Retribution/Imperial Guard/Abilities

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Activate Frag Missiles   
Dow2r ig frag missile.png Unit(s) Sentinel Load frag missiles, effective against infantry. ~24 DPS grenade launcher damage.
Requires Missile Launcher
Cost None
Activate Krak Missiles   
Dow2r ig krak missile.png Unit(s) Sentinel Load krak missiles, effective against vehicles. ~8.2 DPS explosive damage.
Requires Missile Launcher
Cost None
Dow2r ig assail.png Unit(s) Inquisitor Immobilizes the targeted infantry squad, dealing 500 courage damage and 7.5 piercing damage every second for up to 10 seconds. The Inquisitor must remain stationary or the target is freed. Cooldown Time (seconds)50.
Requires Excruciators
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Back in the Fight!   
Dow2r ig back in the fight.png Unit(s) Lord General The General recites a prayer for his troops, increasing the health regeneration of allied infantry in radius 30 by 2 hp/s for 20 seconds. Affects the Lord General and his retinue. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Stabilizers
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Call Reinforcements   
Dow2r ig valkyrie support.png Unit(s) Lord General The General radios in a Valkyrie gunship to drop off reinforcements, reinforcing any allied Imperial Guard squads in radius 35 to full strength. 90 second cooldown.
Requires Vox Operator
Cost Dow2 req 16.png150 Dow2 energy 16.png70
Chem Bomb   
Dow2cr csm bilious discharge.png Unit(s) Bane Wolf Fires a massive burst of chemicals that leave a 15 radius toxic patch on the ground for 10 seconds, reducing the speed of infantry by 60% and inflicting them with 10 damage every second. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Conversion Field   
Dow2r ig inquisitor toggled shield.png Unit(s) Inquisitor Activate a conversion field that causes damage to reduce energy rather than health. Field strength is 5 damage taken per 1 energy drained.
Requires Rosarius
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png0
Crippling Volley   
Dow2r ig crippling volley.png Unit(s) Inquisitor Fires a volley of bolts in radius 10, inflicting 20 damage on enemy infantry and immobilizing them for 8 seconds. Cooldown Time (seconds)65.
Requires Crossbow Bolt Pistol
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Deployable Cover   
Dow2r ig deployable cover.png Unit(s) Guardsman Infantry Squad Construct cover (30 health, building, small) in the field. Cover blocks enemy melee troops and grants directional (heavy/green) cover to units behind it. Build time depends on # of Guardsmen (up to 6 models).
Requires Default ability
Cost Time (seconds)4.2–25 per block
Distribute Medi-kit   
Dow2r ig distribute medkit.png Unit(s) Lord General The General equips an allied infantry unit with a medi-kit, which can be deployed at will and heals the unit for 100 health per squad member. Medi-kits cannot be given to the command squad or any target who already has one. 10 second cooldown.
Requires Sergeant
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Explosive Shot (Catachan Devils)   
Dow2 sm explosive shot.png Unit(s) Catachan Devils Fires a concussive shotgun shell, doing 200 courage damage and weapon knockback in a 90 degree, 20 radius cone. Time (seconds)50 cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Fight Harder!   
Dow2r ig flames.png Unit(s) Lord General The General presses his men to double their efforts, reducing the weapon cooldown of your infantry in radius 35 by 40% for 20 seconds. The Lord General is not affected, but members of his retinue are. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Meltaguns
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Fire Baneblade Cannon   
Dow2r ig fire main gun.png Unit(s) Baneblade Fires the Baneblade Cannon at the target, dealing up to 450 explosive damage in radius 4. Units struck by cannon do weapon knockback to all targets in radius 4. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Fire Demolisher Cannon   
Dow2r ig fire demolisher.png Unit(s) Baneblade Fires the Demolisher Cannon at the target position, dealing up to 400 explosive damage in radius 10. Units struck by the cannon do weapon knockback to all targets in radius 4. 30 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Fire on my target!   
Dow2r ig take aim.png Unit(s) Lord General The General exhorts his men to take greater aim, increasing the range of your infantry in radius 35 by 35% for 15 seconds. The Lord General is not affected, but members of his retinue are. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Sniper Rifle
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Ground Pound   
Dow2r ig ground pound.png Unit(s) Sentinel The Sentinel slams the ground, doing 20 melee damage and weapon knockback to enemy infantry in radius 7. Targets are stunned for 5 seconds. Cooldown 35 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Hammer of the Witches   
Rt ig hammer of the witches.png Unit(s) Inquisitor Inflicts 100 damage on a single targeted infantry model and stuns it for 3.5 seconds. A successful hit with this ability increase the Inquisitor's damage by 5% for 20 seconds. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Holy Pyre   
Dow2r ig holy pyre.png Unit(s) Inquisitor Ignites the target area in holy flame for 30 seconds. Enemies in radius 18 are inflicted with 4 damage per second and enemies in radius 30 have their damage reduced by 20%. The pyre has a vision radius of 30 and a detection radius of 20. Cooldown Time (seconds)40.
