Soulstorm/Land Raider

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This page is about Dawn of War: Soulstorm multiplayer and single-player units. For previous versions, see Dawn of War.

Land Raider
Dow sm land raider icon.png Dow2 dec hero anti everything ranged 2 aoe.png Faction Space Marines Health 10.000 Buy Reinf.
Tier 3 Morale Dow req.png 400
Built by Machine Cult Sight radius 30 Dow pow.png 400
Armor Vehicle High Detect radius 0 Dow squ.png
Mass 80 Speed 24 Dow veh.png 3
Model count / Build time 90
Ultimate (relic) unit of the Space Marines. A very heavy transporter, well-armed against all targets. Data version: 1.2

Land Raider

"Death has arrived."

The mighty Land Raider is at the very top of Space Marine armoured technology. Its construction blueprints were discovered millennia ago in a half functioning Standard Template Construct, and since then is has served the Space Marine Legions and later Chapters as a heavily armoured and armed personnel carrier. Although it is rightly feared by the enemies of the Imperium for its Heavy Bolters and Lascannons, the Land Raider's most powerful weapon is its capability to readily transport a whole Terminator Squad right into the heart of battle.


The Land Raider is the pinnacle of the Space Marine vehicles. It has massive health, and can absorb even more damage with its Machine Spirit ability. It does great damage against all enemy types and is the only vehicle able to transport a Terminator Squad.

The only strategy regarding the Land Raider is get it out as soon as possible and don't send it out unsupported. Other than that, sit back and watch it pulverize your enemies.

The land raider's best role is anti-vehicle. Keeping a full terminator squad armed with assault cannons will provide much needed anti-infantry firepower and an attached force commander will provide periodical disruption with orbital bombardment. A land raider with support from terminators and a force commander is usually enough to win most battles on its own. A whirlwind for constant desruption will make it even more deadly.

To make the Land Raider's life last longer, a Servitor should be loaded in the Land Raider, and when the slaughter is over/still going, the Servitor can come out and repair it, go back in, and so on.

One of the notable weak points of the Land Raider is that its attacks have no disruption, and it therefore will not cause as much chaos as other relic units.


Transport Vehicle

Transport Vehicle
[1] Requires Nothing
Target Types Friendly units capable of being transported
Range None
Area of effect None Cooldown time Passive ability
Effects Can transport any one squad of Infantry except Assault Marines.

Machine Spirit

Machine Spirit Hotkey: M
[2] Requires Nothing
Target Types Self
Range None
Area of effect None Cooldown time 180 s
Effects Reduces ranged damage received by 40% for 15 seconds

Death Explosion

Death Explosion
[3] Requires Nothing
Target Types Any friendly units or buildings
Range Self
Area of effect Variable Cooldown time None
Effects When the Land Raider is destroyed, there is a chance the Land Raider will explode and send nearby units flying in one and only one of the following ways. Each explosion's chance is calculated one by one in a random order:
  • 25% chance to do 7-8 damage, 20 morale damage, and 35-45 throw force in a radius of 11 (this explosion affects all nearby units, not just friendlies)
  • 25% chance to do 10-15 damage, 25 morale damage, and 20-40 throw force in a radius of 2
  • 25% chance to do 15-25 damage, 35 morale damage, and 25-55 throw force in a radius of 2
  • 25% chance to do 22.5-37.5 damage, 50 morale damage, and 25-60 throw force in a radius of 2


Twin-Linked Lascannon

The Land Raider has a sponson mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon on each side of its chassis. They have been listed only once for convenience.

Twin-Linked Lascannon
[4] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 23.8 22.0 22.0 23.1 22.0 18.5 165.0 110.0 78.7 165.0 110.0 77.0 44.0 52.4 78.7 6.7 50 770 880 20

Cost Default Weapon Range 40 Setup Time None
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 80% Refire Rate 3 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing
Notes The left Twin-Linked Lascannon has different damage values for Daemon Medium (23.8), Daemon High (56.7), and Vehicle High (56.7).

Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
[5] Damage Per Second Values
Infantry Vehicles Buildings Daemons Morale Base Damage
Low Med High H.Med H.Hi Cmdr Low Med High Air Low Med High Med High DPS Base Min Max Min.D
Initial DPS: 109.2 283.1 297.3 112.3 104.8 82.4 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 112.3 101.1 13.5 12 116.0 216.8 22

Cost Default Weapon Range 35 Setup Time None
Build Time Default Weapon Accuracy 90% Refire Rate 0.4 s
Area of Effect None Requires Nothing

Additional links

Space Marines (Soulstorm) Servitor (Soulstorm) Scout Marine Squad (Soulstorm) "Tactical" Space Marine Squad (Soulstorm) Assault Marine Squad (Soulstorm) Grey Knights (Soulstorm) Terminator Squad (Soulstorm) Assault Terminator Squad (Soulstorm) Skull Probe (Soulstorm) Apothecary (Soulstorm) Rhino (Soulstorm) Land Speeder (Soulstorm) Dreadnought(Soulstorm) Hellfire Dreadnought (Soulstorm) Land Speeder Tempest (Soulstorm) Predator (Soulstorm) Whirlwind (Soulstorm) Force Commander (Soulstorm) Librarian (Soulstorm) Chaplain (Soulstorm) Land Raider (Soulstorm)

Sisters of Battle (Soulstorm) Ecclesiarchal servitor (Soulstorm) Missionary (Soulstorm) Battle Sister Squad (Soulstorm) Seraphim Squad (Soulstorm) Celestian Squad (Soulstorm) Death-Cult_Assassin (Soulstorm) Repentia Squad (Soulstorm) Avenging angel (Soulstorm) Rhino transport (Soulstorm) Immolator (Soulstorm) Lightning fighter (Soulstorm) Exorcist (Soulstorm) Penitent engine (Soulstorm) Canoness (Soulstorm) Confessor (Soulstorm) Living Saint (Soulstorm)

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