The Orestan Plains

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The Orestan Plains is a province on Kronus and one of the locations in Dark Crusade.


This well-developed region features a sophisticated network of high-speed rail links and several cities of the Imperial era that remain important to this day. Human and Tau populations live side-by-side in the province, although not always easily.

The broad rolling plains feature hot summers and generally mild winters, making for pleasant living conditions. Every few years a powerful winter storm will drive in from Vandea to the north, however.


  • +75 Planetary Requisition
  • Honor Guard unit
    • First Company Veteran (Space Marines)
    • Regimental Commissar (Imperial Guard)
    • Crisis Suit Guard (Tau Empire)
    • Crypt Warrior Squad (Necrons)
    • Fire Dragon Exarch Council (Eldar)
    • Big 'Eavy Nob Squad (Orks)
    • Berserker Champion (Chaos)