Requires Holy Brazier
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Dow2r ig impenetrable.png Unit(s) Inquisitor The Inquisitor's speed is increased by 3 and she becomes invulnerable for 10 seconds. Cooldown Time (seconds)85.
Requires Inquisitorial Mandate
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Improvised Explosives   
Dow2 ork booby trap.png Unit(s) Catachan Devils The Demolition Man arms a remote bomb, considered infiltrated once set up. When detonated, the bomb does 60 detonation damage and ability knockback in radius 3 and a further 120 detonation damage in radius 6. Cooldown Time (seconds)60.
Requires Demolition Man
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40 Time (seconds)5
Dow2r ig def formation.png Unit(s) Lord General The General sets his men in a defensive formation, decreasing incoming ranged damage to your infantry in radius 35 by 30% for 20 seconds. Affects the Lord General and his retinue. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Flak Jacket
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Infiltrate (Storm Troopers)   
Dow2r ig infiltrate.png Unit(s) Storm Trooper Squad Become invisible. Attacking or using abilities will partially reveal the squad. Partially revealed units have received damage lowered by 20%. Can be fully revealed by detector units, capturing points, or getting too close to enemy units. Drains 1.5 energy per second.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png10 then Dow2 energy 16.png1.5 per second
Inspire Courage   
Dow2r ig inspire courage.png Unit(s) Commissar Lord Execute one man to inspire the rest. The targeted allied Imperial Guard non-hero model is killed, increasing the damage of its squad by 100% for 15 seconds. Stops an in-progress retreat, and the unit cannot retreat for the duration of the buff. 50 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Inspire Determination   
Dow2r ig inspire defiance.png Unit(s) Commissar Lord Execute one man to inspire the rest. The targeted allied Imperial Guard non-hero model is killed, rendering its squad immune to suppression and knockback and increasing its damage by 100% for 15 seconds. This ability will break a retreat, and the unit cannot retreat for the duration of the buff. 50 second cooldown.
Requires Bionic Eye
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Inspire Terror   
Dow2r ig inspire terror.png Unit(s) Commissar Lord Execute one of your men, or one of the enemies. If used on your units, they receive the effects of Inspire Courage. When used on an enemy non-hero infantry unit, the target receives 300 piercing damage and its squad has its damage reduced by 50% for 15 seconds. 50 second cooldown.
Requires Flak Jacket
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Dow2r ig holy bullet.png Unit(s) Inquisitor Judge an enemy non-building target. Judged units are inflicted with 1 damage every second for 60 seconds, during which time they may be subjected to Judgement. Using this ability replaces it with Judgement, allowing the Inquisitor to inflict massive damage to the Judged target. Cooldown Time (seconds)20.
Requires Inferno Pistol
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Dow2r ig holy bullet 02.png Unit(s) Inquisitor A shot from the Inquisitor's inferno pistol delivers holy judgement to the target of Judge, dealing up to 400 judge_shot_av damage and weapon knockback in radius 6. There is a 20 second delay before you can use this ability, and if it is not used in 60 seconds, the target escapes Judgement and must be Judged again.
Requires Inferno Pistol
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Lead by Example   
Dow2r ig lead by example.png Unit(s) Commissar Lord Increases speed by 2 and grants special attacks on every strike for 15 seconds. Allied infantry in radius 35 have their damage increased by 10% for 15 seconds, and each of the Commissar Lord's attacks adds the bonus again. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Power Sword
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Melee Resistance Aura   
Dow2 sta hardened armor.png Unit(s) Heroes and most melee units This unit always takes 40% less damage from melee weapons. Does not affect damage from ranged weapons.
Requires Default ability
Cost Always active
Melta Bomb (Storm Troopers)   
Dow2 sm melta bomb.png Unit(s) Storm Trooper Squad Throws a melta bomb at an enemy vehicle or monstrous creature. Melta bombs do 200 melta damage and reduce speed by 60% for 15 seconds. 48 second cooldown.
Requires Anti-Armor Kit
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Move! Move! Move!   
