Kier Harrad

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Kier Harrad is a province on Kaurava III and of the locations in Soulstorm.


Fetid lakes punctuate squalid stretches of dull, clayish prairie. Sluggish rivers trickle water from higher elevations to lower, and once per cycle cold and bitter rain pummel the greater part these lands for weeks together. No more than a few squalid villages dot Kier Harrad although they grow larger and less desperate near the border of Nirraein.


  • Honor Guard Unit
    • Razorwing Scourge Squad (Dark Eldar)
    • Berserker Champion (Chaos)
    • Veteran Ranger Squad (Eldar)
    • Regimental Heavies (Imperial Guard)
    • Necropolis Deathtouch Guard (Necrons)
    • Wartrak (Orks)
    • Enhanced Ecclesiarchal Servitor (Sisters of Battle)
    • Senior Librarian Saribander (Space Marines)
    • Fire Warrior Bodyguard (Tau Empire)