Shakun Coast

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The Shakun Coast is a province on Kaurava I and one of the locations in Soulstorm.


The small province formed by the habitable shore of Shakun Sea is famous for its health benefits, and for the wealthy and powerful who tend to have second homes along the water. The region boasts several proper cities, along with numerous poor fishing villages.A famed museum of xenos and mutant curiosities was closed with the arrival of Governor Stubbs, who deemed it blasphemous and heretical.


  • Honor Guard Unit
    • Nightmare Warp Beast (Dark Eldar)
    • Defiler (Chaos)
    • Harlequin Ni'iless, Mistress of Masques (Eldar)
    • Regimental Commissar (Imperial Guard)
    • Tomb Spyder (Necrons)
    • Mega Armored Nobz (Orks)
    • Flamewing Seraphim Squad (Sisters of Battle)
    • Grey Knights Justicar Squad (Space Marines)
    • Kroot Hunting Pack (Tau Empire