Peninsula of Iseult

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Little was ever uncovered and little will ever be known of how the Warp Storm was unleashed on the Kaurava System's fourth habitable planet. Whether Guardsmen there grew corrupt and turned to evil worship, or whether the Storm took them unawares is an open question. What is without doubt is that the Storm's eye lay the lair of the Chaos Space Marines, and at the heart of this lair, a network of unholy and bloodstained shrines, linked somehow inextricably to the storm itself.

Although the lethal Warp Storm would flicker and squall here and there, ever shifting, a permanent conduit to the Warp was maintained between these shrines. A charged field of Immateria whirled there, certain death to any who had not given themselves over fully to Chaos. in that radiant, deadly energy field, strange shapes could be seen dancing, screaming, howling...

Any would-be conqueror of this unholy citadel would somehow have to dispel the Chaos field that protected it. To enter it would be certain death. And while it stood, nothing could reach the forces of Chaos that lurked at its center.

The Peninsula of Iseult is a province on Kaurava IV and one of the locations in Soulstorm. It is the stronghold for the Chaos forces.


"Little was ever uncovered and little will ever be known of how the Warp Storm was unleashed on the Kaurava System's fourth habitable planet. Whether Guardsman there grew corrupt and turned to evil worship, or whether the Storm took them unawares is an open question. What is without doubt is that at the Storm's eye lay the lair of the Chaos Space Marines, and at the heart of this lair, a network of unholy and bloodstained shrines, linked somehow inextricably to the storm itself.

Although the lethal Warp Storm would flicker and squall here and there, ever shifting, a permanent conduit to the Warp was maintained between these shrines. A charged field of Immateria whirled there, certain death to any who had not given themselves over fully to Chaos. In that radiant, deadly energy field, strange shapes could be seen dancing, screaming, howling...

Any would-be conqueror of this unholy citadel would somehow have to dispel the Chaos field that protected it. To enter it would be certain death. And while it stood, nothing could reach the forces of Chaos that lurked at its center."


The main Chaos Alpha HQ in the center of the map is protected by a warp area that is death to all non-chaos worshipers. The only way to remove the warp area is to destroy 5 chaos shrines that are located throughout the map. Hence, in order to defeat the chaos forces you must destroy these chaos shrines.

There are 3 requisition points located near you (though not exactly close), and the others all start out already being held by the forces of Chaos. You'll be attacked almost immediately, so unless you have strong honor guards you may need to expand cautiously.

The chaos shrines are huge statues of a Khornate Blood Thirster. The statues will defend themselves with arcane purple bolts, but with concentrated firepower you can destroy them relatively quickly.

About the time you destroy the first chaos shrine you'll be attacked by a Hell Talon, the flying unit for the forces of Chaos. When this happens you'll then get a secondary objective to destroy the (5?) Hell Talon manufacturies located throughout the map.

As you destroy each chaos shrine more of the warp area will be removed. With several of them removed, a long-ranged race like the Tau will be able to attack buildings in the central base (though not the main Stronghold, it remains fully out of range right at the center) firing from outside the remaining warp field. However, the chaos buildings in the warp area also periodically go through a short but very fast regeneration cycle; to be able to actually destroy one you have to be able to put fairly hefty firepower on it to destroy it before the next regeneration cycle occurs. You won't be able to destroy all of the buildings but you can at least "soften them up" so that they can't send as many forces out at you from the central base.


IGNORE SUPPLY LINES: Supply lines cannot be broken. While normally to collect Requisition from any specific territory there needs to be at least one unbroken path of territories you own between the one in question and your Stronghold, with this bonus even if an enemy takes one of your in-between territories and breaks the chain to the Stronghold you can still collect all of the relevant Requisition.


To do:



Lord Carron: "Ah, they are preparing their march to their doom."

First Chaos Shrine Destroyed

Lord Carron: "You think a shrine will sap my strength? No! I am strong! For here the Warp is strong! It is our power, and your weakness, and you shall DIE!"

Warp Field still active

Lord Carron: "You die today!"


Lord Carron: "Defilers! We need more. Make more! Send them - send them against the fools who dare attack us."


Chaos Sorcerer: "Taste the full power of Chaos! Taste my magics, and beg for mercy!"

Relic Taken

Chaos Space Marine: "They're at the relic! Get on board - we attack!"

Center North Shrine Attacked

Chaos Space Marine: "They're attacking the Shrine. Stop them!"

Third Shrine Destroyed

Lord Carron: "Smite them, Khorne! Smite them, my god! They destroy the shrines we made for you!How can you let them? We - we will be your fist, and we shall take them by the throat. Yes! Yes! We will!"

Fourth Shrine Destroyed

Lord Carron: "Another? Another shrine... fallen? After all our work... after all those sacrifices?"

Warp Field lifted

Lord Carron: "You will pay! Pay for tearing down our shrines! The veil is lifted, see? See the army I have! You have earned our wrath. We will spill your blood!"

Last Stand

Lord Carron: "Now is the moment! Now is the hour! Now is the time we earn glory in the eyes of the blood god Khorne, who is our master!"

Chaos Space Marine: "We fight for Chaos!"

Lord Carron: "Slay the ennemy! Slay!"


City Entrance

Necron Lord of All Kaurava: "We... bring death... to... the mad..."

First Chaos Shrine

Necron Lord of All Kaurava: "The shrine... demons... will come... from... there..."

Warp Field still active

Necron Lord of All Kaurava: "Not... yet..."


Necron Lord of All Kaurava: "Trapped..."

Hell Talons

Necron Lord of All Kaurava: "Destroy... air factories..."


City Entrance

Commander Or'es'Ka : "We must move with caution, for our enemy could easily have traps and ambushes planted among such ruin."

Commander Or'es'Ka : "We must not be daunted by the madness of our enemy."

First Chaos Shrine

Commander Or'es'Ka : "Behold this shrine of Chaos. Each shrine is a small storm, and the creatures of Chaos may Issue from it."