Elite/Space Marines/Abilities

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Advanced Healing   
Dow2 sm adv healing.png Unit(s) Apothecary Heal allied infantry in radius 15 around the Apothecary for 2% of their maximum health per second. The Apothecary is slowed by -85% while the ability is active, and cannot regenerate energy. Drains Dow2 energy 16.png3.5 per second.
Requires Armor of the Apothecarion
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png5 then Dow2 energy 16.png3.5 per second
And They Shall Know No Fear   
Dow2 sm rally.png Unit(s) Tactical Marine Squad, Sternguard Veteran Squad Receive 40% less damage and gain suppression immunity for 20 seconds. Melee attacks have a 50% chance to do weapon knockback but the squad moves with 40% reduced speed while ability is active. Ability charged by taking 1200 damage. Cooldown 80 seconds.
Requires Sergeant
Cost None
Assault Cannon Barrage   
Dow2 sm explosive cannon barrage.png Unit(s) Dreadnought Sweeps an area with a devastating hail of high-explosive shells that do grenade damage and weapon knockback. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Assault Cannon
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Battle Cry   
Dow2 sm battle cry.png Unit(s) Force Commander Become immune to all knockback and perform special attacks with every strike for 15 seconds. Allied infantry in radius 35 have their damage increased by 10% for 15 seconds, and each of the FC's attacks adds the bonus again. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Blind Grenade   
Dow2 sm blind grenade.png Unit(s) Assault Squad Creates a cloud that reduces weapon range by 75% for 20 seonds. Range 20, cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Thunder and Lightning
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png20
Charge (Dreadnought)   
Dow2 sm dreadnaught charge.png Unit(s) Venerable Dreadnought The Dreadnought storms the targeted location, increasing its speed by 200%. Each second, all units in radius 6 take 15 damage and ability knockback unless they are retreateing. Targets in radius 2 of the Dreadnought are inflicted with an additional 15 damage. Cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png80
Cleansing Flame (Force Commander)   
Dow2 sm cleansing flame.png Unit(s) Force Commander (Term.) Burns the targeted area with righteous flame, dealing 30 flame damage every second in radius 15. Ability lasts 30 seconds or until the Force Commander moves. 45 second cooldown.
Requires Heavy Flamer
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Cleansing Flame (Terminator Squad)   
Dow2 sm cleansing flame.png Unit(s) Terminator Squad Burn the targeted area with righteous flame, dealing 30 flame damage every second in radius 15. Ability lasts 30 seconds or until the Terminators move. 25 range, cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Heavy Flamer
Cost None
Combat Stimulants   
Dow2 sm combat stimulants.png Unit(s) Apothecary Increase the damage output of an allied infantry unit by 40% while breaking suppression and granting suppression immunity for 15 seconds. Range 20, cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Combat Stimulant Equipment
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Cyclone Missile Barrage   
Dow2 sm cyclone missile barrage.png Unit(s) Terminator Squad Fire a cluster of 14 missiles, each doing up to 62.5 barrage damage, 20 courage damage, and weapon knockback in radius 5. Proximity to the target reduces scatter. Time (seconds)40 second cooldown.
Requires Cyclone Missile Launcher
Cost None
Dow2 sm defend.png Unit(s) Force Commander Take up a defensive stance, reducing received ranged damage by 50% and granting suppression immunity to the Force Commander and allied infantry in radius 22. Affected units have their speed reduced by 35%. Drains 4 energy per second.
Requires Chainsword and Storm Shield
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png4 per second
Dragonfire Bolts (Sternguard)   
Elite sm dragonfire ammo.png Unit(s) Sternguard veterans Loads Dragonfire Bolts that ignore cover.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Emperor's Fist   
Dow2 sm smash.png Unit(s) Dreadnought, Ven. Dread. Slams the Dreadnought's fist into the ground, dealing 35 melee damage, weapon knockback, and stunning enemy infantry for 5 seconds in radius 10. Cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Explosive Shot (Scout Squad)   
Dow2 sm explosive shot.png Unit(s) Scout Squad Fires a concussive shotgun shell, doing 200 courage damage and weapon knockback in a 90 degree, 20 radius cone. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Shotguns
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Flesh Over Steel   
Dow2 sm power fist tank shock.png Unit(s) Force Commander A mighty blow from the power fist disables the targeted vehicle for 8 seconds. Cooldown 80 seconds.
Requires Power Fist
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Force Barrier   
Dow2 sm force barrier.png Unit(s) Librarian Project an expanding psychic barrier, blocking projectiles and doing ability knockback to all infantry caught in its path. Cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Force Staff
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png30
Frag Assault   
Dow2r sm frag assault.png Unit(s) Land Raider Redeemer,Land Raider Crusader Launch a volley of grenades, knocking back and dealing heavy damage to most infantry units. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png75
Frag Grenade   
Dow2 sm frag grenade.png Unit(s) Scout Squad Throws a grenade which does up to 260 grenade damage and weapon knockback in radius 4.5. Effective against units in cover or garrison. Cooldown 75 seconds.
