Elite/Space Marines

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Space Marine Strikeforce
They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines such that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear.

— The Emperor of Mankind.

The Space Marines or Adeptus Astartes are foremost amongst the defenders of Humanity, the greatest of the Emperor of Mankind's warriors. They are barely Human at all, but superhuman; having been made superior in all respects to a normal man by a harsh regime of genetic modification, psycho-conditioning and rigorous training.


Dow2 sm apothecary.png Apothecary Dow2 dec hero anti infantry melee.png The Apothecary specializes in healing and excels at supporting from just behind the front line with his abilities. Grants a regeneration bonus to nearby allies.
Rt sm force commander.png Force Commander Dow2 dec hero anti infantry melee.png The Force Commander is a tough and versatile melee hero with good supportive abilites.
Dow2 sm terminator.png Force Commander (Terminator) Dow2 dec hero anti infantry ranged 2.png Force Commander wearing super-heavy Terminator armour. Comes with a Stormbolter and Powerfist but can be upgraded with heavy ranged weaponry or Lightning Claws. Grants immunity to suppression and knockback.
Dow2 sm techmarine.png Techmarine Dow2 dec hero anti infantry ranged.png A defensive specialist who can construct turrets to defend territory and teleporter relays to reinforce allies.


Dow2 sm assaultsquad.png

Dow2 tier1.png

Dow2 dec anti infantry melee 2.png

Heavy jump infantry, effective at disruption and countering ranged infantry. Can be upgraded with a squad leader, stun grenades and anti-vehicle melta bombs. Can be be upgraded to first company Vanguard Veterans.

Dow2 sm thaddeus portrait.png

Dow2 tier1.png

Dow2 dec anti infantry melee 2.png

Heavy jump infantry, effective at disruption and countering ranged infantry. Can be upgraded with a squad leader, stun grenades and anti-vehicle melta bombs. Can be be upgraded to first company Vanguard Veterans.

Dow2 sm devastatorsquad.png Devastator Marine Squad Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec suppression.png Suppresses large groups of infantry. Has limited firing arc and requires set-up time. Can be upgraded with a Lascannon which highly effective at damaging and snaring vehicles.
Dow2 sm scoutsquad.png Scout Squad Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged.png Versatile anti-melee unit that can be equipped with shotguns or a sniper rifle. May also add a Scout Sergeant who grants frag grenades.
Dow2 sm tacticalsquad.png Tactical Marine Squad Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged 2.png Elite infantry that can shrug off most small-arms fire. Can be equipped with multiple weapon upgrades.
Dow2 sm devastatorplasma.png Devastator Plasma Cannon Squad Dow2 tier2.png Dow2 dec anti everything ranged 2 aoe.png Set-up team that does high damage and knockback at long range. Effective against all targets. Best used wisely as they will do friendly fire.
Dow2 sm dreadnought.png Dreadnought Dow2 tier2.png Inspires nearby troops by killing, temporarily increasing combat effectiveness. Can upgrade to heavy ranged weaponry.
Elite sm librarian.png Librarian Dow2 tier2.png Dow2 dec anti infantry melee 2.png Space Marine psyker unit capable of powerful damage and support abilities. Inspires surrounding Space Marines when killing in melee.
Dow2 sm razorback.png Razorback Dow2 tier2.png Armed infantry transport that allows nearby infantry to reinforce.
Elite sm sternguard veteran squad.png Sternguard Veteran Squad Dow2 tier2.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged 2.png First Company veteran infantry. Tough and capable ranged infantry with specialised ammunition to deal with any target.
Elite sm whirlwind.png Whirlwind Dow2 tier2.png Mobile artillery unit that fires disruptive missile barrages.
Dow2 sm venerable dreadnought icon.png Venerable Dreadnought Dow2 tier3.png Specialised meele walker unit inspires nearby troops when killing enemies temporarily increasing their stats.
Rt sm landraider.png Land Raider Redeemer Dow2 tier3.png Heavy transport tank equipped with several weapons. Units can reinforce from the tank and use it as a retreat point. Emits a healing aura, healing 1% of maximum health every second to allied infantry.
Dow2 sm predator.png Predator Dow2 tier3.png Heavy battle tank. Equipped with ranged weapons that are effective against infantry and vehicles.
Dow2 sm terminator.png Terminator Assault Squad Dow2 tier3.png Dow2 dec anti everything melee 2.png Super heavy elite melee infantry that inspires nearby troops when scoring killing blows. Immune to knockback and supression. Can Teleport but are unable to retreat.
Dow2 sm terminator.png Terminator Squad Dow2 tier3.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged 2.png Super heavy elite ranged infantry that inspires nearby troops when scoring killing blows. Immune to knockback and supression. Can Teleport but are unable to retreat.
Elite sm vanguard veteran squad.png Vanguard Veteran Squad Dow2 tier3.png Dow2 dec anti infantry melee 2.png Elite heavy jump infantry. Durable and effective at disruption and melee.


Dow2 sm tarantula turret.png Heavy Bolter Turret HQ defense turret armed with heavy bolters that can suppress enemy infantry. Limited firing arc.
Dow2 sm power gen.png Power Generator Dow2 tier1.png Generates the Power resource.
Dow2 sm hq.png Stronghold The Space Marine HQ building. Produces most units and allows reinforcing squads. Aura heals allied infantry.
Dow2 sm tarantula turret.png Tarantula Turret (Techmarine) Dow2 tier1.png A turret emplacement armed with heavy bolters that can suppress enemy infantry. Limited firing arc.
Dow2 sm relay beacon.png Teleporter Relay Beacon Dow2 tier1.png Allows allied infantry to reinforce and emits a healing aura. When the retreat beacon is active, units will retreat to the Relay Beacon instead of the HQ.


Main article: Elite/Space Marines/Abilities


Main article: Elite/Space Marines/Globals


Main article: Elite/Space Marines/Weapons

General Space Marine changes from retail Dow2:Retribution

  • For the Emperor fx changed
  • Drop Pod spawns an uncrushable drop pod with 500 health that functions as a reinforcement beacon for non-Terminator Space Marine infantry (drop pods from other call-ins remain crushable but do not grant any Global on death).
  • For the Emperor! buffs ranged and melee damage by 25% but grants no damage resistance.
  • Larraman’s Blessing now revives heroes at their HQ instead of where they fell.
  • Larraman’s Blessing cost decreased from 175 to 125 Zeal.
  • Angels of Death no longer grants invulnerability.
  • Angels of Death now grants 50% damage resistance and full knockback immunity.
  • Angels of Death duration increased from 8 to 15 seconds.
  • Angels of Death cost decreased from 250 to 200 Zeal.
  • Blessing of the Omnissiah duration increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Blessing of the Omnissiah cooldown decreased from 150 to 100 seconds.
  • Blessing of the Omnissiah heal effect increased from 10 to 15.
  • Orbital Bombardment damage type changed from melee_heavy and piercing_pvp to explosive_pvp. In layman's terms it now does "terrible, terrible damage!".
  • Orbital Bombardment targeting radius increased from 15 to 35.
  • Three new units added (See below)

New units

Elite sm sternguard veteran squad.png

Sternguard Veteran Squad (upgraded from the Tactical Squad)

Tough and versatile ranged unit that can switch ammo on the fly to best deal with different targets.

Elite sm vanguard veteran squad.png

Vanguard Veteran Squad (upgraded from the Assault Squad)

Tough and hard hitting jump infantry sporting deadly melee weapons.

Elite sm whirlwind.png


Long range artillery vehicle with focus on disruption rather than damage.