Space Marines/Dawn of War

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Round sm.png
This page is about Dawn of War units. For background information, see Space Marines.

Dawn of War


Dow sm force commander icon.png Dow sm librarian icon.png

Dow sm toth icon.pngInquisitor TothTertiary commander


Dow sm servitor icon.png Dow scoutmarine icon.png Dow tacticalmarine icon.png Dow sm assaultmarine icon.png Dow sm terminator icon.png Dow terminator assault icon.png Dow sm apothecary icon.png

Dow sm skullprobe icon.pngSkull ProbeScouting unit


Dow sm rhino icon.png Dow sm land speeder icon.png Dow sm dreadnought icon.png Dow sm hellfire dreadnought icon.png Dow sm whirlwind icon.png Dow sm predator icon.png Dow sm land raider icon.png


Dow sm bolter turret icon.pngHeavy Bolter TurretStationary defense
Dow sm orbital relay icon.pngOrbital RelayDeep striking platform

Winter Assault

The expansion introduced new units to the Space Marines.


Wa sm chaplain icon.pngChaplainSecondary commanderDevastating melee attack. Dramatically increases the regeneration rate of surrounding units.