Soulstorm/Force Commander

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This page is about a Dawn of War: Soulstorm multiplayer and single-player commander unit. For previous versions, see Dawn of War.

Force Commander Dow2 dec hero anti infantry melee.png
Commander (Primary)
DoWSSSpaceMarinesCommanderForceCommander.png Faction Space Marines Health 1875 Morale 700 Sight 30
Build by Chapel-Barracks Health+ 2275 Morale regen 14 Squad 1/1
Armor Commander Health++ 2675 Morale boost 200 Build time 57
DoWSSResourceRequisition.png 220 Tier 1 Regen 2 Morale regen boost 2
DoWSSResourcePower.png 50 Mass 25 Regen+ 3 Morale break 49 (7%)
Speed 16 Regen++ 4 Morale death penal. 300
Description Commander Unit (Primary). Boosts morale recovery when attached to squads. Ability upgrades provide attack and morale bonuses for troops. Can use Orbital Bombardment (requires Orbital Relay building). Effective against Infantry, Heavy Infantry and Daemons. Excels at close combat.

Force Commander

"I command in the name of the Emperor."

The Force Commander, imbued with the righteous fury of the Emperor, leads his brother Space Marines into the maelstrom of battle, wielding the mighty Daemonhammer. Skilled in close combat, and capable of taking a lot of damage, his superior hit points allow him to serve as a shield for more expensive units, as his combat skill is less than some other Commanders, such as the Chaos Lord.

In Dawn of War, Gabriel Angelos led the Blood Ravens 3rd Company on Tartarus. Davian Thule led the 1st, 2nd and 4th Companies in their purge of Kronus in Dark Crusade. Indrick Boreale led five companies in the Kaurava Conflict in Soulstorm.


The Force Commander is the primary hero for the Space Marines. With research, the Force Commander can outshoot and outmelee other commanders or even vehicles while boasting tremendous battlefield influence.

With an impressive 1875 HP from the beginning, the Force Commander is among the most durable commanders in the game. This impressive durability compensates for the need of the Force Commander to close in to deal effective damage and allows him to draw fire which would otherwise target Tactical Space Marines. In fact, due to this reserve of hit points, the Force Commander will win a direct shootout with the Tau Commander if both shoot to the death.

Impressive in melee, the Force Commander's distinctive trademark is the property of being able to stun his enemies. This effect is short-lived but extremely noticeable when it does trigger. The Chaplain also shares this stunning property and utilizing both commanders together is very effective in triggering the stun properties. This stunning can apply to vehicles as well.

Vitally necessary for ensuring the most use out of your Force Commander are the Wargear: Power Weapons and Wargear: Plasma Pistols researches at the Armoury and Commander Veteran Upgrades at the Sacred Artifact. The Plasma Pistol is an incredible asset in ranged fire, while the Power Weapons upgrade grants the Force Commander the powerful Daemonhammer. The upgrades at the Sacred Artifact upgrade the Daemonhammer rather than the Power Sword, so having the correct weapon is essential. The Daemonhammer is also dramatically more effective versus vehicles and daemons and retains the stunning properties of the Power Sword, so there is no loss in upgrading.

In the mid-game, the Force Commander is better left on ranged stance due to the large number of powerful anti-commander melee units on the field such as Khorne Berzerkers, Ork Nobz, and Necron Flayed Ones. Allowing the Force Commander to be caught by those squads will result in the loss of your [1] 220 [2] 50  investment quickly. Attaching the Force Commander to a Tactical Space Marine squad is preferable during most of this time period.

Using the Chaplain and Librarian together with the Force Commander is a powerful combination. On ranged stance with Plasma Pistols, the trio is a formidable offense, while approaching them in close combat is tricky due to their immense close-combat power and the Chaplain's healing auras. Using the three heroes in conjunction with a Skull Probe's Sabotage ability, a walker unit can be easily dispatched of. Stun from the Skull Probe or distraction by another squad is necessary for vehicle takedown, though, as otherwise your own commanders will either break or be killed swiftly.

