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This page is about a Dawn of War: Soulstorm multiplayer and single-player commander unit. For previous versions, see Dawn of War.

Chaplain Dow2 dec hero anti infantry melee.png
DoWSSSpaceMarinesCommanderChaplain.png Faction Space Marines Health 1200 Morale 700 Sight 30
Build by Stronghold Health+ 1450 Morale regen 14 Squad 1/1
Armor Commander Health++ 1700 Morale boost 200 Build time 57
DoWSSResourceRequisition.png 260 Tier 2 Regen 3 Morale regen boost 2
DoWSSResourcePower.png 50 Mass 25 Regen+ 4.5 Morale break 49 (7%)
Speed 16 Regen++ 6 Morale death penal. 300
Description Commander Unit. Has a devastating melee attack. Dramatically increases the regeneration rate of surrounding units. Can issue a shout that demoralizes and slows enemy units. Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.


"Faith is purest when it is unquestioning."

The Chaplain is the spiritual leader of the Companies within the Chapter. Chanting catechisms of hate and spurring brother marines to victory, the Chaplain is an inspirational leader. He is armed with the Crozius Arcanum, along with the Emperor's Holy Bolt Pistol, and more importantly, his faith and duty.

The Chaplain is a fanatic like all his brothers, but to an extreme. Brother marines around him will be inspired to fight harder and ignore grievous injuries. Seeing glorious battle as the highest devotion to the Emperor and their Primarch, the Chaplain fights battles without doubt or hesitation.

The Chaplain is a good tanker, though he has less health than the librarian and the Force Commander. The Demoralizing Warcry ability breaks the enemy's resolve, as none could stand against the Wrath of the Emperor. His mighty Crozius Arcanum annihilates squads and he is a very good fighter against daemons.

Chaplain Varnus is the leader of the small group of Space Marines from the Ultramarine chapter in Winter Assault.

"Acknowledge death as it approaches, but do not succumb to its touch, for your purpose is great..."

Chaplain Hanius, Blood Angels Chapter


The Chaplain is a Commander unit with a powerful healing aura, with a radius much wider than that of the apothecary's. He is best used as a support hero, keeping your squads alive with his healing aura.

The Chaplain is devastating at melee if used correctly. He easily decimates squads of Tier 1 and 2 infantry, but he is not durable enough to go toe-to-toe with dedicated melee troops, such as Khorne Berzerker Squads or Howling Banshee Squads with Call of War. Fortunately, like all commanders, he has a disruption attack which gives him a chance to escape. He can also do huge amounts of damage against vehicles and should be used against targets with this kind of armor in order to take them down fast.

The Chaplain's Crozius Arcanum has a useful ability: it can disable enemy abilities, which is effective when "dueling" with commanders possessing powerful abilities which can be used to kill your own commanders, (e.g. Psyker's Strip Soul, Tau Commander's Target Accquired, Farseer's Mind War, Vindicare Assassin's Damage Doubling Assassination Scope etc.) as well as those who can quickly teleport away, e.g. Necron Lord, and so on. With the Chaplain, enemy Commanders' abilities are disabled, which can deny them the upper hand.

Also, when fighting high damage squads, the Chaplain's Demoralizing Shout ability will instantly break them most of the time, and will slow them down (even infantry without morale). Squads will move sluggishly if they attempt to run away. Or, if the Chaplain is caught near some high melee damage units, this ability can be used to slow them down, allowing the Chaplain to escape from death. If this ability is used offensively, the Chaplain will normally easily defeat the opposing squad, as its morale has been broken. However, care must be taken in choosing a target for this ability, as it recharges very slowly.

In addition to the aforementioned abilities, the Chaplain provides fast health regeneration through his Healing Aura ability. Because it has a large radius, the Chaplain can quickly heal himself and other members to full health.

He can also weather moderate amounts of enemy fire with his commander armor and strong health regeneration, but his hitpoints are still lower than a Librarian so he should generally be kept attached to squads for safety.


Demoralizing Shout

Demoralizing Shout Hotkey: D
[1] Requires Nothing
Target Types any enemy Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Commanders, and Daemon Medium
Range 30
Area of effect 25 Cooldown time 180 s
Effects Deals 500 morale damage and reduces the target's speed by 80% and disables its auras for 15 seconds.

Healing Aura

Healing Aura
[2] Requires Nothing
Target Types friendly Infantry, Heavy Infantry, and partially Commanders
Range 0
Area of effect 25 and 10 Cooldown time Passive ability
Effects Quadruples the health regeneration for all infantry within the larger area of effect and multiplies the health regeneration by 1.5 for all infantry within the smaller area of effect. The larger aura also triples morale regeneration for all nearby infantry. These auras stack for 6 times the normal healing rate for infantry close enough. The large aura affects the entire squad of whatever units are within its radius, so only a single member of a squad must be within range for the entire squad to benefit (it does not stack with itself if multiple squad member are in range however). The large aura can also stack with the Apothecary's small 1.5x healing aura, but not with his squad aura. Commanders are not affected by the larger and stronger aura.


