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This page is about a Dawn of War: Soulstorm multiplayer and single-player commander unit. For previous versions, see Dawn of War.

Librarian Dow2 dec hero anti infantry melee.png
Commander (Secondary)
DoWSSSpaceMarinesCommanderLibrarian.png Faction Space Marines Health 1400 Morale 600 Sight 40
Build by Sacred Artifact Health+ 1700 Morale regen 12 Detect 30
Armor Commander Health++ 2000 Morale boost 150 Limit 1/1
DoWSSResourceRequisition.png 245 Tier 2 Regen 2 Morale regen boost 1 Build time 54
DoWSSResourcePower.png 80 Mass 25 Regen+ 3 Morale break 49 (8%)
Speed 16 Regen++ 4 Morale death penal. 250
Description Commander Unit (Secondary). Boosts morale recovery when attached to squads. Psychic unit with many powerful abilities focused on weakening enemy resolve. Detects infiltrated units.


"Knowledge is power, guard it well."

Space Marine Librarians use their psychic powers to unleash devastating attacks on their enemies, as well as augmenting their own physical prowess. Space Marine Librarians can make special psychic attacks against their opponents.

Librarians are responsible for all interstellar communication, with the power to project their minds through warp space. They are also the adjudicators of the Chapter's psychic population, dividing psychic mutants into those whose powers are dangerous and those whose powers may be used by the Imperium. Only the most powerful of those suitable psykers can become a Space Marine Librarian.

Librarians are also charged with defending their chapter from all manners of psychic and daemonic attacks. The Lexicanums are charged with recording the Chapter's History.

Librarians are armed with mighty force weapons.


The Librarian is not meant for frontline combat like the Force Commander. Although he can hold his own in melee for a while, dedicated melee troops will eventually defeat him. What makes him so powerful are his abilities, and these should be applied liberally to get the most out of the Librarian. The Librarian is generally best attached to a Space Marine Squad or Terminator Squad since the melee-focused Grey Knights and Assault Terminator Squads are better served by having the physically powerful Force Commander or healing Chaplain attached.

The Librarian's default attack mode is Ranged Stance, an obvious hint to the player that the Librarian is not suited to melee combat. However, when fighting buildings with emplaced weapons, the Librarian's Force Weapon (even when unupgraded) does more damage per second than the Bolt Pistol. And, as with the Force Commander, the Librarian is very effective against relic units and has a special sync kill if he can slay an Avatar of Khaine.

One thing to note is that the Smite ability recharges very quickly. One Smite on a squad will inflict severe damage and/or kill it instantly. It's best used when massed amounts of enemy troops are in the blast radius (especially Guardsmen). It is also very effective at dealing with the Tau Harbinger Drone and Drone Squads, units that the slow firing Space Marine Squad's Missile Launchers are poorly suited for.

Weaken Resolve is not used often, though it can be used in conjunction with the Chaplain's Demoralizing Shout Ability to make an enemy squad almost completely ineffective in combat for the duration of the ability. If the enemy doesn't have an ability to restore his squad's morale manually, their morale will not restore on its own until Weaken Resolve wears off.

Word of the Emperor is a must use, as it grants the ability to prevent all Space Marines within its area of effect from dying. However, the Librarian is not affected by the power and killing him will halt the effect. Attach him to a large squad to prevent enemies from being able to focus too much firepower on him; his Commander armor should allow him to weather a bit. Do note that it does not prevent your Marines from taking damage; it only stops their health counter from dropping below 1. If they take enough damage, they will be left at only 1 HP when the 20 second effect ends, and will thus subsequently die to any damage. If any enemies are left standing, try to pull back any squads that are in this condition just before the effect ends. This is worth doing, as rapid Chaplain plus Dawn of War/Apothecary healing will quickly regen them back to fighting condition.



Smite Hotkey: E
[1] Requires Nothing
Target Types any enemy Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Vehicle, and Daemon Medium
Range 25
Area of effect 10 Cooldown time 75 s
Effects Damages enemies within the area of effect.
Damage Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High Morale Min Max Min.D
240-320 180-240 180-240 240-320 240-320 - 240-320 240-320 240-320 - - - - 240-320 - 20 300 400 100

Weaken Resolve

Weaken Resolve Hotkey: K
[2] Requires Weaken Resolve Research
Target Types enemy Infantry, Heavy Infantry, and Deamons
Range 25
Area of effect 10 Cooldown time 60 s
Effects Reduces morale regeneration of the targeted squad by 90% for 40 seconds.

Word of the Emperor

Word of the Emperor Hotkey: W
[3] Requires Word of the Emperor Research
Target Types friendly Infantry, Heavy Infantry, and Daemons
Range None
Area of effect 20 Cooldown time 180 s
Effects For 20 seconds the infantry you control in the area of effect take damage but cannot be killed and have double morale regeneration.