Late-game, a Force Commander is generally best attached to the durable Assault Terminators, though Grey Knights are a better complement for taking down daemons. When Assault Terminators teleport, the Force Commander will go with them, allowing for covert delivery into position for a prime Orbital Bombardment. As well, the stunning properties on the Daemonhammer complement the stunning properties on Assault Terminator Thunder Hammers, further enhancing the ability for that squad to lock down a troublesome unit.

The Force Commander also excels in a support role in the late-game due to the Inspiring Aura and Battlecry abilities. Placing the Force Commander in the midst of a large cluster of Heavy Weapon-equipped Tactical Space Marines and then using the Battlecry will dramatically tip the battle in your favor. The Force Commander is very effective against units with the daemon high armour type, such as the Bloodthirster and Avatar of Khaine. It is worth noting that if the Force Commander kills the Bloodthirster, he will perform one of the most impressive sync kills in the game.

Most notable and most familiar to players is the Force Commander's iconic Orbital Bombardment ability. Available upon completion of the Orbital Relay, the Force Commander has at his disposal a salvo of 15 plasma lances with which to disrupt infantry formations and assault buildings in a large radius. Infantry hit by a plasma lance will take approximately 100 damage and be flung a significant distance, while vehicles will take at least 400 damage per blast. Buildings hit by the lances will take 100 damage on average, though light buildings will receive four times that amount. This means that a bombardment focused solely on any building besides a Generator, Waaagh! Banner, or Listening Post will do approximately 1500 damage total. Keep that figure in mind when gauging which building to target with the bombardment. Be aware that the ability damages friendly units as well, so make sure to keep your troops a safe distance from the targeted area.


Inspiring Aura

Inspiring Aura
[3] Requires Inspiring Aura Research
Target Types All infantry, all heavy infantry, and commanders
Range None
Area of effect 15 Cooldown time Passive ability
Effects The damage of all infantry within the area of effect is increased by 10%.


Battlecry Hotkey: B
[4] Requires Battlecry Research
Target Types All infantry, all heavy infantry, and commanders
Range None
Area of effect 15 Cooldown time 120 s
Effects For 10 seconds the damage of all infantry within the area of effect is increased by 40%.

Orbital Bombardment

Orbital Bombardment Hotkey: O
[5] Requires Orbital Relay
Target Types Everything
Range 40
Area of effect 10 per shot Cooldown time 240 s
Effects The Force Commander calls down a barrage from the orbiting Battle Barge. Over 30 seconds, 16 randomly distributed shots rain down in a radius of 12 around the targeted location. Each blast does powerful knockback (50-60 force). Orbital Bombardment has a 3.5 s setup time.
Damage Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High Morale Min Max Min.D
405-480 81-96 81-96 101-120 101-120 162-192 243-288 81-96 81-96 101-120 283-336 81-96 81-96 81-96 81-96 40 405 480 0


Bolt Pistol

Bolt Pistol
[6] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 30.4 42.2 29.5 45.6 29.8 21.9 17.0 8.7 2.7 17.0 34.2 6.4 2.7 44.3 10.9 2.1 4 50.0 60.0 2.5

Cost Default Weapon Range 25 Setup Time None
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 85% Refire Rate 0.8 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing

Power Sword

Power Sword
[7] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 45.4 96.1 88.3 103.8 89.0 61.1 37.1 31.1 8.7 0.6 38.9 15.6 17.3 113.5 113.5 8.3 25 236.0 288.0 1.0

Cost Default Weapon Range Melee Setup Time None
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 80% Refire Rate 1.5 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing
Notes When struck, there is a 50% chance to disable the target's movement for 2 s.

Weapon Upgrades

Plasma Pistol

Plasma Pistol
[8] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 72.6 62.9 70.6 69.8 71.2 42.6 40.7 21.8 4.0 32.4 41.9 14.5 4.0 71.0 25.9 4.0 10 167.1 182.0 2.5

Cost See Wargear: Plasma Pistols Range 25 Setup Time None
Build Time See Wargear: Plasma Pistols Accuracy 80% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect None Requires Wargear: Plasma Pistols
Notes The Plasma Pistol permanently replaces the Bolt Pistol when researched


