Dawn of War/Force Commander

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I command in the name of the Emperor.

— when a Force Commander is finished training.

The Force Commander is the primary commander unit available at the Chapel-Barracks for the Space Marines in Dawn of War. Like most commander units, only one of them can be deployed into the battlefield at a time. Although it is a commander unit, it is classified as Infantry.


  • Commander unit (primary).
  • Boosts Morale recovery when attached to squads.
  • Ability upgrades provide attack and morale bonuses for troops.
  • Can use Orbital Bombardment (requires Orbital Relay building).
  • Effective against Infantry, Heavy Infantry, and Daemons. Excels at close combat.


Force Commanders have two active special abilities that you should be using often:

  • Battlecry: Temporary damage bonus for nearby units. Use when surrounded by own troops (that have targets).
  • Orbital Bombardment: An airstrike from the orbit. May take down a building or a vehicle, infantry will be knocked off your screen (if still alive). Best when called on a big horde of infantry and light vehicles. Takes a while to set up; can be interrupted by attacks with knockdown.


The Force Commander serves as the main commander unit, available through every mission during the Campaign. He is an experienced veteran with superior combat skills which is demonstrated through his superior stats. The Force Commander can later be upgraded with better weapons and armor with upgrades at the Armory. Attached to a squad, he provides a big morale bonus (twice as much as a Sergeant), but this may interfere with his positioning and his melee damage is far superior to his ranged damage. If the game continues on, an ideal attachment for him is the Assault Terminators in close combat.

In low-level fights, players can send the Force Commander in solo combat; his melee attack will disrupt infantry squads while other ranged units can fire at range. In a tight spot, the Force Commander is capable of destroying light vehicles. If players were lose him during the Campaign, he will respawn near the starting Stronghold for free after a while.


When selected

  1. While the enemies of the Emperor still draw breath there can be no peace.
  2. What would you have me do?
  3. Walk softly, and carry a big gun.
  4. The Emperor protects.
  5. On alert brothers, the enemy must be nearby.
  6. Today the enemy shall know fear.
  7. Beware the Alien, the Mutant, the Heretic.
  8. My faith is my shield.
  9. He who stands with me shall be my brother.
  10. Praise the Emperor.
  11. This day shall be a glorious one for the Imperium.

When moved

  1. For Terra!
  2. Follow my lead.
  3. Confirmed.
  4. For the glory of the Emperor.
  5. Faith and duty.
  6. I shall not fail.
  7. For the Emperor.
  8. We are united in His service.
  9. I serve mankind.
  10. Agreed.
  11. For the honor of the Chapter.
  12. We shall know no fear.

When ordered to attack

  1. Space Marines, advance!
  2. By my command. Attack!
  3. My aim shall not falter.
  4. Follow me into battle.

When moving to attack

  1. Charge!
  2. Space Marines, attack!
  3. For the Emperor!
  4. By my command, ATTACK!
  5. My aim shall not falter!
  6. To the last man and the last round!
  7. Space Marines, advance!
  8. No retreat! No surrender!
  9. Follow me into battle!

When attacking

  1. I shall not fail!
  2. Aim true, brothers!
  3. For the glory of the Imperium!
  4. Take that!
  5. Take no prisoners!
  6. You will not falter!
  7. Trust in your wargear!
  8. Look to your wargear!

When using Battle Cry

  2. I fear no evil, for I am fear incarnate!
  3. By my fury, they shall know the Emperor's name!

When attaching to a squad

  1. Together to victory.
  2. Taking command.
  3. To me, brothers.

When leaving a squad

  1. Duty calls me elsewhere.
  2. I am needed elsewhere.
  3. My duty calls.

When morale has been depleted

  1. Withdraw and regroup!
  2. Men, we must withdraw!
  3. Initiate a tactical withdrawal!
  4. My will is undone!

When morale has been restored

  1. Brothers, regroup!
  2. Regroup!
  3. Back into the fray!

When taking damage

  1. We are taking damage.
  2. My Power Armor will protect.
  3. Emperor protect us.
  4. I shall not die on this day.
  5. They dare fire upon Space Marines?

When embarking a transport

  1. Be swift, driver.
  2. Take me to the front.

When leaving a vehicle

  1. This is where I leave you.
  2. Drop me here, and await further orders.