The Janus Savannah

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The Janus Savannah is a province on Kronus and one of the locations of Dark Crusade.


The southern edge of the central desert bleeds into the forest and jungles of the tropical belt across the Janus Savannah. Scattered ruins and lonely mining settlements dot the region, a wild, lawless frontier that attracts the disenfranchised and hopeless. Rocky outcroppings and brushland cover the savannah, which bakes under the summer sun. Occasional winter rains create short-lived blooms of wild grass, that quickly dry up and become fodder for the next brush fire.


  • +75 Planetary Requisition
  • Honor guard unit
    • Kroot Alpha Pack (Tau Empire)
    • Sanctioned Psyker (Imperial Guard)
    • Vyper (Eldar)
    • Chosen Champion (Chaos)
    • Crypt Warrior Squad (Necrons)
    • Mad Dok (Orks)
    • Hellfire Dreadnought (Space Marines)