Bolt Pistol

Bolt Pistol
[3] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 38.9 54.0 37.8 58.4 38.1 28.1 21.8 11.1 2.7 21.8 43.8 8.2 2.7 56.7 13.9 2.1 4 60.6 80.2 2.5

Cost Default Weapon Range 25 Setup Time None
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 85% Refire Rate 0.8 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing

Crozius Arcanum

Crozius Arcanum
[4] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 44.6 89.2 89.2 89.2 89.2 59.4 115.5 89.2 52.0 16.6 37.1 22.3 16.6 104.0 104.0 13.3 40 195.0 251.0 25.0
With Commander Veteran Upgrade: 51.3 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 68.4 128.2 102.6 59.8 19.1 42.7 25.6 17.1 120.0 120.0 13.3 40 224.6 288.7 25.0
With Commander Hero Upgrade: 59.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 78.6 147.5 118.0 68.8 21.9 49.2 29.5 19.7 137.6 137.6 13.3 40 257.9 331.9 25.0
With Wargear: Power Fist: 53.2 107.0 107.0 107.0 107.0 71.2 133.8 107.0 62.4 19.9 44.5 26.7 19.9 124.8 124.8 13.3 40 234.0 301.2 25.0
With Wargear: Power Fist + Commander Veteran Upgrade: 61.5 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 81.9 153.8 123.0 71.7 22.9 51.1 30.7 22.9 143.5 143.5 13.3 40 269.1 346.4 25.0
With Wargear: Power Fist + Commander Hero Upgrade: 70.7 141.5 141.5 141.5 141.5 94.1 176.8 141.5 82.4 26.3 58.7 35.3 26.3 165.0 165.0 13.3 40 309.5 398.3 25.0

Cost Default Weapon Range Melee Setup Time None
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 70% Refire Rate 1.5 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing
Notes When struck, the following effects may be triggered on the target

  • 25% chance to disable abilities for 3 s.
  • 50% chance to disable movement for 2 s.
  • 50% chance to disable combat abilities for 4 s.

Weapon Upgrades

Plasma Pistol

Plasma Pistol
[5] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 64.0 55.4 62.2 61.6 62.8 37.5 35.9 19.2 4.0 35.9 36.9 12.8 4.0 62.6 22.8 4.0 10 140.0 168.0 5.0

Cost See Wargear: Plasma Pistols Range 25 Setup Time None
Build Time See Wargear: Plasma Pistols Accuracy 80% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect None Requires Wargear: Plasma Pistols
Notes The Plasma Pistol permanently replaces the Bolt Pistol when researched

Researchable Upgrades

Commander Veteran Upgrade

Commander Veteran Upgrade Hotkey: P
[6] Cost [7] 100 [8] 25  Research Time 40 s
Researched From Sacred Artifact
Requires Monastery

  • Increases Hitpoints of the Force Commander by 400
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Librarian by 300
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Chaplain by 250
  • Health regeneration of all commanders increased by 1
  • Ability recharge time of all commanders reduced by 10%
  • Increases Damage of the Daemonhammer, Force Weapon and Crozius Arcanum by 15%

Commander Hero Upgrade

Commander Hero Upgrade Hotkey: P
[9] Cost [10] 125 [11] 50  Research Time 40 s
Researched From Sacred Artifact
Requires Fortress Monastery, Commander Veteran Upgrade

  • Increases Hitpoints of the Force Commander by 400
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Librarian by 300
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Chaplain by 250
  • Health regeneration of all commanders increased again by 1
  • Ability recharge time of all commanders reduced 10% (a total of a 19% reduction)
  • Increases Damage of Daemonhammer by 20% (38% total)
  • Increases minimum Damage of Force Weapon by 15% (32% total) and maximum damage by 20% (38% total)
  • Increases Damage of Crozius Arcanum by 15% (32% total)

Wargear: Plasma Pistols

Wargear: Plasma Pistols Hotkey: L
[12] Cost [13] 50 [14] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Armoury
Requires Nothing
Effects Replaces the Bolt Pistol of the Force Commander, Librarian, Chaplain, Sergeant and Assault Sergeant with a Plasma Pistol

Wargear: Power Fist

Wargear: Power Fist Hotkey: P
[15] Cost [16] 50 [17] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Armoury
Requires Wargear: Power Weapons, Monastery

Additional links

Space Marines

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