Dow2r ig double time.png Unit(s) Lord General The General spurs his men to make greater haste, increasing the speed of your infantry in radius 35 by 67% for 15 seconds. The Lord General is not affected, but members of his retinue are. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Grenade Launchers
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Multi-laser Turret   
Dow2r ig tarantula multilas.png Unit(s) Guardsman Infantry Squad Construct a Multi-laser Turret; a light fire support turret that causes no suppression. Build time depends on the number of Guardsmen to build it (up to 6 models). Can be reclaimed to regain Dow2 req 16.png75 Dow2 pow 16.png2.5 (salvage process takes Time (seconds)10).
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 req 16.png150 Dow2 pow 16.png5 Dow2 pop 16.png5 Time (seconds)10–60
None Shall Fall!   
Dow2 sm adv healing.png Unit(s) Commissar Lord Inspires nearby units to fight on in the face of death. For the next 30 seconds, allied infantry in radius 20 of the Commissar Lord cannot be killed, although they take damage normally. The Commissar himself can still fall. 85 second cooldown.
Requires Fist of Brockus
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Off Map Artillery   
Dow2r ig surgical strike.png Unit(s) Commissar Lord Call down 3 Basilisk artillery rounds after a 3.5 second delay. Each round does up to 180 Manticore rocket damage and weapon knockback in radius 10. 120 second cooldown.
Requires The Emperor's Wrath
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Ol' Reliable   
Dow2r ig sniper squad targeted grenades.png Unit(s) Catachan Devils Fires a volley of three grenades that each deal up to 40 barbed strangler damage in radius 4. Units struck by Ol' Reliable do weapon knockback to all targets in radius 5. Cooldown Time (seconds)30.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png55
Dow2r ig purgation.png Unit(s) Inquisitor Unleashes a wave of fiery purgation to wipe away the Inquisitor's quarry. Enemy infantry struck by the expanding ring are stunned for 4 seconds, and enemies in radius 5 of ring's termination are inflicted with 200 damage. Cooldown Time (seconds)75.
Requires Purgatus
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png50
Refractor Field (Commissar Lord)   
Dow2 sm iron halo.png Unit(s) Commissar Lord Activates a refractor field that causes damage to reduce energy rather than health and grants immunity to weapon knockback. Field strength is 2.5 damage taken per 1 energy drained.
Requires Default ability
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png0
Refractor Field (Lord General)   
Dow2r ig refractor field.png Unit(s) Lord General The General deploys a refractor field on his position in radius 8, reducing the received ranged damage of all infantry within it by 55%. 90 second cooldown.
Requires Commissar
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png60
Dow2 repair icon.png Unit(s) Various squads and heroes Repair an allied vehicle or building for 10 health per second. Does not work on biological units. Cooldown 5 seconds.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Dow2r ig invisibility.png Unit(s) Inquisitor Infiltrates an allied infantry squad for 30 seconds. Cooldown Time (seconds)1.
Requires Interrogator's Armor
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png55
Smoke Grenade   
Dow2 sm smoke launcher.png Unit(s) Catachan Devils Throws a smoke grenade that covers a 15 radius area for 8.5 seconds, reducing both ranged ramage and received ranged damage by 80% and lowering received suppression by 90%. Cooldown Time (seconds)0.
Requires Demolition Man
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png40
Stand Firm   
Dow2r ig stand firm.png Unit(s) Lord General The General commands his troops to stand firm, making any allied Imperial Guard infantry in radius 30 immune to suppression for 15 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
Requires Carapace Armor
Cost Dow2 energy 16.png45
Storm Eagle   
Dow2r ig manticore shot.png Unit(s) Manticore Fires 4 Storm Eagle rockets in quick succession at the targeted area. Each rocket does up to 180 Manticore rocket damage and weapon knockback in radius 10. 45 second cooldown.
Requires Default ability
Cost None
Summary Execution   
Dow2r ig inspire determination.png Unit(s) Guardsman Infantry Squad The Commissar executes one of the Guardsmen for cowardice, instantly breaking the squad's retreat. Cooldown Time (seconds)60.
Requires Commissar
Cost 1 model
Use yer 'ead!   
Dow2 ig use your ead.png Unit(s) Ogryn Squad The squad charges head first for 7 seconds, increasing their speed by 3, crushing all obstacles in their way, and doing weapon knockback in radius 6 every 5 seconds. The Ogryns forget to fire their ranged weapons while charging. Cooldown Time (seconds)45.
Requires Bone 'ead
Cost None