, but they cannot be attached to a squadron like the Chaos Lord or Sorcerer. This style of Honorguard has advantages and disadvantages.

On the plus side, these single-unit Honorguard (mostly heavy Melee fighters with few exceptions) are quite powerful and remain so up until the brink of death, so if enough are collected the Chaos Lord and the guard can frequently immediately berserker-rush an enemy base from the very start of a mission and destroy the key building for a fast win, perhaps supported by a couple of Chaos Marine squads.

On the minus side, without being able to Reinforce like a squad and with no decent healing abilities within the Chaos forces, the single unit Honorguard will die frequently. They can be lost at the end of a map fight even if they didn't explicitly die; this frequently happens if the mission ends with them at less than 40% health. The Requisition costs of constantly retraining them can be difficult to maintain in the earlier stages of the campaign.