Requires Scout Sergeant
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Full Auto   
Dow2 sm full auto.png Unit(s) Apothecary Open fire, dealing increased damage and weapon knockback to enemies within a small area of the target. Duration 5 seconds, cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Master-Crafted Bolter
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png35
Gate of Infinity   
Dow2 sm select teleport unit.png Unit(s) Librarian Instantly teleport a targeted allied unit to the Librarian. Range 100, cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Psychic Hood
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Dow2 sm apothecary heal.png Unit(s) Apothecary Heals the targeted allied infantry unit for 110 health per model. For every 2 levels the Apothecary gains, the heal amount is increased by 20 health, and units with commander armor are healed for an additional 50 health. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Hellfire Bolts (Sternguard)   
Elite sm hellfire ammo.png Unit(s) Sternguard veterans Loads Hellfire Bolts that do 1.5 piercing_pvp damage over Time (seconds)4 seconds when hitting commanders and light infantry.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Healing Aura   
Dow2 sta larramans blessing.png Unit(s) Apothecary Allied infantry units within a radius of 25 regenerate health 200% faster (triple rate).
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
High Powered Shot   
Dow2 sm high powered shot.png Unit(s) Techmarine Fires a single, powerful shot at an enemy infantry unit, inflicting 180 sniper damage and suppressing the target. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Master-Crafted Bolter
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Infiltrate (Scouts)   
Dow2 sm infiltrate.png Unit(s) Scout Squad Become invisible. Attacking or using abilities will partially reveal the squad. Partially revealed units receive -20% damage. Can be fully revealed by detector units, capturing points or getting too close to enemy units.
Requires Elite Training
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png1.5 per second
Dow2 sm healing aura.png Unit(s) Terminator Squad, Terminator Assault Squad, Librarian Killing enemies in melee inspires (non-Terminator) allied infantry in radius 35, increasing their damage by 5% and lowering received suppression by 10% for 15 seconds. Also restores 20 courage. Passive ability.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Inspire (Dread)   
Dow2 sm healing aura.png Unit(s) Dreadnought Killing enemy units inspires allies in radius 45, removing suppression, reducing received suppression by 20%, and increasing damage by 20% for 20 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Inspire (Ven. Dread)   
Dow2 sm healing aura.png Unit(s) Ven. Dreadnought upgraded Dreadnought Killing enemy units inspires allies in radius 45, removing suppression, reducing received suppression by 35%, and increasing damage by 35% for 20 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Iron Halo   
Dow2 sm iron halo.png Unit(s) Force Commander Activates a force shield that causes damage to reduce energy rather than health and grants immunity to weapon knockback. Shield strength is 5 damage taken per 1 energy drained.
Requires Iron Halo
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png0
Jump (Assault Squad)   
Dow2 sm jump icon.png Unit(s) Assault Squad Soar through the air and land at the target location, dealing weapon knockback to enemies in radius 7. Squad is immune to suppression and receives 90% less ranged damage while airborne. 50 range, 1 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png55
Kraken Bolts   
Dow2 sm kraken bolts.png Unit(s) Tactical Marine Squad Damage (both ranged and melee) against heavy infantry armor is increased by 20% for 10 seconds. Cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Kraken Penetrator Rounds (Sternguard)   
Elite sm kraken ammo.png Unit(s) Sternguard veterans Loads Kraken Penetrator Rounds that deal 30% more damage to Heavy and Super Heavy Infantry compared to standard bolter ammunition.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Land Raider Aura   
Dow2 sta i shall not fall.png Unit(s) Land Raider Redeemer Allied infantry units within a radius of 15 are immune to suppression, receive 25% less damage, and are healed for 1% of their maximum health every 0.5 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Mark Target   
Dow2 sm mark target.png Unit(s) Techmarine Signum targeters mark an enemy unit, increasing its received damage by 50% for 10 seconds. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Signum Armor
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Melee Resistance Aura   
Dow2 sta hardened armor.png Unit(s) Heroes and most melee units This unit always takes 40% less damage from melee weapons. Does not affect damage from ranged weapons.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Melta Bomb   
Dow2 sm melta bomb.png Unit(s) Assault Squad Throw a melta bomb at an enemy vehicle or monstrous creature. Melta bombs do 200 melta damage and reduce speed by 60% for Time (seconds)15 seconds. Time (seconds)48 second cooldown.
Requires Thunder and Lightning
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Merciless Strike   
Dow2 sm merciless strike.png Unit(s) Assault Squad Lash out in the specified direction with an explosive strike dealing 20 piercing damage and weapon knockback in radius 5 along a line of length 12.5. Cooldown 40 seconds.
