Retribution/Imperial Guard/Units

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Rt ig banewolf.png Bane Wolf Dow2 tier2.png Equipped with a chem cannon, the Bane Wolf is a fast assault vehicle that belches toxic clouds of acidic poison gas.
Rt ig baneblade.png Baneblade Dow2 tier3.png Super heavy battle tank armed with numerous weapons. Autofire on the main cannon is disabled. Use its abilities to fire from the main gun.
Rt ig devils squad.png Catachan Devils Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged aoe.png Seasoned jungle fighters effective in close combat, who also carry versatile ranged weapons. Squad leaders are always the last to die. Can detect infiltrated units.
Rt ig chimera.png Chimera Dow2 tier2.png Transports infantry units across the battlefield and allows nearby squads to reinforce. Loaded troops add to the Chimera's firepower.
Rt ig guardsmen.png Guardsman Infantry Squad Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged.png Basic ranged unit effective against other ranged forces but weak in melee. Can be upgraded with squad leaders that increase the squad size. Leaders will be the last to die.
Rt ig heavy weapon squad.png Heavy Weapon Squad Dow2 tier1.png Dow2 dec suppression.png Equipped with a Heavy Bolter that suppresses large groups of infantry, has a limited firing arc and requires set-up time. Can be upgraded to a Lascannon or an Autocannon.
Rt ig leman russ.png Leman Russ Dow2 tier3.png A multi-purpose battle tank. Can be upgraded with weapons more effective versus infantry or vehicles.
Rt ig manticore.png Manticore Dow2 tier2.png Mobile artillery unit that fires missile barrages.
Rt ig ogryn squad.png Ogryn Squad Dow2 tier2.png Dow2 dec anti infantry melee 2.png Ogryns are tough ogre-like brutes who excel in close combat and are excellent at disrupting enemy ranged units. Can be upgraded with a Bone 'ead.
Rt ig sentinel.png Sentinel Dow2 tier1.png Fast and maneuverable vehicle that is fragile and vulnerable to small arms fire. Ideal for contributing to ranged fire fights or kiting melee units. Can de-capture points.
Rt ig stormtrooper squad.png Storm Trooper Squad Dow2 tier2.png Dow2 dec anti infantry ranged 2.png Elite ranged infantry equipped with hot shot lasguns. Can be upgraded to fulfill different roles.