Soulstorm/Chaos Lord

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Chaos Lord
SSChaos lord icon.jpg Dow2 dec anti infantry melee.png Faction Chaos Space Marines Health 1630 Buy Reinf.
Tier 1 Morale 450 Dow req.png 220
Built by Chaos Temple Sight radius 30 Dow pow.png 50
Armor Commander Detect radius 0 Dow squ.png
Mass 25 Speed 16 Dow veh.png
Model count 1/1 Build time 59
Primary commander. Effective against infantry in melee. Data version: 1.2

The Chaos Lord is the primary commander unit for the Chaos Space Marines forces in Dawn of War: Soulstorm.


"Forces of Chaos.... Bow to me!!"

The Chaos Lord is the main leader of the Chaos army. Ruthless and cunning, he is blessed by the Dark Powers, giving him superior strength and stamina.

Firaeveus Carron leads the Alpha Legion out of the Warp Storm in their assault on the Kaurava System in Soulstorm.

  • Commander Unit (Primary).
  • Boosts morale and morale recovery when attached to squads.
  • Excellent at melee attacks.
  • Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.


In melee combat, the Chaos Lord can go blow for blow with almost every commander in the game. Initially, he will defeat any commander available at the game's start, even the Space Marine Force Commander, the Ork Big Mek, or the Necron Lord, in 1-on-1 combat. Because of this, the Chaos user should be unafraid of sending him into battle where he will certainly earn his value. His auspex can also be used to keep an eye on locations and choke points through which the enemy will most certainly pass. Against the Eldar, it works wonders in protecting areas that the Eldar might seek to build a hidden Webway Gate.

In small early engagements between forces, it is often advantageous to try and eliminate the accompanying enemy commander first. Targeting him with both the Chaos Lord and any accompanying troops will typically result in the quick death of the opposing commander. Normally the Chaos Lord and some of the accompanying troops will be left to face the remaining infantry. Commander armor is the toughest in the game and early on, even if the Chaos Lord has but a fraction of his health, he will still be able to decimate entire squads as his commander armor is so tough. Eliminating enemy commanders who can typically do the most damage to the Chaos Lord's commander armor will lengthen the lifespan of the Chaos Lord. In this way, the Chaos Lord's attack and presence, blow for blow, is incredibly powerful.

The Chaos Lord tends to fall away during the Tier 2 stage for the Chaos faction. Tier 2 typically brings with it large squads of upgraded, powerful ranged units for most races, units that will make it difficult for the Chaos Lord to approach them in melee combat, despite his powerful commander armor. Instead, the Chaos Sorcerer with his slew of spells and teleporting abilities seems to be the better fit in Tier 2. Most Chaos users seem to spend tier 2 upgrading their Chaos Lord's health and damage instead of actively trying to use the Chaos Lord in skirmishes (unless necessary).

In Tier 3, the Chaos Lord will typically re-emerge since his health and strength will have been dramatically increased. He can better survive the powerful ranged units of the Tier 2 class, as most types gain no new major upgrades besides health bonuses with the advent of Tier 3. At this point, he may be fully upgraded in terms of health and damage and may even have the Daemon Prince transformation charged. The Chaos Lord fully upgraded does incredible melee damage to all units (especially vehicles with the vehicle high armor type). His Daemon Strength is useful to finish off enemy commanders and can turn the tide of battle as it increases his melee damage considerably. The Chaos Lord in Tier 3 also has the ability to transform into the powerful Daemon Prince, the second most powerful Chaos unit, after the Bloodthirster. Be aware that, while during his Daemon Prince transformation, the Chaos Lord is invincible, there is a slight delay after it is selected during which the Chaos Lord will still take damage and may die if he had too little health at the time, canceling the transformation. The player does not lose the charge however and the transformation is immediately available as soon as the Chaos Lord is rebuilt. However, the inability to use the Daemon Prince, especially at a critical point in a battle, may spell the end for the Chaos user. Finally, once the Daemon Prince is on the field, the Chaos Lord cannot be rebuilt until the Daemon Prince is destroyed.


The Choas Lord is initially equipped with a Bolt Pistol and the Accursed Crozius. He can acquire a Plasma Pistol through upgrades.

Bolt Pistol

Default ranged weapon. Effective against Infantry, Medium Heavy Infantry and Low Daemons... yet very weak.

 Bolt Pistol 
Default Ranged Weapon.jpgDamage Per Second Values
InfantryVehiclesBuildingsDaemonsMoraleBase Damage
Initial DPS:30.943.030.146.430.322.317.38.94.317.334.86.24.345.111.12.1450624

CostDefault WeaponRange25Setup Time0 s
Build TimeDefault WeaponAccuracy85%Refire Rate0.8 s
Area of EffectNoneRequiresNothing

Accursed Crozius

Default melee weapon. Effective against Infantry (except Low), Heavy Infantry and more effective against Daemons.

 Accursed Crozius 
Default Melee Weapon.jpg Damage Per Second Values
InfantryVehiclesBuildingsDaemonsMoraleBase Damage
Initial DPS:68.1144.0132.8155.2132.865.555.744.5170.25.058.323.426.0170.1170.130601682065
Commander Veteran Upgrade:78.3165.6152.7178.5152.775.364.151.2195.
Commander Hero Upgrade:93.9198.7183.2214.2183.290.376.961.4234.85.080.532.335.9234.8234.83060231.8284.35

CostDefault WeaponRangeMeleeSetup Time0 s
Build TimeDefault WeaponAccuracy100%Refire Rate1 s
Area of Effect0RequiresNothing
NotesWith each blow, the Accursed Crozius inflicts a slow poison that deals 5 damage a second for 8 s and cuts the target's movement speed in half for 4 seconds.