Requires Sergeant
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png30
No Retreat   
Dow2 sm reactive strike.png Unit(s) Terminators, some infantry units The unit cannot retreat/Fall Back.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Orbs of the Omnissiah   
Dow2 sm orbs of the omnissiah.png Unit(s) Techmarine Throws a grenade that does 150 damage to vehicles, disables vehicles for 12 seconds, inflicts 70% damage to deployable Energy Shields, and burns 100 energy from all targets in radius 10. Cooldown 50 seconds.
Requires Orbs of the Omnissiah
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Plasma Overcharge   
Dow2 sm overcharge.png Unit(s) Techmarine For 10 seconds the Techmarine's plasma gun fires with 90% reduced cooldown, 50% reduced damage, and no need to reload (see DPS calculations). At the end of the overcharge, the weapon overheats and cannot be fired for 8 seconds. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Plasma Gun
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Powerful Sweep   
Dow2 sm powerful sweep.png Unit(s) Techmarine Strike out with servo-arm and bionic enhancement, doing 45 melee damage and weapon knockback to enemies in radius 5. Cooldown 25 seconds.
Requires Bionics
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png25
Proximity Mine   
Dow2 sm proximity mine.png Unit(s) Techmarine Construct an infiltrated mine that detonates when enemy units come too close. Mines do up to 150 explosive damage in radius 7, suppress infantry, and reduce the speed of vehicles by 70% for 15 seconds.
Requires Artificer Armor
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45 Time (seconds)6
Purification Vials   
Dow2 sm toxin grenade.png Unit(s) Apothecary Throw a grenade which does 35 grenade damage in radius of 7.5 and releases a cloud causing 10 flame damage per second over 10 seconds in a radius of 15. Range 24, cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Purification Vials
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png35
Dow2 sm quickening.png Unit(s) Librarian Increases the Librarian's speed by 3 and reduces received damage by 90% for 5 seconds. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Refractor Field   
Dow2 sm refractor field.png Unit(s) Techmarine Activates a distortion field that causes damage to reduce energy rather than health and lowers the Techmarine's received accuracy by 20%. Field strength is 5 damage taken per Dow2 energy 16.png1 drained.
Requires Refractor Field
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png0
Dow2 repair icon.png Unit(s) Various squads and heroes Repair an allied vehicle or building for 10 health per second. Does not work on biological units. Cooldown 5 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Retreat Beacon   
Dow2 retreat point enabled.png Unit(s) Land Raider Redeemer, Relay Beacon When activated, all squads will retreat to this beacon instead of the HQ. Allied units may also use the beacon.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Dow2 sm smite.png Unit(s) Librarian, Terminator Librarian Fire 4 bolts of psychic lightning, each inflicting 18 plasma damage in a radius of 6. Range 50, cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Smoke Launcher   
Dow2 sm smoke launcher.png Unit(s) Razorback, Rhino Launch a smoke grenade reducing both ranged damage and received ranged damage by 80% and lowering received suppression by 90% in radius 15 for Time (seconds)8.5 seconds. Time (seconds)30 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Dow2 sm sprint.png Unit(s) Force Commander Increases the Force Commander's speed by 3 for 10 seconds. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Armor of Alacrity
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png25
Dow2 sm tactical advance.png Unit(s) Venerable Dreadnought The Dreadnought fights through death for 10 seconds and cannot be disabled, slowed, or repaired. Every second, allied infantry in radius 35 are inspired, removing 20 courage damage, reducing received courage damage by 10%, and increasing damage by 5% for 10 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Activated automatically
Tarantula Turret (Techmarine)   
Dow2 sm tarantula turret.png Unit(s) Techmarine A turret emplacement armed with heavy bolters that can suppress enemy infantry. Limited firing arc.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 req 16.png200 Dow2 pow 16.png30 Dow2 pop 16.png5 Time (seconds)15
Dow2 sm teleport.png Unit(s) Force Commander Teleports to the targeted location within 50 radius. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Requires Teleporter Pack
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Dow2 sm teleport.png Unit(s) All Terminator units Teleport to the chosen location. Range 45, cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Teleporter Relay Beacon   
Dow2 sm relay beacon.png Unit(s) Techmarine Allows allied infantry to reinforce and emits a healing aura. When the retreat beacon is active, units will retreat to the Relay Beacon instead of the HQ.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 req 16.png200 Dow2 pow 16.png30 Dow2 pop 16.png5 Time (seconds)15
Veil of Time   
Dow2 sm veil of time.png Unit(s) Librarian Increases an allied infantry unit's speed by 3 and removes all set-up time from their heavy weapons for 30 seconds. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Requires Tome of Time
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Vengeance Rounds   
Dow2 sm focused fire.png Unit(s) Devastator Marine Squad Increases damage by 75% and damage against vehicle armour by 900% for 15 seconds and increases range by 6, but suppression is disabled for the duration. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Advanced Targeting
Cost None
Vengeance Rounds (Sternguard)   
Elite sm vengeance ammo.png Unit(s) Sternguard veterans Loads Vengeance Rounds that do increased damage to Heavy and Super Heavy Infantry as well as buildings and vehicles.
Requires Default ability
Cost None