Retribution/Imperial Guard Bunker

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Imperial Guard Bunker
Dow2r ig bunker.png Faction Imperial Guard Health 500 Buy Reinf. Upkeep
Tier 1 Courage Dow2 requisition.png 150
Armor Building Sight radius ? Dow2 power.png 0
Size ? Detect radius ? Dow2 popcap.png 5
XP value ? Speed 0 Dow2 time.png 10
Death +? Model count 1
Melee skill
A garrisonable bunker to the battlefield. Can be upgraded to a medical bunker which heals and reinforces infantry, a repair bunker which automatically repairs vehicles, or booby trapped to deny its use to the enemy. Data version: 3.19

The Imperial Guard Bunker is a building constructed by Imperial Guard Bunker (ability) for Dow2 req 16.png150 Dow2 global 16.png75 Dow2 pop 16.png5 Time (seconds)10. It is available for all IG heroes. The bunker works similar to other garrison-able structures such as Civilian Structures and Watch Towers. It can hold up to 3 infantry squads, protects them from small arms fire and melee attacks and lets them fire their weapons from 6 windows. Opponents can capture it if it is empty, so booby trapping it might be worth considering. Attacking the Imperial Guard Bunker damages both the bunker and garrisons, but the squads garrisoned inside do receive less damage from most sources. Garrisons are quite vulnerable to anti-garrison weapons and abilities such as Ork Burna and Frag Grenade. The bunker is also vulnerable to anti-vehicle weapons and some abilities such as SM Lascannon and Storm Eagle. If the bunker is destroyed, all garrisons inside get destroyed as well. The friendly bunker can be repaired with Repair (ability) unlike other garrison-able structures. It's very important to note that garrisoned squads are only able to fire out from the 2 big side openings of the bunker, the entrance and the "front" opening (which is surrounded by two steel reinforcements) are considered blindspots.


Medi Bunker (Imperial Guard Bunker)   
Dow2r ig distribute medkit.png Unit(s) Imperial Guard Bunker Upgrades the standard Imperial Guard bunker to a medi bunker. Increases the durability of the bunker, increases the regeneration rate of allied infantry and allows infantry to reinforce around it.
Tier 1
Cost Dow2 req 16.png150 Dow2 pow 16.png50 Time (seconds)30
Repair Bunker (Imperial Guard Bunker)   
Dow2 repair icon.png Unit(s) Imperial Guard Bunker Upgrades the standard Imperial Guard bunker to a repair bunker. Increases the durability of the bunker and will repair nearby allied vehicles.
Tier 1
Cost Dow2 req 16.png150 Dow2 pow 16.png50 Time (seconds)30
Booby Trap Bunker (Imperial Guard Bunker)   
Dow2 ork booby trap.png Unit(s) Imperial Guard Bunker Booby trap the bunker with Catachan demolition charges and improvised explosives. Once booby trapped you can detonate explosives at any time destroying the bunker and anything inside.
Tier 1
Cost Dow2 req 16.png100 Dow2 pow 16.png15 Time (seconds)30


1. Natural Enemies

First of all, beware of Scouts, Kommando Nob and Kommandoz because they can sneak and insta-kill your garrisons with their Grenades. Artillery units especially Manticore and Stikkbommaz are deadly as well because they can bombard your bunker from outside of your vision without sound alerts.

Warp Spider Exarch, Ravener Alpha, Chaos Sorcerer, Inquisitor and Webway Gate also have various abilities such as teleporting, tunneling or infiltration to surprise-attack your bunker. But they don't matter if your opponents are computers because they rarely combine those abilities with anti-garrison squads.

Probably it is wise to leave your bunkers empty if these hard-counters roam the battlefield.

2. Field Hospital

The Medi Bunker is a very durable version of Teleporter Relay Beacon; heals and reinforces allied infantry nearby. Unlike the beacon, the bunker itself is nearly formidable against Flamers thanks for it's "building" (NOT "building_defense") armor, making it difficult for your opponents to demolish your bunker without artillery or tanks. IG is very good at war of attrition mostly thanks for Guardsmen's low reinforcement cost. And having one field hospital is very helpful for you to win that war, I hope. This strategy is recommended especially when you don't deploy Chimera.

Note that your opponents may capture and benefit from your bunker. But probably it does not really matter because your bunker is too far for your opponents to hold. If your opponents hold your bunker really good, bombard it from your HQ with your Manticore.

3. Repair Station

The Repair Bunker is nothing more than a repair version of the Medi Bunker; repairs allied vehicles nearby. It repairs each of allied vehicles by 20 health per second almost as fast as one Guardsman Infantry Squad. It cannot repair buildings such as turrets and the bunker itself. If you deploy only one vehicle, probably one more Guardsmen is better than the bunker. But It worth a shot if you deploy two or more vehicles, I believe.

By the way, Space Marines say that the knowledge is power and guard it well. The positions of your tanks are one of your top-secrets and the Repair Bunker may tell that secret to the enemy. It does not matter if you rely on Leman Russ because they can relocate quick. But if you deploy the Baneblade; our holy armor against human players, it might worth to consider.

4. Machinegun Nest

The Heavy Weapon Squad provides an excellent suppression or firepower but also is vulnerable to melee, suppression, knockback and even taking damage. The bunker offers all mandatory protections for them. Perhaps it's a good idea to let them garrison there, I suppose.

As I mentioned above, the biggest threat for them is Grenades and Artillery. But it does not really matter until your Catachan's energy runs out. If your opponent throws a Grenade to your bunker, throw your Smoke Grenade there as well. It is slightly odd though, Smoke Grenades mitigate any sorts of incoming splash damages including Grenades, Artillery and Abilities, resulting in saving your Heavy Weapon Squad. Note that Smoke Grenade has zero cooldown. So you don't have to worry about second incoming Grenade as long as your Catachan has energy. By the way, Smoke Grenades decrease outgoing damage though, they do NOT decrease outgoing suppression. So suppression teams can do their jobs effectively even in a smoke cloud.

Also make sure to position the bunker correctly so that the 2 big side openings is facing open terrain. This will allow up to a maximum of three heavy weapons to fire out from whatever side the enemy happens to be (if you have 3 HWT squads stationed inside), in addition to normal lasgun fire.

This strategy is recommended if you deploy both the Catachan Devils and Heavy Weapon Squad. It works outside of the bunker as well.

5. Lord General's Private Sniper Nest

My favorite strategy. Give Lord General a Sniper Rifle, shoot enemy infantry and fallback to the bunker when opponents come. Focus fire on enemy Flamers and Snipers if possible. It is nearly impossible for early infantry to take him out from his bunker without Flamers or Snipers because he can survive 2 or 3 Frag Grenades.