Plasma Pistol

Acquired for 50 Requisition and 30 Power with the Wargear: Plasma Pistols upgrade. Approximately DOUBLES the ranged damage against infantry (but they remain lower than default melee damages). Effective against the same targets than the Bolt Pistol.

 Plasma Pistol 
Chaoslord plasma research.jpg Damage Per Second Values
InfantryVehiclesBuildingsDaemonsMoraleBase Damage
Initial DPS:65.062.863.362.563.846.925.118.616.325.137.516.316.344.823.33.310183.194201. 68125

CostSee Wargear: Plasma PistolsRange25Setup Time0 s
Build TimeSee Wargear: Plasma PistolsAccuracy65%Refire Rate1 s
Area of Effect0RequiresWargear: Plasma Pistols
NotesOnce researched, the Plasma Pistol permanently replaces the Bolt Pistol


The first two abilities of the Chaos Lord are support abilities, whereas the last two abilities increase the combat effectiveness of the Chaos Lord itself.

Tainted Auspex

 Tainted AuspexHotkey: N
Tainted auspex icon.jpg RequiresNothing
Target TypesTerrain
Area of effect17Cooldown time45 s
 CostResource power.gif 15 
EffectsThe Chaos Lord deploys an Auspex Device that acts as a spotter and detector within its Area of Effect. The Auspex can be shot at and destroyed like normal (it has 50 hitpoints and Building Low armor) but infiltrates after 5 seconds.

Symbol of Chaos

 Symbol of Chaos 
PassiveAbility icon.jpg RequiresSymbol of Chaos Research
Target Typesall friendly Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Daemons, and Commanders
Area of effect15Cooldown timePassive ability
EffectsAll friendly infantry, heavy infantry, daemons, and commanders within the area of effect have their damage increased by 10%.

Daemon Strength

Requires... fixme.

 Daemon StrengthHotkey: D
Daemonstrength icon.jpg RequiresDaemon Strength Research
Target TypesSelf
Area of effect0Cooldown time200 s
EffectsThe Chaos Lord's weapon damage is increased by 50% for 30 seconds.

Daemon Prince

 Summon Daemon PrinceHotkey: S
Daemon prince icon.jpg RequiresDaemon Prince Research
Target TypesSelf
Area of effect0Cooldown timeSingle use ability
EffectsWhen activated the Chaos Lord ascends to a Daemon Prince.

Researchable Upgrades


Commander Veteran Upgrade

Commander Veteran Upgrade Hotkey: P
[1] Cost [2] 100 [3] 25  Research Time 45 s
Researched From Holy Reliquary
Requires Ecclesiarchal Cathedral
  • Increases the hitpoints of the Canoness by 300.
  • Increases the hitpoints of the Confessor by 400.
  • Increases the health regeneration of the Canoness and Confessor by 1 hp/sec.

Commander Hero Upgrade

Commander Hero Upgrade Hotkey: P
[4] Cost [5] 100 [6] 100  Research Time 45 s
Researched From Holy Reliquary
Requires Commander Veteran Upgrade, Ecclesiarchal Citadel
  • Increases the hitpoints of the Canoness by another 350.
  • Increases the hitpoints of the Confessor by another 450.
  • Increases the health regeneration of the Canoness and Confessor by another 1 hp/sec.

Martyr's Gift Research

Martyr's Gift Research Hotkey: G
[7] Cost [8] 75 [9] 75  Research Time 25 s
Researched From Holy Reliquary
Requires Ecclesiarchal Chapel
Effects Enables the gift of Faith on death for the Canoness, Veteran Superior, Seraphim Squad, Celestian Squad, and Living Saint.

Act of Faith: Ascension Research

Act of Faith: Ascension Research Hotkey: C
[10] Cost [11] 100 [12] 100  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Holy Reliquary
Requires Ecclesiarchal Citadel
Effects Enables the use of Act of Faith: Ascension by the Canoness.

Wargear: Blessed Ammunition

Wargear: Blessed Ammunition Hotkey: B
[13] Cost [14] 100 [15] 75  Research Time 45 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Nothing
Effects Reduces the damage reduction from cover enemy units receive by 50% when attacking with the Bolt Pistols, Bolters, and Heavy Bolters used by the Missionary, Battle Sister Squad, Veteran Superior, Seraphim Squad, Seraphim Veteran Superior, Celestian Squad, Celestian Veteran Superior, Canoness, Confessor, and Rhino Transport.

Wargear: Inferno Pistol

Wargear: Inferno Pistol Hotkey: I
[16] Cost [17] 50 [18] 30  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Nothing
Effects Replaces the Bolt Pistol of the Canoness, Confessor, Veteran Superior, Seraphim Veteran Superior, and Celestian Veteran Superior with an Inferno Pistol.

Wargear: Power Weapons

Wargear: Power Weapons Hotkey: P
[19] Cost [20] 50 [21] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary
Requires Nothing

Wargear: Master-Crafted Weapons

Wargear: Master-Crafted Weapons Hotkey: P
[22] Cost [23] 50 [24] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Pristine Sanctuary,
Requires Ecclesiarchal Cathedral, Wargear: Power Weapons

Additional links

Sisters of Battle (Soulstorm) Ecclesiarchal servitor (Soulstorm) Missionary (Soulstorm) Battle Sister Squad (Soulstorm) Seraphim Squad (Soulstorm) Celestian Squad (Soulstorm) Death-Cult_Assassin (Soulstorm) Repentia Squad (Soulstorm) Avenging angel (Soulstorm) Rhino transport (Soulstorm) Immolator (Soulstorm) Lightning fighter (Soulstorm) Exorcist (Soulstorm) Penitent engine (Soulstorm) Canoness (Soulstorm) Confessor (Soulstorm) Living Saint (Soulstorm)

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