[9] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 55.5 111.1 111.1 111.1 111.1 74.1 138.9 111.1 64.8 18.5 46.3 27.8 18.5 129.6 129.6 13.3 40 250.0 305.5 25.0
With Commander Veteran Upgrade: 63.9 127.8 127.8 127.8 127.8 85.2 159.7 127.8 74.5 21.3 53.2 31.9 21.3 149.1 149.1 13.3 40 287.5 351.3 25.0
With Commander Hero Upgrade: 76.7 153.3 153.3 153.3 153.3 102.2 191.6 153.3 89.4 25.6 63.9 38.3 25.6 178.9 178.9 13.3 40 345.0 421.6 25.0
With Wargear: Power Fist: 66.6 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 88.8 166.5 133.3 77.7 22.2 55.4 33.2 22.2 155.5 155.5 13.3 40 300.0 366.6 25.0
With Wargear: Power Fist + Commander Veteran Upgrade: 76.5 153.3 153.3 153.3 153.3 102.1 191.5 153.5 89.4 25.5 63.7 38.2 25.5 178.8 178.8 13.3 40 345.0 421.6 25.0
With Wargear: Power Fist + Commander Hero Upgrade: 91.9 183.9 183.9 183.9 183.9 122.5 229.8 183.9 107.3 30.6 76.5 45.8 30.6 214.6 214.6 13.3 40 414 505.9 25.0

Cost See Wargear: Power Weapons Range Melee Setup Time 0
Build Time See Wargear: Power Weapons Accuracy 100% Refire Rate 1.5 s
Area of Effect None Requires Wargear: Power Weapons
Notes The Daemonhammer permanently replaces the Power Sword when researched. When struck, the following effects may be triggered on the target
  • 25% chance to disable abilities for 3 s.
  • 50% chance to disable movement for 2 s.
  • 50% chance to disable combat abilities for 4 s.

Researchable Upgrades

Commander Veteran Upgrade

Commander Veteran Upgrade Hotkey: P
[10] Cost [11] 100 [12] 25  Research Time 40 s
Researched From Sacred Artifact
Requires Monastery

  • Increases Hitpoints of the Force Commander by 400
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Librarian by 300
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Chaplain by 250
  • Health regeneration of all commanders increased by 1
  • Ability recharge time of all commanders reduced by 10%
  • Increases Damage of the Daemonhammer, Force Weapon and Crozius Arcanum by 15%

Commander Hero Upgrade

Commander Hero Upgrade Hotkey: P
[13] Cost [14] 125 [15] 50  Research Time 40 s
Researched From Sacred Artifact
Requires Fortress Monastery, Commander Veteran Upgrade

  • Increases Hitpoints of the Force Commander by 400
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Librarian by 300
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Chaplain by 250
  • Health regeneration of all commanders increased again by 1
  • Ability recharge time of all commanders reduced 10% (a total of a 19% reduction)
  • Increases Damage of Daemonhammer by 20% (38% total)
  • Increases minimum Damage of Force Weapon by 15% (32% total) and maximum damage by 20% (38% total)
  • Increases Damage of Crozius Arcanum by 15% (32% total)

Inspiring Aura Research

Inspiring Aura Research Hotkey: F
[16] Cost [17] 80 [18] 35  Research Time 60 s
Researched From Sacred Artifact
Requires None
Effects Gives the Force Commander the Inspiring Aura ability

Battlecry Research

Battlecry Research Hotkey: F
[19] Cost [20] 100 [21] 50  Research Time 60 s
Researched From Sacred Artifact
Requires Fortress Monastery, Inspiring Aura Research
Effects Gives the Force Commander the Battlecry abliity

Wargear: Plasma Pistols

Wargear: Plasma Pistols Hotkey: L
[22] Cost [23] 50 [24] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Armoury
Requires Nothing
Effects Replaces the Bolt Pistol of the Force Commander, Librarian, Chaplain, Sergeant and Assault Sergeant with a Plasma Pistol

Wargear: Power Weapons

Wargear: Power Weapons Hotkey: P
[25] Cost [26] 50 [27] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Armoury
Requires Nothing

Wargear: Power Fist

Wargear: Power Fist Hotkey: P
[28] Cost [29] 50 [30] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Armoury
Requires Wargear: Power Weapons, Monastery

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