Dawn of War/Space Marine Squad

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Marine Squad deployed.

— when a Space Marine Squad is finished training.

The Space Marine Squad is a basic infantry unit for Space Marines in Dawn of War. Each squad always start out with 4 members by default but can be increased at a price of 50 Requisition. Space Marine Squads have a maximum weapon upgrade limit of 4 (2 before upgrades).


  • Heavy infantry.
  • Resilient general combat unit strong at range and close combat.
  • Broad range of weapon upgrades. Can be upgraded to be strong against most unit types.
  • Effective against infantry.


With the exception of the Sergeant upgrade, any upgrade can be researched up to 4 times under any combination.

SergeantIcon DoW.jpg
  • Sergeant: Costs 75 Requisition and 20 Power. Provides a Leader Unit effective against infantry at close combat and boosting squad morale. Can be upgraded with powerful close combat weapons from the Armory. Can use Rally ability to restore lost morale.
FlamerIcon DoW.jpg
  • Flamer: Costs 40 Requisition and 10 Power and deals 7-8 ranged damage. Upgrades one squad member to the Hand-held flamethrower heavy weapon. It is short ranged but is effective at breaking enemy morale.
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  • Heavy Bolter: Costs 40 Requisition and 10 Power and deals 96-128 ranged damage. Upgrades one squad member to the Heavy Bolter heavy weapon. Fires large caliber bolt rounds effective at punching through most Infantry armor. It is long ranged and is effective against other infantry. However, it cannot be fired while moving and requires a short setup time of 2 seconds before firing.
PlasmaGunIcon DoW.jpg
  • Plasma Gun: Costs 40 Requisition and 10 Power and deals 95-116 ranged damage. Upgrades one squad member to the Plasma Gun heavy weapon. It is medium ranged and is effective against heavy infantry and commander units. It can be fired while moving but is less accurate than if it is stationary.
MissileLauncherIcon DoW.jpg
  • Missile Launcher: Costs 60 Requisition and 15 Power and deals 110-134 ranged damage. Upgrades one squad member to the Missile Launcher heavy weapon. Fires a high-impact, armor-piercing explosive missiles. It is long ranged and is effective against Vehicles and Buildings. Unit must be stationary to fire this weapon. However, it cannot be fired while moving and requires a short setup time of 2 seconds before firing. Although they do little damage against enemy infantry, it can disrupt and demoralize them.


The Space Marine Squad – Tactical Squad in the tabletop game – is your basic infantry unit. They hold their own in both ranged and melee combat; mostly you want them shooting but sometimes charging at ranged specialists. They can be upgraded with a variety of heavy weapons, making them useful in all situations. Upgrading one squad with only one type is best for managing your Marines (i.e., correct range and correct targets).

There are several global upgrades that apply to Space Marine Squads. You want all, probably starting with the Bionics and Heavy Weapon Increase upgrades. Each squad can be upgraded with a Sergeant who increases squad morale and has the Rally special ability (instant full morale) which should be used a lot. Also get the Frag Grenades upgrade and frag ranged squads to disrupt them.


When selected

  1. Yes, my lord.
  2. At your command.
  3. Fear denies faith.
  4. Heresy grows from idleness.
  5. We stand ready.
  6. Awaiting orders.
  7. Direct us to the enemy.
  8. Faith is our shield.
  9. What is your order?
  10. Ever vigilant!
  11. We are the Emperor's chosen.

When moved

  1. Moving out!
  2. Stay vigilant, brothers.
  3. Cleanse. Purge. Kill!
  4. Understood.
  5. Orders received, brother.
  6. Orders received.
  7. Fear our wrath.
  8. Weapons at ready, it is time.
  9. Onward, to glory!
  10. Maintain attack formation.

When ordered to attack

  1. We will crush the enemies of the Imperium.
  2. Commencing attack.
  3. For the glory of the Imperium.
  4. None shall stop us.
  5. Engaging the enemy.
  6. Charge!
  7. Attacking as ordered.
  8. Initiating attack protocol 23.

When moving to attack

  1. Chaaarge!
  2. Space Marines, attack!
  3. For the Emperor!

When attacking

  1. Eat boltgun!
  2. For the Emperor! (said differently than above)
  3. Die, scum!
  4. No prisoners!
  5. Light of the Emperor!
  6. We're under fire!
  7. Taking fire!

When capturing Strategic Points and Critical Locations

  1. Objective acquired.
  2. Objective logged.
  3. Strategic point identified.
  4. Claim it in the name of the Emperor.
  5. Take and hold.

When Strategic Points and Critical Locations have been captured

  1. Position secure.
  2. The area is secure.
  3. Area secured.
  4. Objective achieved.
  5. Mission accomplished!
  6. Captured.
  7. Securing objective.
  8. Defending objective.
  9. Consolidating position on the objective.

When morale has been depleted

  1. Squad broken!
  2. To the rally point!
  3. Fall back!
  4. Regroup!
  5. Fall back and regroup!

When morale has been restored

  1. Squad morale restored.
  2. Our faith holds us.
  3. Returning to battle.
  4. Regrouping.

When embarking a transport

  1. Squad embarking.
  2. Embark.
  3. As ordered.

When leaving a transport

  1. Squad deploying.
  2. Disembarking.
  3. Move out.

When Encountering Enemy

  1. (Referring to other Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle and Chaos Space Marines) Traitors.
  2. (Referring to other Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle and Chaos Space Marines) Heretics!
  3. (Referring to Chaos Space Marines) Chaos sighted.
  4. (Referring to Chaos Space Marines) Death to the foul warriors of Chaos!
  5. (Referring to any Chaos Demon) Demon!
  6. (Referring to Eldar, Orks, Necrons, Tau and Dark Eldar) Xenos spotted.
  7. (Referring to Eldar) Eldar enemy spotted.
  8. (Referring to Eldar) The Eldar Approach.
  9. (Referring to Eldar) Eldar! Purge the witches!
  10. (Referring to Eldar, Orks, Necrons, Tau and Dark Eldar) Death to the Alien.
  11. Enemy spotted.
  12. Enemy sighted.
  13. (Referring to Eldar, Orks, Necrons, Tau and Dark Eldar) Xenos sighted.
  14. (Referring to Orks) Greenskins.
  15. (Referring to Orks) Orks! Purge the beasts!

When any friendly unit takes damage

  1. The enemy is attacking!
  2. Taking hits!
  3. Taking damage!
  4. Taking heavy fire!
  5. Under fire!