Bolt Pistol

Bolt Pistol
[4] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 20.7 28.8 20.1 31.1 20.3 14.9 11.6 6.2 2.7 11.6 23.3 4.1 2.7 30.2 7.4 2.1 4 34.0 41.0 2.5

Cost Default Weapon Range 25 Setup Time None
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 85% Refire Rate 0.8 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing

Power Sword

Power Sword
[5] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 26.4 58.1 52.9 62.7 53.6 26.4 34.0 30.2 49.1 0.6 23.4 11.3 10.6 68.7 19.6 25 50 63.0 88.0 5.0

Cost Default Weapon Range Melee Setup Time None
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 100% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing

Weapon Upgrades

Plasma Pistol

Plasma Pistol
[6] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 48.0 46.4 46.7 72.0 47.1 28.2 26.9 14.4 3.3 26.9 28.2 9.6 3.3 46.9 17.1 3.3 10 136.0 148.0 5

Cost See Wargear: Plasma Pistols Range 25 Setup Time None
Build Time See Wargear: Plasma Pistols Accuracy 65% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect None Requires Wargear: Plasma Pistols
Notes The Plasma Pistol permanently replaces the Bolt Pistol when researched

Force Weapon

Force Weapon
[7] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 30.5 64.4 58.6 69.3 59.4 29.7 38.0 33.8 82.5 8.2 26.4 13.2 12.4 75.9 82.5 25 50 75.0 90.0 5.0
With Commander Veteran Upgrade: 35.1 74.0 67.4 79.7 68.3 34.2 43.6 38.9 94.9 9.5 30.4 15.2 14.2 87.3 94.9 25 50 86.25 103.5 5.0
With Commander Hero Upgrade: 41.3 87.1 79.3 93.8 80.4 40.2 51.4 45.8 111.7 11.2 35.7 17.9 16.8 102.8 111.7 25 50 99.2 124.2 5.0
With Wargear: Power Fist: 36.6 77.2 70.3 83.2 71.3 35.6 45.5 40.6 99.0 10.0 31.7 15.8 14.9 91.1 99.0 25 50 90 108 5.0
With Wargear: Power Fist + Commander Veteran Upgrade: 42.1 88.8 80.8 95.6 82.0 41.0 52.4 46.7 113.9 11.4 36.4 18.2 17.0 104.7 113.9 25 50 103.5 124.2 5.0
With Wargear: Power Fist + Commander Hero Upgrade: 49.6 104.5 95.2 112.6 96.5 48.3 61.7 55.0 134.0 13.4 42.9 21.4 20.1 123.3 134.0 25 50 103.5 124.2 5.0

Cost See Wargear: Power Weapons Range Melee Setup Time None
Build Time See Wargear: Power Weapons Accuracy 100% Refire Rate 1 s
Area of Effect None Requires Wargear: Power Weapons
Notes The Force Weapon permanently replaces the Power Sword when researched

Researchable Upgrades

Commander Veteran Upgrade

Commander Veteran Upgrade Hotkey: P
[8] Cost [9] 100 [10] 25  Research Time 40 s
Researched From Sacred Artifact
Requires Monastery
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Force Commander by 400
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Librarian by 300
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Chaplain by 250
  • Health regeneration of all commanders increased by 1
  • Ability recharge time of all commanders reduced by 10%
  • Increases Damage of the Daemonhammer, Force Weapon and Crozius Arcanum by 15%

Commander Hero Upgrade

Commander Hero Upgrade Hotkey: P
[11] Cost [12] 125 [13] 50  Research Time 40 s
Researched From Sacred Artifact
Requires Fortress Monastery, Commander Veteran Upgrade
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Force Commander by 400
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Librarian by 300
  • Increases Hitpoints of the Chaplain by 250
  • Health regeneration of all commanders increased again by 1
  • Ability recharge time of all commanders reduced 10% (a total of a 19% reduction)
  • Increases Damage of Daemonhammer by 20% (38% total)
  • Increases minimum Damage of Force Weapon by 15% (32% total) and maximum damage by 20% (38% total)
  • Increases Damage of Crozius Arcanum by 15% (32% total)

Weaken Resolve Research

Weaken Resolve Research Hotkey: K
[14] Cost [15] 40 [16] 50  Research Time 45 s
Researched From Sacred Artifact
Requires Monastery
Effects Allows the Librarian to use the Weaken Resolve ability.

Word of the Emperor Research

Word of the Emperor Research Hotkey: W
[17] Cost [18] 75 [19] 50  Research Time 45 s
Researched From Sacred Artifact
Requires Fortress Monastery
Effects Allows the Librarian to use the Word of the Emperor ability.

Wargear: Plasma Pistols

Wargear: Plasma Pistols Hotkey: L
[20] Cost [21] 50 [22] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Armoury
Requires Nothing
Effects Replaces the Bolt Pistol of the Force Commander, Librarian, Chaplain, Sergeant and Assault Sergeant with a Plasma Pistol

Wargear: Power Weapons

Wargear: Power Weapons Hotkey: P
[23] Cost [24] 50 [25] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Armoury
Requires Nothing

Wargear: Power Fist

Wargear: Power Fist Hotkey: P
[26] Cost [27] 50 [28] 20  Research Time 30 s
Researched From Armoury
Requires Wargear: Power Weapons, Monastery

Additional links

Space Marines

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